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Книги Remic Andy
Kell's Legend
Автор: Remic Andy
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers, 2009
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Страниц: 448 страниц
Загрузил: vtormai, 21 октября 2013
   Ferocious fantasy from a real-life hardman come to claim the post-Gemmell world. They came from the north, and the city fell. It is a time for warriors, a time for heroes. Kell's axe howls out for blood. The land of Falanor has been invaded by an albino army, the Army of Iron. A small group set off to warn the king: Kell, a magnificent and brutal hero; his granddaughter, Nienna and her friend, Katrina; and Saark, the ex-Sword Champion of King Leanoric, disgraced after his affair with the Queen. Fighting their way south, betrayal follows battle, battle follows deviation, and they are attacked from all quarters by deadly warriors, monstrous harvesters who drain blood from their victims to feed their masters. As Falanor comes under heavy attack and invasion, only then does Nienna begin to learn the truth about grandfather Kell -- that he is anything but a hero. Ferocious fantasy from a real-life hardman come to claim the post-Gemmell world.
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