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Pearson Education (Longman)
Heinemann Explore Science Workbook 6
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman)
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 72 страницы
Загрузил: romabazhenov, 19 февраля 2009
   Part of the Heinemann Explore Science New International Edition — a comprehensive, easy-to-use, six-level science programme, designed specially for teachers and students at International schools studying the Cambridge International Examinations Primary Science Curriculum Framework.
Interactive Science: Grade 5
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman)
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
   Interactive Science is a curriculum for homeschooling that keeps you and your child engaged. Designed to make Science accessible, the program uses labs and hands-on activities to guide your child through his or her education. The Grade 5 curriculum is the next step in Interactive Science. It transitions smoothly from Grade 4 so you and your child will have no trouble adjusting to the next Grade level. By now, your child will have a strong foundational knowledge of four areas of Science education, including Science Engineering and Technology, Life Science, Earth Science and Physical Science. The curriculum material in Interactive Science: Grade 5 is broken down into those four units. During each, your child will learn invaluable information about the topic and explore the field in a way that holds his or her interest. Science is all about interacting with the subject being studied. Whether your child is exploring rocks or weather, you can be sure that Interactive Science: Grade 5 will help him or her do so actively.
Cutting Edge: Starter Workbook without No Key
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman)
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 64 страницы
Загрузил: apollon7777777, 10 декабря 2009
   Cutting Edge is a multi-level general English course for adults and young adults. Combining stimulating content with comprehensive grammar, vocabulary and skills work, Cutting Edge is for students who want to enrich their knowledge of the language.
Excellent Starter: Teacher's Guide
Автор: Carol Skinner
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2004
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 марта 2008
   Excellent! is a four-level Primary English course that offers the right level of challenge to help pupils achieve real results. Pupils practise the four skills from the beginning through tasks set within a stimulating and meaningful context. In the Starter level language is introduced in a gradual way in order to build pupils' confidence and ensure success. The Teacher's Guide provides: • Clear step-by-step lesson notes, with tapescripts and answer keys. • Lots of ideas for further practice activities. • Six photocopiable tests. • Twelve photocopiable activity sheets. • Instructions for using the flashcards. • Guidance on using the Alphabet and Handwriting Section for pupils new to the Roman alphabet.
New Opportunities: Intermediates. Russian Edition. Students' Book with mini-dictionary
Автор: Harris M.
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2006
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 144 страницы
Загрузил: alex033ru, 20 декабря 2009
   В New Opportunities for Russian Edition включен российский компонент, который состоит из: — Специальные разделы по истории и культуре России в книге для учащегося (Student's Book) — Многочисленные ссылки на российские реалии. — Разделы Exam Zones в рабочей тетради, охватывающие типы заданий, включаемых в ЕГЭ, и стратегии выполнения этих заданий, позволяют эффективно сочетать изучение английского языка и систематическую подготовку к ЕГЭ с ранних этапов обучения. — Skills Corners в рабочей тетради, направленные на развитие речевых навыков, также имеют в большинстве случаев экзаменационный формат, таким образом предоставляя дополнительный материал для подготовки к ЕГЭ. — Mini-Grammar на русском языке, включающая сопоставление русского и английского языков, и англо-русский мини-словарь (уровни Beginner-Pre-Intermediate) способствуют созданию прочной базы для грамматических и лексических навыков. — В рабочей тетради уровня Beginner все задания к упражнениям, а в рабочей тетради уровня Elementary все экзаменационные стратегии даются на русском языке, что позволяет снять трудности при самостоятельной работе учащихся на ранних этапах обучения. — Для отработки навыка перевода в уровень Upper Intermediate включены задания по переводу с русского языка.
Market Leader: Business English. Intermediate. Practice file (+ CD-ROM)
Автор: Rogers John
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2008
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 111 страниц
Загрузил: amehome, 7 октября 2012
   This series uses authoritative authentic sources to explore topical business issues and builds the professional standard of language needed to communicate in the modern world of business.
Intelligent Business: Upper Intermediate. Teacher's Book (+ CD-ROM)
Автор: Pile Louise
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2006
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 192 страницы
Загрузил: zorkuzz, 15 августа 2009
   Intelligent Business is a dynamic and flexible new course with an integrated range of components to develop students' knowledge of the business world and the skills to work within it. — Learn Business — The topic-based course book provides an accessible introduction to the concepts and language of today's business world. — Do Business — The dedicated Skills Book provides skills-based intensive training in executive business skills Featuring authentic texts from the well-respected Economist magazine, the Intelligent Business course material is informative, up-to-date and highly motivating. Intelligent Business is fully benchmarked alongside the BEC business English exam suite and the Common European Framework.
Intelligent Business: Pre-Intermediate. Teacher's Book (+ CD-ROM)
Автор: Barral Irene
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2010
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 192 страницы
Загрузил: zorkuzz, 15 июня 2013
   Intelligent Business is a dynamic and flexible new course with an integrated range of components to develop students' knowledge of the business world and the skills to work within it. — Learn Business — The topic-based course book provides an accessible introduction to the concepts and language of today's business world. — Do Business — The dedicated Skills Book provides skills-based intensive training in executive business skills Featuring authentic texts from the well-respected Economist magazine, the Intelligent Business course material is informative, up-to-date and highly motivating. Intelligent Business is fully benchmarked alongside the BEC business English exam suite and the Common European Framework.
Intelligent Business: Intermediate. Teacher's Book (+ CD-ROM)
Автор: Pile Louise
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2007
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 192 страницы
Загрузил: zorkuzz, 15 июля 2009
   Intelligent Business is a dynamic and flexible new course with an integrated range of components to develop students' knowledge of the business world and the skills to work within it. — Learn Business — The topic-based course book provides an accessible introduction to the concepts and language of today's business world. — Do Business — The dedicated Skills Book provides skills-based intensive training in executive business skills Featuring authentic texts from the well-respected Economist magazine, the Intelligent Business course material is informative, up-to-date and highly motivating. Intelligent Business is fully benchmarked alongside the BEC business English exam suite and the Common European Framework.
Activate! A2: Teacher's Book
Автор: Taylore-Knowles Joanne
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2010
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 136 страниц
Загрузил: kattymay, 15 сентября 2016
   Provides step-by-step instructions for each activity with integrated key and audioscripts for easy reference. It also offers alternative ways of presenting some tasks and many extra activities which can be given to students who finish their work early or can provide additional practice to all students.
New Round-Up 1: Student's Book. Грамматика английского языка (+ CD-ROM)
Автор: Dooley Jenny
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2010
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 128 страниц
Загрузил: liego55, 21 августа 2013
   Round-Up — серия пособий по грамматике для школьников семи уровней сложности, сочетающих игры с системным изучением грамматики. CD-ROM содержит дополнительные упражнения и игры.
Fly High 1: Pupil's Book (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Kozanoglou Danae
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2015
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 16 марта 2019
   «Новый четырехуровневый курс для детей 6-9 лет, 90-100 уроков на каждый уровень, 3-4 урока в неделю, рекомендуется для специализированных школ. Новый учебник английского Fly High — именно то, что вам нужно! Он удобен для учителей и в полной мере учитывает потребности младших школьников. На его страницах детей ждут веселые истории о животных, песни, увлекательные игры. Все это делает занятия языком необычайно захватывающими и пробуждает интерес к активному общению на английском языке. — Основной вокабуляр и структуры подаются в веселых комиксах, а также в мультфильмах на CD. — Разнообразные игры («Jungle Fun», «Fun Times»). — Грамматика представлена в разделе «Learn with Tag». — Дополнительные развивающие упражнения с вокабуляром в разделах «My Project» и «My Picture Dictionary». — Во всех уровнях есть книга для ученика (SB), рабочая тетрадь (WB — в уровнях 2-4 к тетради прилагается CD-ROM), книга для учителя (TB), AudioCD, карточки (flashcards). — В помощь учителю предлагается очень насыщенный, удобный и полезный ресурс для работы с белой доской — Active Teach CD-ROM.»
Focus on: Academic Skills for IELTS (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Terry Morgan
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2010
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 176 страниц
Загрузил: kubinec12, 12 апреля 2015
   «Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS» is the ideal companion to Focus on IELTS Coursebook, providing further thematically-linked practice for each unit. It can also be used on its own for self-study or as a short intensive IELTS course.»
Impact Maths Pupil Textbook 1 Red
Автор: Combined Author Team
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2000
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 392 страницы
Загрузил: serogidin, 12 сентября 2009
   Red Impact Maths textbooks are aimed at the more academic pupil. It is written to specifically stretch and challenge them, thereby increasing their enjoyment of the subject. It includes: clear explanations of mathematical ideas; and worked examples that show pupil how to approach problems.
Level Up Maths (+ CD-ROM)
Автор: Greg Byrd
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2009
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 05 июня 2012
   Give your pupils plenty of opportunities for practising the skills they've learnt, with our brand-new Homework Books!
AS Level Economics Student Book
Автор: Alain Anderton
Издательство: Pearson Education (Longman), 2008
Жанр: Pearson Education (Longman)
Страниц: 296 страниц
Загрузил: svinopas, 23 декабря 2011
   This bestselling text has been extensively revised, reorganised and updated for the NEW AS Level Economics specifications that start teaching from September 2008. *New Edition suitable for ALL boards including IB and OCR covers the new content of the specifications and address the changes to the assessment format. *Motivates students and enhances the clarity of diagrams, figures, tables and charts with the engaging full colour design. *Supports the analysis of economic situations with the most recent statistics. *Embeds theory in real life examples with the latest economic theories and applied economics in every unit.
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