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Церковь Божия: Книжка-помощница
Автор: Королева Е.
Издательство: Смирение, 2016
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 16 страниц
Загрузил: smert, 19 марта 2020
   Эта книжка предназначена для детей от трёх до пяти лет. Непросто рассказать маленькому ребенку о Боге, о Божием мире, о церкви, о крестном знамении, о добрых навыках и о грехах. Книжки-помощницы подскажут вам, как это сделать. Книжка, которую вы держите в руках, посвящена церкви. Читая текст ребёнку, обращайте его внимание на новые для него слова, выделенные крупным шрифтом, и при этом рассматривайте картинку. Такой способ чтения и стихотворное изложение текста дадут возможность малышу быстро запомнить незнакомые названия. А закрепить эти знания помогут загадки, помещённые в конце книжки. Когда вы с ребёнком придёте в храм (объясните ему, что Церковь по-другому называется ХРАМ), покажите ему иконы, лампады, амвон, алтарь – одним словом, всё то, что он видел в книжке, – и обязательно скажите, что в церкви всё необычно и очень красиво потому, что это Дом Божий. Бог невидим, словно воздух, Он присутствует везде, но в церкви – особенно. Автор в стихотворной форме знакомит детей с храмом, с такими понятиями, как Алтарь, Амвон, Царские Врата и многими другими, а также с таинствами Исповеди и Причастия. В конце книжки помещены загадки для более прочного усвоения новых названий. Надеемся, что книжка-помощница сослужит вам добрую службу, когда вы приведёте детей в храм Божий.
«Книжка-пышка «Ладушки»
Издательство: Умка, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2016
   Каждая книга серии — это весёлые стихи, яркие иллюстрации, а также погремушка и прорезыватель для зубов! Книжка сделана из безопасных экологически чистых материалов. Эта книжка-пышка предназначена для самых маленьких читателей. Книга создана по мотивам известного мультфильма и, безусловно, заинтересует ребенка. Приятные на ощупь листы, выполненные из безопасного полимера, очень удобны для малышей и даже не пострадают, если их немного погрызть. Все картинки очень красочные, что очень важно для правильного развития цветовосприятия у ребенка. А благодаря небольшому формату, книжку удобно держать в руках. Таким образом, малыш не только послушает увлекательную сказку, но и с пользой проведет время. С такой книжкой будут развиваться мелкая моторика рук, ловкость, сноровка, усидчивость, а также укрепляться память. Формат: 123x106 мм. 6 страниц.
Art: 21: Art in the Twenty-First Century 6
Издательство: 21 Publishing Ltd, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 208 страниц
Загрузил: anatoly_24, 18 июля 2015
   This lavishly illustrated volume, a companion to the sixth season of the Peabody-winning PBS series on contemporary art, offers unparalleled access to 14 of the most dynamic artists working today. The reader journeys behind the scenes into homes and studios for a look at the lives and work of world-renowned artists like Ai Weiwei, who was recently imprisoned by the Chinese government for his politically incendiary work, and Polish performance artist Marina Abramovic, who populated MOMA NY with installations featuring groups of nudes. The book features the artists' own words, artist biographies, and lush, full color illustrations. Other artists included are Mary Reid Kelley, Glenn Ligon, David Altmejd, Assume Vivid Astro Focus, Lynda Benglis, Tabaimo, El Anatsui, Catherine Opie, Rackstraw Downes, Robert Mangold and Sarah Sze. ART: 21 once again takes on the role of historian and recorder of the important international artists working today.
Русское искусство: Календарь искусств
Автор: Романец Г.
Издательство: Эксмо, 2014
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 384 страницы
Загрузил: yury-m, 15 августа 2017
   Об издании: Иллюстрированный календарь «Русское искусство» представляет великие достижения отечественного художественного наследия в его лучших образцах. Широта размаха, щедрость души, острота взгляда, пронзительный лиризм позволили русским мастерам создать нетленные образы, ставшие национальными святынями. И пусть это великое и вечное искусство вдохновляет вас каждый день и в любое время года. Прекрасно изданный на мелованной бумаге календарь с иллюстрациями высокого качества будет каждый день радовать вас. Для кого: — Для любителей искусства. — Для тех, кто ценит прекрасное во всем. — Для тех, кто хочет окружать себя красивыми вещами.
Dynamic Beauty: Sculpture of Art Nouveau Paris
Автор: Goldring Jessica
Издательство: Macklowe Gallery, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 271 страниц
Загрузил: dinaron, 27 сентября 2019
   Dynamic Beauty: Sculpture of Art Nouveau Paris is the first book to seriously explore French Art Nouveau sculpture and the aesthetic and cultural climate that gave rise to it. Paris in 1900 marked the first time that the walls began to break down between the 'fine' and 'decorative' arts. Artists were as influenced by Symbolist poetry as by Japanese design, and fascinated by eroticism in equal measure to their excitement about the new technology of electric light. Aided by the Collas machine, artists and foundries created sculptures in various sizes for a newly emergent upper middle class that was paradoxically eager to live in both the modern world of the automobile and the ancien monde of collecting.
Dream House
Автор: Crewdson Gregory
Издательство: Photology, 2011
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 августа 2014
С Луной день за днем: 220 лунных советов от А до Я. Лунный календарь на 9 лет (2011-2019)
Автор: Паунггер Иоганна
Издательство: Весь, 2012
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 352 страницы
Загрузил: anarho, 25 мая 2016
   «Книга «Все в нужный момент» имела успех у миллионов читателей. Получив массу читательских писем, авторы выделили дополнительный круг актуальных тем, начиная с выпечки хлеба и переработки шерсти и заканчивая рецептом древесной золы для ухода за деревянными полами. Ранее книга издавалась под названием «Лунный словарь», и почти полтора миллиона российских читателей уже смогли ее оценить по достоинству. Для широкого круга читателей.»
Show Dogs
Автор: Lacey Kate
Издательство: Pictures Inc., 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 06 мая 2017
   The British are renowned for their love of dogs — an obsession matched by dog owners in the US. Westminster is the US equivalent to Crufts, and has attracted huge audiences since 1877. In 2005, Life magazine assigned photographer Kate Lacey to the unique show. Instead of walking around Madison Square Garden documenting the scene, Kate Lacey rigged up a seamless backdrop to make elegant portraits, much as Richard Avedon once captured glamorous celebrities. Each dog is captured with a spectacular depth of individuality through lucid portraits that shimmer with personality.
Красота и здоровье зубов: Белоснежная улыбка
Автор: Константинов Юрий
Издательство: Центрполиграф, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 159 страниц
Загрузил: altsib, 25 мая 2017
   Нет ничего хуже зубной боли... Но, слава богу, давно канули в Лету те времена, когда поход к дантисту приводил больного в не меньший ужас, чем сама боль... Сегодня лечить зубы не больно, сегодня Дорого! Выход один: хранить здоровье зубов смолоду, а к стоматологу заглядывать только на профилактический осмотр. Как добиться этого и сохранить до старости белоснежную улыбку — расскажет книга.
Заболевания уха, горла, носа: Что советуют врачи
Автор: Иванова В.
Издательство: Газетный мир «Слог», 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 128 страниц
Загрузил: liego55, 21 июля 2015
   Уши, горло и нос первыми принимают на себя атаку инфекций, аллергенов, вредных веществ и холода. Лор-органы борются с раздражающими факторами, не пуская болезнь дальше: в головной мозг, бронхи и легкие. От длительного воспаления в носоглотке развиваются хронические недуги и опасные осложнения (бронхит, астма, стеноз гортани). Поэтому так важно вовремя обнаружить болезнь и принять меры для ее устранения. Как проводится диагностика лор-органов, каковы основные симптомы заболеваний, что нужно знать о профилактике, расскажет эта книга. Вы прочитаете о лечении гайморита, фронтита, сфеноидита, отита, тугоухости, ангины, ларингита и других заболеваний.
Cecil Beaton: Theatre of War
Автор: Beaton Cecil
Издательство: Jonathan Cape, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 204 страницы
Загрузил: ernst, 13 февраля 2016
   At the beginning of the Second World War the Ministry of Information, through the advice of Kenneth Clark, commissioned Cecil Beaton to photograph the Home Front. Beaton set to work recording the destruction of the Wren churches in the City and the heroism of Londoners under attack. He conducted a survey of Bomber and Fighter Commands for the RAF, which was published with Beaton's own astute commentary. Beaton was an effective propagandist, but his voice, like his photographs, was touchingly elegant. Whatever his subject, Beaton was always a stylist. Beaton's wartime work for the Ministry amounted to seven thousand photographs, which are now housed with their negatives at the Imperial War Museums. They form a great document both of the landscape of war and of the passing of the Empire. He travelled through the Western Desert and on to Iraq, Palestine, Transjordan and Syria. In 1943 he left for India where he photographed the final days of the Raj in New Delhi and Calcutta before joining the Burma campaign. He ended the war deep in Chinese territory where he witnessed the Nationalist resistance to the Japanese. Beaton's inherent sense of theatre extended from palatial drawing rooms to the jungle and the desert. Whatever the circumstances he never departed from his radical aesthetic. Theatre of War is published in conjunction with the Imperial War Museums on the occasion of a major exhibition.
A Dance
Автор: Barabanov Alexander
Издательство: Jonathan Cape, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 304 страницы
Загрузил: stalker1965, 02 сентября 2019
   Alexander Barabanov, a key figure in the Russian dance world, has sifted through many thousands of photographs of dance to accumulate an extraordinary collection of pictures, ranging from historical ballet photographs to shocking avant-garde imagery. This work has been collected and edited to form an astonishing sequence. Rather than being assembled as an anthology, the sequence has in fact been 'choreographed' so the book is constructed to form a dance in ten movements. It begins with creation myths, follows erotic engagements and leads to a series of mass movements in the modern age. It includes such gems as the young Nureyev's first performance with the Kirov and Baryshinikov's debut as well as images with brutal reference to Abu Ghraib or the march of fascism.
Penin Guide to Spanish Wine 2013
Издательство: Penin, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 1000 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 27 апреля 2018
   The Penin Guide to Spanish Wine 2013 is the most widely-read Spanish wine guide and the most international reference book on Spanish Wine with ratings on 9,800 wines and information about 2,000 wineries. The book includes the latest vintages and brands ready for release in 2013 and boasts the most comprehensive and widest range of tastings and evaluations, from entry level wines right through to the most sophisticated wines available on the market today. The guide presents an independent and realistic evaluation of all the wine regions in Spain and truly independent ratings based on their tastings as well as featuring a best-value wine index for every region to quickly come up with the wine of choice both in the restaurant and in the store. This fantastic compilation also explores how the different flavours are affected through their conditions, such as origin, soil, climate and grape variety whilst instructing readers on the basics of wine tasting and advises on how wine should be kept and for what length of time.
The Complete Dukan Cookbook
Автор: Dukan P.
Издательство: Tree publication, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 479 страниц
Загрузил: svetomag, 12 апреля 2018
   The Dukan Diet is a unique 4-step programme, combining two steps to lose your unwanted weight and two steps to keep it off for good. The Complete Dukan Cookbook provides over 300 recipes for all stages of the diet to help you lose the weight you want like millions of others have around the world. Includes: Indispensable galette and sauce recipes. Vegetarian recipes. Recipes for pure protein days. Delicious desserts. Devised by Dr Pierre Dukan, a French medical doctor who has spent his career helping people to lose weight permanently, The Dukan Diet is the culmination of thirty-five years' clinical experience. Easy to follow with no calorie counting, The Dukan Diet offers clear simple guidelines, menu planners and delicious recipes for long term success. Beyond its immense success in France, The Dukan Diet has been adopted by 20 countries and translated into 10 languages. Many international observers agree that this is the method most likely to put a stop to the world's weight problems.
Truth About You
Автор: Hill M.
Издательство: Tree publication, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 388 страниц
Загрузил: vampir, 07 апреля 2018
   When the baby is found on the doorstep of Ella's café, everyone asks — what sort of parent would abandon their child? Jess feels increasingly left out as the only non-mum amongst her friends. Terrified she might lose them altogether, she embarks on becoming a mother too. But is she really ready? Hollywood actress Ruth Seymour is home in the small town of Lakeview for the summer. But has an ill-advised fling with a handsome co-star resulted in a seriously unplanned consequence? Nina has come to live with her estranged father, Patrick, after a bad break-up. But will she ever dare tell him about the secret she is concealing? One thing's for sure: someone knows more than they're telling. And the truth won't stay hidden forever...
The Charm Bracelet
Автор: Hill Melissa
Издательство: Tree publication, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 400 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 16 декабря 2016
   Every charm bracelet tells a story and Holly O'Neill knows this better than most. Years ago, at a difficult time in her life, a silver bracelet in a pretty wrapped box was delivered anonymously to her, a single charm attached. Some time later, another mysterious charm appeared, and the same thing happened many times over the years. Each charm proved to be significant in her life, as if her unnamed benefactor understood she needed some kind of talisman to help her through challenging times. Since then, she has added her own charms — special reminders of the most important events in her life. Her bracelet makes memories tangible — spelling out the nuances of cherished moments through the shorthand of each tiny charm. For this reason, Holly's charm bracelet is her most prized possession. So when one day, she stumbles across a bracelet that somebody else has lost, she recognises a lifetime spelt out through the very different charms, and knows she must try to reunite it with its owner. In order to try and track this person down, she uses each charm to help discover more about them. But as Holly gradually begins to piece together the details of this person's life, her quest leads her somewhere she never expected.
Calico Joe
Автор: Grisham John
Издательство: Tree publication, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 288 страниц
Загрузил: vitalysev, 14 июля 2015
   Thirty years have passed since eleven-year-old Paul Tracy watched his troubled father, Warren, a pitcher for the New York Mets, clash with his childhood hero, the Cubs' golden-boy Joe Castle, in a contest from which no winners emerged. Now the news that his father is dying brings the memory of that day flooding back. Deciding that it's time to face up to what really happened on that baseball field in 1973, father and son make their way to Calico Rock, Arkansas, where either redemption or rejection awaits them.
Rediscovering Jacob Riis
Автор: Yochelson
Издательство: New Press, 2011
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 336 страниц
Загрузил: phoenix7, 17 апреля 2016
   «More than 90 years after his death Jacob Riis is still considered a pioneering photographer. He was the first to document the New York slums, publicising in haunting photographs the plight of the urban poor at the height of European immigration to the city. But Riis always maintained that he «was no good at all as a photographer» and in recent years has been disparaged for racist views and political opportunitism. Here, the complex legacy of Jacob Riis is explored and explained. Illustrated with black and white photographs throughout.»
Fred Herzog: Photographs
Издательство: D&M Publishers, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 197 страниц
Загрузил: sunnybloom, 14 июля 2015
   The definitive book about the stunning oeuvre of a pioneer of colour photography. This is the only book to address the entirety of Fred Herzog s oeuvre. In recent years, as advancements in technology have made it possible to effectively scan and reproduce Herzog s work to his exacting standards, critics around the world have discovered him. In recent years, he has been the subject of solo exhibitions in Berlin, New York and Paris. Herzog shot in colour at a time when serious photography was only black & white his contribution to the development of colour photography is only now beginning to be understood. Herzog himself supervises all scans, and no photograph is reprinted without it meeting his approval. Paired with the authoritative essays of Jeff Wall, Sarah Milroy, Douglas Coupland and Claudia Gochmann, this is truly a collector s volume. In 2010, a major German-language catalogue of Herzog s work was published by Hatje Cantz.
Josef Sudek: The Advertising Photographs
Автор: Sudek Josef
Издательство: Torst, 2013
Жанр: Прочие
Страниц: 100 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 20 сентября 2019
   Josef Sudek was Prague's Atget. From the mid-1920s until his death in 1976, Sudek photographed everything — the Gothic and Baroque architecture, the streets and objects — usually leaving the frame free of people. Where Atget photographed the social realities of Paris, Sudek captured a more subjective experience of the city where he was born. Because he was reclusive, a large portion of Sudek's body of work was captured through his studio window — he was particularly fond of how the glass refracted light. The Window of My Studio series, spanning from the beginning of the Second World War to the first half of the 1950s, has never previously been compiled in one volume. This publication presents the series, which was of fundamental importance to Sudek, for it caused his work to verge even more into a Surreal or Magical Realist style, with blurred images and strong shadows. Photography historian Anna Farova contributes an introduction and an extensive biographical chronology to this volume, which also includes a complete bibliography of portfolios, books and catalogues of Sudek's work, as well as a complete list of his exhibitions — information that is difficult to find elsewhere. The publication has been produced in collaboration with the Art Gallery of Ontario.
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