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Книги издательства «SGEL»
Voces de América: Cuaderno de ejercicios
Издательство: SGEL, 2004
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 131 страниц
Загрузил: hawchik, 24 августа 2009
   Este cuaderno de ejercicios es material complementario al vídeo Voces de América, que está dirigido a estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera de nivel intermedio-avanzado. En el vídeo se hace un recorrido por los cinco grandes bloques regionales de Hispanoamérica: México, Caribe, Centroamérica, Región Andina y Cono Sur. Voces de América representa la realidad cultural y lingüística del continente hispanoamericano. En este cuaderno aparecen una serie de ejercicios de explotación didáctica, así como las transcripciones de los textos del vídeo.
Inglés en 30 días: Libro del alumno (+ Audio CD)
Издательство: SGEL, 2004
Жанр: SGEL
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
Italiano en 30 días (+ Audio CD)
Издательство: SGEL, 2004
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 288 страниц
Загрузил: vitalysev, 13 февраля 2009
   Curso de italiano para principiantes. Permite una introducción fácil a la lengua italiana. Consta de 30 unidades con temas de la vida cotidiana y del ámbito profesional en Italia. Incluye situaciones turísticas. Información adicional sobre la civilización y la cultura italiana. Textos de unidad con traducción en español, explicaciones precisas de la gramática, ejercicios amenos y un glosario de t´érminos en cada unidad. Tests para comprobar la progresión del aprendizaje. Se incluye un CD con las audiciones, habladas por nativos italianos.
Al día Superior: Libro del alumno (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Gisele Prost
Издательство: SGEL, 2010
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 157 страниц
Загрузил: alex969k, 22 марта 2014
   Libro para el trabajo del estudiante en clase. Propone tareas para trabajar en un ámbito empresarial y comercial. Al día consta de diez unidades temáticas. Cada una se divide en tres secciones: — Cada día más (actividades de solución abierta); — Analicemos y practiquemos (vocabulario especializado); — Creemos y negociemos (apartado de comunicación); — A través de sus secciones el estudiante realiza un trabajo completo. Desde la introducción de los contenidos a través de diálogos y documentos reales hasta la realización de la tarea. Esta edición viene acompañada de dos CDs de audio para ayudar al alumno a trabajar la destreza oral.
Al día Superior: Cuaderno de ejercicios (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Gisele Prost
Издательство: SGEL, 2009
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 103 страницы
Загрузил: mitchelz, 24 сентября 2015
   Cuaderno de Ejercicios. Incluye un CD con las grabaciones de los textos que aparecen al final del cuaderno. Este cuaderno está dividido en diez unidades temáticas, que a su vez se dividen en dos apartados: Analicemos y practiquemos, y Creemos y negociemos. En este cuaderno, el alumno encontrará múltiples actividades para trabajar la comprensión y expresión escrita así como la comprensión y expresión oral.
Agencia ELE 1 Student Book + CD (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Manuela GilToresano
Издательство: SGEL, 2007
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 150 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 сентября 2013
   «Agencia ELE method consists of 2 levels. This is level 1: Agencia ELE student book: (complemented by «Libro de Ejercicios» — 9788497784016). It has an A1+ level according to the CEFR and it develops the contents established by the Plan Curricular of the Cervantes Institute. The authors belong to the Cervantes Institute and the EOI (Escuela Oficial de Idiomas) and they suggest the use of an avant-garde methodology, with an action-oriented approach that is used in the Cervantes Institute at the moment. The workbook is divided into 12 units. Each of them suggests a variety of activities in order to reinforce the contents, that have already appeared in the units of the book, and to reinforce the linguistic skills. The workbook includes an audio CD which is necessary for the oral activities, with the transcriptions that appear at the end of this book. There is an answer key just after them. The method of Agencia ELE has 6 levels. Each level consists of: Handbook + CD; workbook + CD, and Teacher's book and multimedia on line material.»
Agencia ELE 2 (Level A2) (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Manuela Gil-Toresano
Издательство: SGEL, 2010
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 184 страницы
Загрузил: yurius, 22 мая 2014
   «This title presents a method for young and adult learners of Spanish as a Second Language. It can be used in intensive courses and also in a general course. «Agencia Ele» is divided into 6 levels, from A1+ to B2.2 of the CEFR. «Agencia Ele 2» Student's book (level A2) includes 12 units (and two reviews) with 6 sections: Portada — Presentation of the contents; Primera linea — Activation of Knowledge; Agencia Ele — Language sample in a comic strip; Entre lineas — Tasks for consolidation; En linea con — Contextualised activities; and, Linea directa — Charts with a functional, grammatical and lexical systematization. Moreover, the learner can find at the end of the book all the transcriptions. Each level includes: student book with the CD; workbook with CD; Tutor guide, and a digital board (pizarra digital). Levels 1 and 2 available now — other four levels are being published.»
Companeros 3 Exercises Book
Автор: Ignacio Rodero Diez
Издательство: SGEL, 2008
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 72 страницы
Загрузил: romabazhenov, 20 декабря 2011
   «Method of Spanish as a Foreign Language» is addressed to 11 and 12 year-old students, that corresponds to the A1 to B2 levels of the Common European Framework of the Languages. Each level is divided in 9 units. Each of them works on language samples and activities developed following the communicative scope adapted to the necessities and learning styles of the students. Each unit includes 8 pages: 2 dedicated to vocabulary where the lexicon is presented; 2 to grammar that introduce one or two grammatical structures in sentences or short texts; 2 to communication with contextualized conversational models; 1 to skills with varied activities; 1 to reflection exercise; and, 1 to self assessment. There is a Project every three units, essential to do a review and to integrate what has been learnt in the previous lessons. It goes together with a list of descriptors extracted from the Portfolio in order to help teachers and students to follow and self evaluate the learning process. At the end of the book there is a grammatical summary and a section with conjugated verbs. The Student's book comes with a CD that includes the activities from the student's book and the workbook. For each of the four levels there are four components: Student Book (including audio CD), Exercises book (No CD), Tutor/resources book, and digital whiteboard disc (pizarra digital).»
Companeros 3: Libro Del Alumno + 2 CD (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Diez Ignacio Rodero
Издательство: SGEL, 2008
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 144 страницы
Загрузил: alex033ru, 20 декабря 2011
   Método de español dirigido a estudiantes entre 11 y 15 años. Compañeros 3 se corresponde con al nivel B1.1 del MCER. Consta de 9 unidades en cada una de las cuales se trabajan muestras de lengua y actividades desarrolladas en los ámbitos comunicativos adecuados a las necesidades y a los estilos de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Cada unidad consta de 10 páginas: 2 dedicadas al vocabulario, en las que se presenta el léxico; 3 páginas de gramática en las que se introducen una o dos estructuras gramaticales en frases o en textos breves; 1 página de comunicación, con modelos de conversaciones contextualizadas; 2 páginas de destrezas con actividades variadas, 1 de cultura y 1 de reflexión y autoevaluación. Cada tres unidades se incluye un PROYECTO, imprescindible para revisar e integrar todo lo aprendido en las unidades previas. Junto a él aparece una lista de descriptores extraídos del Portofolio con el fin de ayudar a los profesores y alumnos en el seguimiento y autoevaluación de su proceso de aprendizaje. Al final del libro se incluye un resumen gramatical y un apartado de verbos conjugados. El libro del alumno va acompañado de dos CD que incluyen los audios de las actividades, tanto del libro del alumno como del cuaderno de ejercicios.
Elexpres Exercises Book
Автор: Raquel Pinilla
Издательство: SGEL, 2012
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 86 страниц
Загрузил: sattva, 11 октября 2016
   «ELExpres — workbook» — is a support in this intensive course of Spanish as a Foreign Language addressed to adolescents and adults that want an effective and quick progress on the language. This workbook offers a compilation of activities to develop comprehension, production and reflection, and has as an objective to reinforce the learning and to fix the knowledge acquired in the manual. «Elexpres — Workbook» — is also divided into 27 units (as in the handbook): The first 15 units correspond to the A1 and A2 level, and the units 16-27 to the B1 level. Each unit has 3 pages. The Teacher's Guide will be available online.»
Elexpres Student Manual + CD 2 (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Raquel Pinilla
Издательство: SGEL, 2009
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 192 страницы
Загрузил: zorkuzz, 15 июня 2012
   ELExpres is an intensive course addressed to adult students. The book is divided into 27 units that go from beginners to intermediate level B1, according to the Common European Framework of the Languages. The first 15 units deal with the A1 and A2 levels, whereas units 16 to 27 with the B1 level. The manual is organized into the following sections: A) The first 15 units (A1+A2) have 4 pages each. The student can make a quick progress. B) The following units (B1) are longer (6 pages) due to the extension of texts and exercises to practice the listening and oral comprehension. C) There is a review every 4 units and a page of self-assesment. D) The transcriptions of the CD are situated at the end of the book. The student's book comes complete with its CDs.
Entre Amigos 3: Libro del alumno
Автор: M. L. Lagartos
Издательство: SGEL, 2004
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 192 страницы
Загрузил: zorkuzz, 15 августа 2009
   This is a Spanish course designed for children from the age of eight onwards. It is divided in three levels. It covers communicative methodology. Entre amigos is a method where the child will be able to develop all the skills in a communicative framework, with a special attention to socio-cultural aspects. This title encourages students to participate in class. It presents and reinforces properly graded linguistic structures. It incorporates subject fields and motivating situations. It includes vocabulary from different fields within a Hispanic cultural context. Each level consists of Student Book, Exercises Book and Tutor Book. For Level 1 (beginner), the CD is available only with the Student Book; For level 2 (intermediate), the CD is available separately; and, for Level 3 (Advanced), the cassette is available separately.
Espanol en Marcha 3 Exercises Book+CD B1 (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Francisca Castro
Издательство: SGEL, 2000
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 72 страницы
Загрузил: romabazhenov, 19 февраля 2009
   «This is a Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. «Espanol en marcha» is designed for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students. It can be employed both for intensive and extensive courses. Each level consists of a student book (with or without CD option), an exercises book (with or without CD option), and a tutor's manual. The Student's Book is divided into different sections: exercises in pairs, grammar section and useful vocabulary, verb lists and transcripts of the listening activities. The Workbook includes: extra units and a glossary. The Teacher's Book includes extra exercises for the beginning and for the end of each unit, games, exercises in pairs and photocopiable tests. The first two levels are also published in one single book — «Basico» with the same options as the rest of the series. The first level alone has also an exercises book with some of the explanations in English. Since the introduction of «Espanol en marcha» in 2005, this has been a very popular general course.»
Espanol en Marcha 3 Student Book+CD-1 B1 (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Francisca Castro
Издательство: SGEL, 2009
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 167 страниц
Загрузил: kikskoks, 04 июля 2011
   «This is a Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. «Espanol en marcha» is designed for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students. It can be employed both for intensive and extensive courses. Each level consists of a student book (with or without CD option), an exercises book (with or without CD option), and a tutor's manual. The Student's Book is divided into different sections: exercises in pairs, grammar section and useful vocabulary, verb lists and transcripts of the listening activities. The Workbook includes: extra units and a glossary. The Teacher's Book includes extra exercises for the beginning and for the end of each unit, games, exercises in pairs and photocopiable tests. The first two levels are also published in one single book — «Basico» with the same options as the rest of the series. The first level alone has also an exercises book with some of the explanations in English. Since the introduction of «Espanol en marcha» in 2005, this has been a very popular general course.»
Espanol En Marcha Basico Student Book+CD-2 A1+A2 (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Francisca Castro
Издательство: SGEL, 2011
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 216 страниц
Загрузил: satton, 27 сентября 2017
   «This is a Spanish language course at four levels according to the Common European Framework: A1, A2, B1 y B2. «Espanol en marcha» is designed for young and adult Spanish as a foreign language students. It can be employed both for intensive and extensive courses. Each level consists of a student book (with or without CD option), an exercises book (with or without CD option), and a tutor's manual. The Student's Book is divided into different sections: exercises in pairs, grammar section and useful vocabulary, verb lists and transcripts of the listening activities. The Workbook includes: extra units and a glossary. The Teacher's Book includes extra exercises for the beginning and for the end of each unit, games, exercises in pairs and photocopiable tests. The first two levels are also published in one single book — «Basico» with the same options as the rest of the series. The first level alone has also an exercises book with some of the explanations in English. Since the introduction of «Espanol en marcha» in 2005, this has been a very popular general course.»
Practica las Expresiones Coloquiales B1 (Practica tu Espanol)
Издательство: SGEL, 2008
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 120 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 11 июля 2010
   This book belongs to the collection Practica tu espanol that shows the most difficult aspects of Spanish as a second language. These self-study workbooks deal with some of the most difficult aspects of Spanish. Grammatical and lexical contents are explained (in Spanish) accompanied by abundant examples. An answer key is included. The series consists of: Los tiempos de passado (level B1); El lexico de los negocios (level B2); Practica la conjugacion (level A10); El subjuntivo (level B1); Las preposiciones (level B1); Las expresiones coloquiales (level B1); Ejercicios de pronunciacion (level B1 — comes with its own CD); Ser y estar (level B1); and, Marcadores del discurso (level C1) and Ortografia (levels A2-B1).
Nuevo Avance 1 Alum+CD (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Concha Moreno Garcia
Издательство: SGEL, 2010
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 160 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 26 февраля 2013
   «This is the updated version of the classic «Avance»: in four levels, according to the syllabus of Instituto Cervantes. It is for adolescents and adults. Each level consists of the student book (with its CD) — the tutor guide is available off the web. There is a model of the DELE exam in the 4th book, and in each book the transcription of the CD. It goes from level A1 through to B1.»
Nuevo Avance 2 Alum+CD (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Concha Moreno
Издательство: SGEL, 2010
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 184 страницы
Загрузил: yurius, 22 мая 2014
   «This is the updated version of the classic «Avance»: in four levels, according to the syllabus of Instituto Cervantes. It is for adolescents and adults. Each level consists of the student book (with its CD) — the tutor guide is available off the web. There is a model of the DELE exam in the 4th book, and in each book the transcription of the CD. It goes from level A1 through to B1.»
Nuevo Espanol Sin Fronteras 1 Exercises Book A2
Автор: Jesus Sanchez Lobato
Издательство: SGEL, 2005
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 79 страниц
Загрузил: prestoav, 28 июня 2008
   «This is a revised and updated version of the previous «Espanol sin Fronteras». It is a three-level course: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced adapted according to the CEFR: A1-A2, B1-B2 and B2-C1. It is aimed at young and adult learners. There are around 80 class hours per level. It is a renewed and updated edition. «Nuevo espanol sin fronteras» encourages students to work out new activities for themselves, thanks to a communicative, moderate and flexible course. It provides selective context and situation descriptions, as well as the necessary grammatical structures, vocabulary and sociocultural references. It follows a balanced methodology where linguistic and communicative competences are developed. The contents are carefully graded according to the functional and communicative criteria. It offers texts with numerous and varied language models and an integrated practice of the linguistic skills. It includes a section of self-reflection about the language and grammatical structures. Each level comprises of five elements: a student book, a student book CD, an exercises book, the exercises book CD, and the Tutor Guide.»
Nuevo Espanol Sin Fronteras 1 Student Book A2
Автор: Jesus Sanchez Lobato
Издательство: SGEL, 2011
Жанр: SGEL
Страниц: 160 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 26 февраля 2014
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