Главная > CRW Publishing > Книга «Macbeth»
О чем не говорят конспирологи


Издательство: CRW Publishing, 2010
Жанр: CRW Publishing
Страниц: 208 страниц

ID книги: 070370
Загрузил: anatoly_24,

Dark and violent, Macbeth is also the most theatrically spectacular of Shakespeare's tragedies. Promised a golden future as ruler of Scotland by three sinister witches, Macbeth murders the king to ensure his ambitions come true. But he soon learns the meaning of terror — killing once, he must kill again and again, and the dead return to haunt him. A story of war, witchcraft and bloodshed, Macbeth also depicts the relationship between husbands and wives, and the risks they are prepared to take to achieve their desires.

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