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Книги издательства «Wiley»
The Wall Street Waltz: 90 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated Lessons from Financial Cycles and Trends
Автор: Kenneth L. Fisher
Издательство: Wiley, 2007
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 240 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 22 апреля 2012
   «The Wall Street Waltz Introducing the new Fisher Investment SeriesComprised of engaging and informative titles written by renowned money manager and bestselling author Ken Fisher, this series offers essential insights into the worlds of investing and finance. «Any investor who fails to read and heed Ken Fisher's book will have only himself (or herself) to blame if he loses his shirt in the market. Using simple words and dramatic charts, Fisher packs a whole financial education into one neat package.» James W. Michaels, Editor Emeritus and Group Vice President-Editorial, Forbes, Inc. «Ken's book vividly presents a complete picture of the stock market's history-a vital tool for the savvy investor.» Charles R. Schwab, founder, Chairman, and CEO, The Charles Schwab Corporation «If a picture is worth a thousand words, then these charts could be worth your life savings.» William E. Donoghue, Chairman, W. E. Donoghue Co., Inc. «Ken Fisher's clear, insightful analysis makes this a compelling book. For information and entertainment, this is a book to turn to again, and again, and again.» David Dreman, founder, Chairman, and CIO, Dreman Value Management, LLC.»
Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking
Автор: Dobbert Tim
Издательство: Wiley, 2012
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 325 страниц
Загрузил: pupsik, 26 марта 2016
   Get your foot in the studio door by learning the art of matchmoving Matchmoving is a technique that allows computer graphics to be inserted into live-action footage with correct position, scale, orientation, and motion. Also known as motion tracking, it's what allows movie monsters to run down Main Street and robots to run through crowds — and look real. Now this unique book from a top expert from Industrial Light and Magic teaches you the art of matchmoving. With step-by-step tutorials and pages of examples, this book first explains the basics and then shows you professional techniques, from 3D calibration and tracking, to stereoscopy, and more. Explains concepts and teaches professional techniques for successful matchmoving Authored by a top matchmove specialist from Industrial Light and Magic, who walks you through step-by-step tutorials and impressive examples Covers matchmoving basics, 2D tracking, 3D calibration and tracking, automatic tracking, cameras, integrating matchmoves, and stereoscopy Learn how studio visual effects professionals make all the right matchmoves with Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking 2nd Edition.
Handbook in Monte Carlo Simulation: Applications in Financial Engineering, Risk Management, and Economics
Автор: Brandimarte Paolo
Издательство: Wiley, 2014
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 688 страниц
Загрузил: bt911, 16 мая 2018
   Concentrating primarily on easily displayed theories and methodologies of Monte Carlo simulation, this authoritative book goes wider and deeper than any other and includes timely applications to the fields of financial engineering, risk management, and economics. Written by a well-known, international expert in the field, the book includes topics such as random number and variate generation, input modeling with real data analysis for adequate fit, Bayesian MCMC, and more. It is a handy reference for practitioners in the fields of finance, business, applied statistics, econometrics, and engineering.
Three Russian Tales of the 18th Century: The Comely Cook, Vanka Kain, and Poor Liza
Автор: Chulkov Mikhail
Издательство: Wiley, 2012
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 268 страниц
Загрузил: elkameneva, 23 октября 2016
   For those who cannot read the language of the original texts, the lively and varied world of eighteenth-century Russian literature has been largely inaccessible. In this valuable collection, expert translator David Gasperetti presents three seminal tales that express the major literary, social, and philosophical concerns of late-eighteenth-century Russia. The country's first bestseller, Matvei Komarov's Vanka Kain tells the story of a renowned thief and police spy and is also an excellent historical source on the era's criminal underworld. Mikhail Chulkov's The Comely Cook is a cross between Moll Flanders, with its comic emphasis on a woman of ill-repute who struggles to secure her place in society, and Tristram Shandy, with its parody of the conventions of novel writing. Finally, Nikolai Karamzin's Poor Liza, the story of a young woman who kills herself over a failed love affair, set the standard for writing sentimentalist fiction in Russia. Taken as a whole, these three works outline the beginnings of modern prose fiction in Russia and also illuminate the literary culture that would give rise to the Golden Age of Russian letters in the middle of the next century.
The Mongols and Global History
Автор: Rossabi Morris
Издательство: Wiley, 2011
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 224 страницы
Загрузил: allkonekt, 11 октября 2015
   About the series: The Norton Casebooks in History provide students with everything they need for in-depth study of select topics in major periods studied in American and world history. Each volume consists of an introductory essay by the editor on the topic, primary sources, and recent essays by historians that explore different interpretations. Each volume combines the most authoritative text available with contextual and critical materials that bring the topic to life for students.
Risk Management and Financial Institutions: Fourth Edition
Автор: John C. Hull
Издательство: Wiley, 2015
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 784 страницы
Загрузил: andreich, 15 мая 2019
   The dangers inherent in the financial system make understanding risk management essential for anyone working in, or planning to work in, the financial sector. A practical resource for financial professionals and students alike, Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Fourth Edition explains all aspects of financial risk as well as the way financial institutions are regulated, to help readers better understand financial markets and potential dangers. Fully revised and updated, this new edition features coverage of new regulatory issues, liquidity risk, and stress testing. In addition, end-of-chapter practice problems and a website featuring supplemental materials designed to provide a more comprehensive learning experience make this the ultimate learning resource. Written by acclaimed risk management expert, John Hull, Risk Management and Financial Institutions is the only book you need to understand — and respond to financial risk. The new edition of the financial risk management bestseller describes the activities of different types of financial institutions, explains how they are regulated, and covers market risk, credit risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, and model riskFeatures new coverage of new regulatory issues, liquidity risk, and stress testingProvides readers with access to a supplementary website offering software and unique learning aidsAuthor John Hull is one of the most respected authorities on financial risk management. A timely update to the definitive resource on risk in the financial system, Risk Management and Financial Institutions + Website, Fourth Edition is an indispensable resource from internationally renowned expert John Hull.
Statistical Physics
Автор: Mandl Franz
Издательство: Wiley, 1988
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 402 страницы
Загрузил: m_boba, 13 февраля 2009
   A book which enables readers to proceed by the quickest route to a particular topic, and teachers to select courses differing in length, difficulty and choice of applications.
The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future
Автор: Joseph E. Stiglitz
Издательство: Wiley, 2013
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 560 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 10 октября 2017
   The top 1 percent of Americans control 40 percent of the nation's wealth. And, as Joseph E. Stiglitz explains, while those at the top enjoy the best health care, education, and benefits of wealth, they fail to realize that their fate is bound up with how the other 99 percent live. Stiglitz draws on his deep understanding of economics to show that growing inequality is not inevitable: moneyed interests compound their wealth by stifling true, dynamic capitalism. They have made America the most unequal advanced industrial country while crippling growth, trampling on the rule of law, and undermining democracy. The result: a divided society that cannot tackle its most pressing problems. With characteristic insight, Stiglitz examines our current state, then teases out its implications for democracy, for monetary and budgetary policy, and for globalization. He closes with a plan for a more just and prosperous future.
Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: A Handbook of Method
Автор: Boellstorff Tom
Издательство: Wiley, 2012
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 264 страницы
Загрузил: arnestosdu, 19 апреля 2017
   Ethnography and Virtual Worlds is the only book of its kind — a concise, comprehensive, and practical guide for students, teachers, designers, and scholars interested in using ethnographic methods to study online virtual worlds, including both game and nongame environments. Written by leading ethnographers of virtual worlds, and focusing on the key method of participant observation, the book provides invaluable advice, tips, guidelines, and principles to aid researchers through every stage of a project, from choosing an online fieldsite to writing and publishing the results. This title provides practical and detailed techniques for ethnographic research customized to reflect the specific issues of online virtual worlds, both game and nongame. It draws on research in a range of virtual worlds, including Everquest, Second Life, There.com, and World of Warcraft. It provides suggestions for dealing with institutional review boards, human subjects protocols, and ethical issues. It guides the reader through the full trajectory of ethnographic research, from research design to data collection, data analysis, and writing up and publishing research results. It addresses myths and misunderstandings about ethnographic research, and argues for the scientific value of ethnography.
Communities of Play: Emergent Cultures in Multiplayer Games and Virtual Worlds
Автор: Pearce Celia
Издательство: Wiley, 2011
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 344 страницы
Загрузил: alex1984, 15 мая 2015
   «Play communities existed long before massively multiplayer online games; they have ranged from bridge clubs to sports leagues, from tabletop role-playing games to Civil War reenactments. With the emergence of digital networks, however, new varieties of adult play communities have appeared, most notably within online games and virtual worlds. Players in these networked worlds sometimes develop a sense of community that transcends the game itself. In Communities of Play, game researcher and designer Celia Pearce explores emergent fan cultures in networked digital worlds — actions by players that do not coincide with the intentions of the game's designers. Pearce looks in particular at the Uru Diaspora — a group of players whose game, Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, closed. These players (primarily baby boomers) immigrated into other worlds, self-identifying as refugees; relocated in There.com, they created a hybrid culture integrating aspects of their old world. Ostracized at first, they became community leaders. Pearce analyzes the properties of virtual worlds and looks at the ways design affects emergent behavior. She discusses the methodologies for studying online games, including a personal account of the sometimes messy process of ethnography. Pearce considers the «play turn» in culture and the advent of a participatory global playground enabled by networked digital games every bit as communal as the global village Marshall McLuhan saw united by television. Countering the ludological definition of play as unproductive and pointing to the long history of pre-digital play practices, Pearce argues that play can be a prelude to creativity.»
The Bitcoin Big Bang: How Alternative Currencies are About to Change the World
Автор: Kelly Brian
Издательство: Wiley, 2015
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 256 страниц
Загрузил: lawyer_78rus, 9 февраля 2018
   «Get a handle on the digital currency revolution, and learn how to get on board «The Bitcoin Big Bang» is a guide to navigating the uncharted territory of digital currency. Written by CNBC contributor Brian Kelly, this book goes beyond Bitcoin 101 to explain how this transformative technology is about to change the world. Digital currency is thrown into perspective against the history of payment systems and its own evolution, as readers are invited to explore the ways in which this technology is already changing the way business gets done. Readers gain insight into the mechanisms behind Bitcoin, and an expert perspective on digital currency's effect on the future of money and the economic implications of the Bitcoin revolution. In the same way that e-mail changed the way we transfer information, the decentralized Bitcoin network is about to revolutionize the business world, the legal profession, and even the role of the government. «The Bitcoin Big Bang» dives head first into this paradigm shift, allowing readers to: Explore the origins of digital currency Learn the history and evolution of payment systems Discover how the Bitcoin network is facilitating free and instant transfer of value Understand the mining of Bitcoin, and how to invest The digital currency revolution has implications that spread far beyond the finance industry. Anyone who exchanges payment for goods and services is on the cusp of the next big push in societal evolution, and only an understanding of the technology and a clear knowledge of the systems and behaviors at play can fully prepare us for the changes to come. «The Bitcoin Big Bang» is the go-to guide, helping those who use money use it better.»
The Craft of Translation
Издательство: Wiley, 1989
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 176 страниц
Загрузил: kubinec12, 10 декабря 2009
   Written by some of the most distinguished literary translators working in English today, these essays offer new and uncommon insights into the understanding and craft of translation. The contributors not only describe the complexity of translating literature but also suggest the implications of the act of translation for critics, scholars, teachers, and students. The demands of translation, according to these writers, require both comprehensive scholarship in preparing to translate a text and broad creativity in recreating the text in a new language. Translation, thus, becomes a model for the most exacting reading and the most serious scholarship. Some of the contributors lay bare the rigorous methods of literary translation in comparisons of various translations of the same piece; some discuss the problems of translating a specific passage; others speak about the lessons learned over the course of a career in translation. As these essays make clear, translators work in the space between languages and, in so doing, provide insights into the ways in which a culture makes the world verbal. Exemplary readers both of authors and of their individual works, the translators represented in this collection demonstrate that the methodologies derived from the art and craft of translation can serve as a model to revitalize the interpretation and understanding of literary works. Readers will find the opportunity to look over the shoulders of the translators gathered together in this volume an exciting and surprising experience. The act of translation emerges both as a powerful integration of linguistic, semantic, cultural, and historical thinking and as a valuable commentary on how wecommunicate both within a culture and from one culture to another.
Monetary Theory and Policy, Third Edition
Автор: Carl E. Walsh
Издательство: Wiley, 2010
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 640 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 17 апреля 2015
   This text presents a comprehensive treatment of the most important topics in monetary economics, focusing on the primary models monetary economists have employed to address topics in theory and policy. It covers the basic theoretical approaches, shows how to do simulation work with the models, and discusses the full range of frictions that economists have studied to understand the impacts of monetary policy. Among the topics presented are money-in-the-utility function, cash-in-advance, and search models of money; informational, portfolio, and nominal rigidities; credit frictions; the open economy; and issues of monetary policy, including discretion and commitment, policy analysis in new Keynesian models, and monetary operating procedures. The use of models based on dynamic optimization and nominal rigidities in consistent general equilibrium frameworks, relatively new when introduced to students in the first edition of this popular text, has since become the method of choice of monetary policy analysis. This third edition reflects the latest advances in the field, incorporating new or expanded material on such topics as monetary search equilibria, sticky information, adaptive learning, state-contingent pricing models, and channel systems for implementing monetary policy. Much of the material on policy analysis has been reorganized to reflect the dominance of the new Keynesian approach. Monetary Theory and Policy continues to be the only comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of monetary economics, not only the leading text in the field but also the standard reference for academics and central bank researchers.
Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human
Автор: Boellstorff Tom
Издательство: Wiley, 2010
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 336 страниц
Загрузил: phoenix7, 16 мая 2014
   Millions of people around the world today spend portions of their lives in online virtual worlds. Second Life is one of the largest of these virtual worlds. The residents of Second Life create communities, buy property and build homes, go to concerts, meet in bars, attend weddings and religious services, buy and sell virtual goods and services, find friendship, fall in love — the possibilities are endless, and all encountered through a computer screen. Coming of Age in Second Life is the first book of anthropology to examine this thriving alternate universe. Tom Boellstorff conducted more than two years of fieldwork in Second Life, living among and observing its residents in exactly the same way anthropologists traditionally have done to learn about cultures and social groups in the so-called real world. He conducted his research as the avatar Tom Bukowski, and applied the rigorous methods of anthropology to study many facets of this new frontier of human life, including issues of gender, race, sex, money, conflict and antisocial behavior, the construction of place and time, and the interplay of self and group. Coming of Age in Second Life shows how virtual worlds can change ideas about identity and society. Bringing anthropology into territory never before studied, this book demonstrates that in some ways humans have always been virtual, and that virtual worlds in all their rich complexity build upon a human capacity for culture that is as old as humanity itself.
The Top 10 Investments for the Next 10 Years
Автор: Mellon Jim
Издательство: Wiley, 2008
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 200 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 23 августа 2011
   Jim Mellon and Al Chalabi demystify the process of investment and let you in on a few of their BigIdeas — whilst you work out a few of your own: Real Estate — can the hot housing markets really continue to generate 20% annual increases? Stocks & Mutual Funds — the hardest of all investment classes to operate in, so where are the opportunities? Bonds & Cash — not as boring as you may think, and with the capacity to make you a lot of money! The 'BRIC' Economies — how do the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China stack up against the four key determinates of growth? Commodities & Collectables — learn the five reasons why commodities are an investment vehicle set to grow and grow 'Green' Investments — how can we turn the challenges of green and eco-needs into monetary returns on investment? Given a bit of strategic thinking and proper planning these BigIdeas can turn into MoneyFountains, meaning your financial worries for the future are over before they've begun.
Accounting Principles
Автор: Weygandt
Издательство: Wiley
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 1280 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 июля 2009
   This engaging book lays the foundation for readers to succeed on the CPA exam and ultimately in their professional practice. The new edition continues to reflect the conversational style and clarity that has made this a leader in the market. It explores the key concepts and principles while using the PepsiCo financial statement to clearly show how the information is applied in the real world. The book has also been updated with the latest data as to reflect today's business environment.
Автор: Gav Aleksei
Издательство: Wiley, 2014
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 178 страниц
Загрузил: future2000, 15 июня 2017
   Published in 1922 in Russian, Aleksei Gan's Constructivism was the first theoretical treatise of post-revolutionary Russia's emergent Constructivist movement. Fired with revolutionary zeal, it was unquestionably a declaration of war on traditional bourgeois art. Constructivism recast artists and architects as Constructors, turning away from aesthetic or speculative problems in art but instead focusing on the fusion of art with everyday life in order to create a functional system of design, one in keeping with the great task of building the new communist society. This edition replicates Gan's original layout, which was one of the first experiments in Constructivist typography and graphic design, and it also presents a substantial introductory essay by art historian Christina Lodder that examines Gan's own odd, mercurial character and the tracks he left across avant-garde Russian graphics, architecture, film, and theater. Nearly a century later, Constructivism remains a powerful manifesto, and this new translation will help scholars trace its enduring influence on twentieth-century art and design.
Bookkeeping For Dummies
Автор: Kelly Jane
Издательство: Wiley, 2012
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 360 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 05 июня 2015
Buzz Marketing with Blogs For Dummies
Автор: Gardner Susannah
Издательство: Wiley, 2005
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 360 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2008
Consulting For Dummies
Автор: Nelson Bob
Издательство: Wiley, 2012
Жанр: Wiley
Страниц: 360 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 05 июня 2015
   Suitable for those who are considering to make a career out of consulting, this book offers practical advice on various aspects of setting-up and running a successful consulting business including; setting your fees, keeping track of time and money, building business with new clients, and winning proposals and business networking.
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