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Книги Rollins James
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: Orion Books, 2013
Жанр: Orion Books
Страниц: 496 страниц
Загрузил: neptun, 16 февраля 2016
   Galilee, 1025. Infiltrating an ancient citadel, a Templar knight uncovers a holy treasure long hidden within the fortress's labyrinth: the Bachal Isu — the staff of Jesus Christ — a priceless icon that holds a mysterious and terrifying power. A power that will change humankind for ever. A millennium later, Somali pirates kidnap the President's daughter. Commander Gray Pierce is enlisted for a covert rescue mission in the African jungle. And halfway around the world a firebombing at a fertility clinic in South Carolina exposes a conspiracy that goes back centuries and lies within our genetic code. SIGMA must race to save an innocent unborn baby whose very existence raises questions about the nature of humanity, asking: could you live for ever? Would you live for ever?
The Blood Gospel
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2013
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 496 страниц
Загрузил: neptun, 16 февраля 2016
   An earthquake in Masada, Israel, kills hundreds and reveals a tomb buried in the heart of the mountain. A trio of investigators-Sergeant Jordan Stone, a military forensic expert; Father Rhun Korza, a Vatican priest; and Dr, Erin Granger, a brilliant but disillusioned archaeologist-are sent to explore the macabre discovery, a subterranean temple holding the crucified body of a mummified girl. But a brutal attack at the site sets the three on the run, thrusting them into a race to recover what was once preserved in the tombs sarcophagus: a book rumored to have been written by Christs own hand, a tome that is said to hold the secrets to His divinity. The enemy who hounds them is like no other, a force of ancient evil directed by a leader of impossible ambitions and incalculable cunning. From crumbling tombs to splendorous churches, Erin and her two companions must confront a past that traces back thousands of years, to a time when ungodly beasts hunted the dark spaces of the world, to a moment in history when Christ made a miraculous offer, a pact of salvation for those who were damned for eternity. Here is a novel that is explosive in its revelation of a secret history. Why do Catholic priests wear pectoral crosses? Why are they sworn to celibacy? Why do the monks hide their countenances under hoods? And why does Catholicism insist that the consecration of wine during Mass results in its transformation to Christs own blood? The answers to all go back to a secret sect within the Vatican, one whispered as rumor but whose very existence was painted for all to see by Rembrandt himself, a shadowy order known simply as the Sanguines. In the end, be warned: some books should never be found, never opened — until now.
Altar of Eden
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 506 страниц
Загрузил: akiorc, 10 сентября 2016
   Baghdad falls... and armed men are seen looting the city zoo. Amid a hail of bullets, a concealed underground lab is ransacked — and something horrific is set loose upon the world. Seven years later, Louisiana state veterinarian Lorna Polk investigates an abandoned shipwrecked fishing trawler carrying exotic caged animals, part of a black market smuggling ring. But there is something disturbingly wrong with these beasts — each an unsettling mutation of the natural order, all sharing one uncanny trait: incredibly heightened intelligence. Joining forces with U.S. Border Patrol Agent Jack Menard — a man who shares with her a dark and bloody past — Lorna sets out to uncover the truth about this strange cargo and the terrorist threat it poses. Because a beast escaped the shipwreck and is running amok — and what is about to be born upon the altar of Eden could threaten not only the future of the world but the very foundation of what it means to be human.
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 609 страниц
Загрузил: galina2702, 05 июня 2013
   The Rand scientific expedition entered the lush wilderness of the Amazon and never returned. Years later, one of its members has stumbled out of the world's most inhospitable rainforest — a former Special Forces soldier, scarred, mutilated, terrified, and mere hours from death, who went in with one arm missing... and came out with both intact. Unable to comprehend this inexplicable event, the government sends Nathan Rand into this impenetrable secret world of undreamed-of perils, to follow the trail of his vanished father... toward mysteries that must be solved at any cost. But the nightmare that is awaiting Nate and his team of scientists and seasoned U.S. Rangers dwarfs any danger they anticipated... an ancient, unspoken terror — a power beyond human imagining — that can forever alter the world beyond the dark, lethal confines of...
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 525 страниц
Загрузил: sonet, 7 октября 2014
   High in the Andes, Dr. Henry Conklin discovers a 500-year-old mummy that should not be there. While deep in the South American jungle, Conklin's nephew, Sam, stumbles upon a remarkable site nestled between two towering peaks, a place hidden from human eyes for thousands of years. Ingenious traps have been laid to ensnare the careless and unsuspecting, and wealth beyond imagining could be the reward for those with the courage to face the terrible unknown. But where the perilous journey inward ends — in the cold, shrouded heart of a breathtaking necropolis — something else is waiting for Sam Conklin and his exploratory party. A thing created by Man, yet not humanly possible. Something wondrous... something terrifying.
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2011
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 718 страниц
Загрузил: evgenyivchenko, 7 октября 2015
   An inexplicable explosion rocks the antiquities collection of a London museum, setting off alarms in clandestine organizations around the world. And now the search for answers is leading Lady Kara Kensington; her friend Safia al-Maaz, the gallery's brilliant and beautiful curator; and their guide, the international adventurer Omaha Dunn, into a world they never dreamed existed: a lost city buried beneath the Arabian desert. But others are being drawn there as well, some with dark and sinister purposes. And the many perils of a death-defying trek deep into the savage heart of the Arabian Peninsula pale before the nightmare waiting to be unearthed at journey's end: an ageless and awesome power that could create a utopia... or destroy everything humankind has built over countless millennia. There are terrifying mysteries hidden deep in the desert sands.
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 543 страницы
Загрузил: tengu, 22 мая 2014
   Beneath the ice at the bottom of the Earth is a magnificent subterranean labyrinth, a place of breathtaking wonders — and terrors beyond imagining. A team of specialists led by archaeologist Ashley Carter has been hand-picked to explore this secret place and to uncover the riches it holds. But they are not the first to venture here — and those they follow did not return. There are mysteries here older than time, and revelations that could change the world. But there are also things that should not be disturbed — and a devastating truth that could doom Ashley and the expedition: they are not alone.
Deep Fathom
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 595 страниц
Загрузил: yoyotan, 18 июля 2012
   Ex-Navy SEAL Jack Kirkland surfaces from an aborted underwater salvage mission to find the Earth burning. Solar flares have triggered a series of gargantuan natural disasters. Earthquakes and hellfire rock the globe. Air Force One has vanished from the skies with America's president on board. Now, with the U.S. on the narrow brink of a nuclear apocalypse, Kirkland must pilot his oceangoing exploration ship, Deep Fathom, on a desperate mission miles below the ocean's surface. There devastating secrets await him — and a power an ancient civilization could not contain has been cast out into modern day. And it will forever alter a world that's already racing toward its own destruction.
Ice Hunt
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 633 страницы
Загрузил: kvkkvk, 15 сентября 2016
   Carved into a moving island of ice twice the size of the United States, Ice Station Grendel has been abandoned for more than seventy years. The twisted brainchild of the finest minds of the former Soviet Union, it was designed to be inaccessible and virtually invisible. But an American undersea research vessel has inadvertently pulled too close — and something has been sighted moving inside the allegedly deserted facility, something whose survival defies every natural law. And now, as scientists, soldiers, intelligence operatives, and unsuspecting civilians are drawn into Grendel's lethal vortex, the most extreme measures possible will be undertaken to protect its dark mysteries — because the terrible truths locked behind submerged walls of ice and steel could end human life on Earth. Danger lives at the top of the world, where nothing can survive... except fear.
The Judas Strain
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2011
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 682 страницы
Загрузил: mafeoza, 23 октября 2015
   From the depths of the Indian Ocean, a horrific plague has arisen to devastate humankind — unknown, unstoppable... and merely a harbinger of the doom that is to follow. Operatives of the shadowy covert organization SIGMA Force, Dr. Lisa Cummings and Monk Kokkalis search for answers to the bizarre affliction aboard a cruise liner transformed into a makeshift hospital. But a sudden and savage attack by terrorist hijackers turns the mercy ship into a floating bio-weapons lab. Time is an enemy as a worldwide pandemic grows rapidly out of control. As the seconds tick closer to doomsday, SIGMA's commander, Gray Pierce, must join forces with a beautiful assassin who tried to kill him — following the trail of the most fabled explorer in history into the terrifying heart of an astonishing mystery buried deep in antiquity and in humanity's genetic code. Humankind's ultimate betrayal will come from within...
Map of Bones
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2011
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 638 страниц
Загрузил: sonnic, 11 октября 2015
   During a crowded service at a cathedral in Germany, armed intruders in monks' robes unleash a nightmare of blood and destruction. But the killers have not come for gold; they seek a more valuable prize: the bones of the Magi who once paid homage to a newborn savior... a treasure that could reshape the world. With the Vatican in turmoil, SIGMA Force leaps into action. An elite team of scientific and Special Forces operatives under the command of Grayson Pierce and accompanied by Lieutenant Rachel Verona of Rome's carabinieri, they are pursuing a deadly mystery that weaves through sites of the Seven Wonders of the World and ends at the doorstep of an ancient, mystical, and terrifying secret order. For there are those with dark plans for the stolen sacred remains that will alter the future of humankind... when science and religion unite to unleash a horror not seen since the beginning of time. The bones lead to ancient mysteries and present-day terror... To follow them means death.
Devil Colony
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2012
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 672 страницы
Загрузил: velik, 12 мая 2016
   From New York Times bestselling author James Rollins comes a novel of boundless imagination and meticulous research, a book that dares to answer a frightening question at the heart of America: Could the founding of the United States be based on a fundamental lie? The shocking truth lies hidden within the ruins of an impossibility, a lost colony of the Americas vanished in time and cursed into oblivion. A place known only as The Devil Colony. Deep in the Rocky Mountains, a gruesome discovery-hundreds of mummified bodies-stirs international attention and fervent controversy. Despite doubts about the bodies' origins, the local Native American Heritage Commission lays claim to the prehistoric remains, along with the strange artifacts found in the same cavern: gold plates inscribed with an unfathomable script. During a riot at the dig site, an anthropologist dies horribly, burned to ashes in a fiery explosion in plain view of television cameras. All evidence points to a radical group of Native Americans, including one agitator, a teenage firebrand who escapes with a vital clue to the murder and calls on the one person who might help-her uncle, Painter Crowe, Director of Sigma Force. To protect his niece and uncover the truth, Painter will ignite a war among the nation's most powerful intelligence agencies. Yet an even greater threat looms as events in the Rocky Mountains have set in motion a frightening chain reaction, a geological meltdown that threatens the entire western half of the U.S. From the volcanic peaks of Iceland to the blistering deserts of the American Southwest, from the gold vaults of Fort Knox to the bubbling geysers of Yellowstone, Painter Crowe joins forces with Commander Gray Pierce to penetrate the shadowy heart of a dark cabal, one that has been manipulating American history since the founding of the thirteen colonies. But can Painter discover the truth-one that could topple governments-before it destroys all he holds dear?
The Blood Gospel
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: Orion Books, 2014
Жанр: Orion Books
Страниц: 496 страниц
Загрузил: neptun, 16 февраля 2017
   Sent to explore a subterranean temple revealed after a devastating earthquake in Israel, a trio of experts discover the mummified remains of a crucified girl. But as they excavate, a brutal attack sets them on the run and they're thrust in to a race to recover what was once preserved in the sarcophagus. A book rumoured to have been written by Christ's own hand. Hunted by a force of ancient evil, Dr Erin Granger and her two companions must follow the trail back thousands of years, to a time when ungodly beasts hunted the dark spaces of the world. And here they stumble across a secret sect within the Vatican, one whose existence was painted by Rembrandt himself. A shadowy order known simply as The Sanguines.
Innocent Blood
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2014
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 641 страниц
Загрузил: razin71, 26 мая 2018
   In The Blood Gospel, brilliant archaeologist Erin Granger embarked on a mission to recover a miraculous artifact tied to Christ. Her journey put her in the path of a diabolical enemy and introduced her to an ancient and highly secret Vatican order known simply as the Sanguines. Now, an attack outside Stanford University thrusts Erin back into the fold of the Sanguines. As the threat of Armageddon looms, she must unite with the eternal spiritual order and a terrifying power to halt the plans of a ruthless and cunning man determined to see the world end a man known only as Iscariot. In Innocent Blood, bestselling authors James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell again take us to the edge of destruction in a riveting tale of international adventure, intrigue, suspense, and supernatural mystery.
The 6th Extinction
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2015
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 608 страниц
Загрузил: cool10den, 07 апреля 2020
   A remote military research station sends out a frantic distress call, ending with a chilling final command: Kill us all! Personnel from the neighboring base rush in to discover everyone already dead-and not just the scientists, but every living thing for fifty square miles is annihilated: every animal, plant, and insect, even bacteria.The land is entirely sterile-and the blight is spreading. To halt the inevitable, Commander Gray Pierce and Sigma must unravel a threat that rises out of the distant past, to a time when Antarctica was green and all life on Earth balanced upon the blade of a knife. Following clues from an ancient map rescued from the lost Library of Alexandria, Sigma will discover the truth about an ancient continent, about a new form of death buried under miles of ice. From millennia-old secrets out of the frozen past to mysteries buried deep in the darkest jungles of today, Sigma will face its greatest challenge to date: stopping the coming extinction of mankind. But is it already too late?
Bloodline: A SIGMA Force Novel
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2013
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 656 страниц
Загрузил: trundle, 26 февраля 2016
The Eye of God
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 576 страниц
Загрузил: nergon, 25 мая 2009
   In The Eye of God, a Sigma Force novel, New York Times bestselling author James Rollins delivers an apocalyptic vision of a future predicted by the distant past. In the wilds of Mongolia, a research satellite has crashed, triggering an explosive search for its valuable cargo: a code-black physics project connected to the study of dark energy—and a shocking image of the eastern seaboard of the United States in utter ruin. At the Vatican, a package arrives containing two strange artifacts: a skull scrawled with ancient Aramaic and a tome bound in human skin. DNA evidence reveals that both came from the same body: the long dead Mongol king Genghis Khan. Commander Gray Pierce and Sigma Force set out to discover a truth tied to the fall of the Roman Empire, to a mystery going back to the birth of Christianity, and to a weapon hidden for centuries that holds the fate of humanity.
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: Orion Books, 2014
Жанр: Orion Books
Страниц: 432 страницы
Загрузил: olen33, 22 апреля 2019
   Beneath the ice at the bottom of the Earth is a magnificent subterranean labyrinth, a place of breathtaking wonders — and terrors beyond imagining. A team of specialists led by archaeologist Ashley Carter has been hand-picked to explore this secret place and to uncover the riches it holds. But they are not the first to venture here — and those they follow did not return. There are mysteries here older than time, and revelations that could change the world. But there are also things that should not be disturbed — and a devastating truth that could doom Ashley and the expedition: they are not alone.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: Random House, Inc., 2008
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Страниц: 352 страницы
Загрузил: anarho, 24 августа 2011
   Directed by Steven Spielberg, produced by George Lucas and starring Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett and Shia LaBeouf, the much-loved adventurer Indiana Jones returns to our screens for a new instalment of one of Hollywood's most successful film series. Written by New York Times bestselling author James Rollins, this novelisation of the movie captures the heart-stopping excitement and nail-biting tension of Indy's latest rollercoaster escapade. Set in 1957, the film centres around mysterious crystal skulls, and pits Indiana Jones against agents of the Soviet Union. Containing all the trademark action, adventure, mythology and humour that have made the movie series such a phenomenal success, the novelisation of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a must for Indy fans everywhere.
Blood Infernal
Автор: Rollins James
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2016
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 576 страниц
Загрузил: nergon, 15 сентября 2022
   What price will we pay for true salvation?As an escalating scourge of grisly murders sweeps the globe, archaeologist Erin Granger must decipher the truth behind an immortal prophecy, one found in the Blood Gospel, a tome written by Christ and lost for centuries. With the Apocalypse looming and the very foundations of our world crumbling, Erin must again join forces with Army sergeant Jordan Stone and Father Rhun Korza to search for a treasure lost for millennia, a prize that has already fallen into the hands of their enemy.The forces of darkness have crowned a new king, a demon named Legion, who walks this Earth wearing many faces. His reach is beyond measure even the walls of the Vatican fall before him. To have any hope of saving the world, Erin must uncover the truth behind man's first steps out of the Garden of Eden, an event wrapped in sin and destruction, an act that damned humankind for eternity.
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