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Oxford University Press
Rethinking Fundamental Theology
Автор: Gerald O'Collins S.J.
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 380 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 25 мая 2015
   This book identifies the distinguishing features of fundamental theology, as distinct from philosophical theology, natural theology, apologetics, and other similar disciplines. Addressing the potential for confusion about basic Christian claims and beliefs, Gerald O'Collins sets out to relaunch fundamental theology as a discipline by presenting a coherent vision of basic theological questions and positions that lay the ground for work in specific areas of systematic theology. Rethinking Fundamental Theology examines central theological questions: about God, human experience and, specifically, religious experience; the divine revelation coming through the history of Israel and through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus; human faith that responds to revelation; the nature of tradition that transmits the record and reality of revelation; the structure of biblical inspiration and truth, as well as basic issues concerned with the formation of the canon; the founding of the Church with some leadership structures; the relationship between Christ's revelation and the faith of those who follow other religions. O'Collins concludes with some reflections on theological method. Written with the scholarship and accessibility for which O'Collins is known and valued, this book will relaunch fundamental theology as a distinct and necessary discipline in faculties and departments of theology and religious studies around the world.
As If
Автор: Michael T. Saler
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 304 страницы
Загрузил: stalker1965, 02 сентября 2018
   Many people throughout the world inhabit fantastic imaginary worlds in a communal fashion, enthusiastically discussing the fine points of The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, and Harry Potter, or banding together in online virtual worlds such as World of Warcraft and Second Life. These activities are often dismissed as harmless escapism or bemoaned as pernicious wish-fulfillments that distract from the serious business of life. Saler challenges such claims by excavating the history of imaginary worlds in the West since the late nineteenth century, when the communal and long-term immersion in such worlds first began with Sherlock Holmes. The book contends that imaginary worlds emerged at this time as sites of rational and secular enchantments for the modern age. They continue to represent distinct social practices informing political, social, and spiritual life. Individuals often use imaginary worlds as a playful space to debate serious issues in the real world; they also use them to hone their understandings of the interplay of reason and imagination and the provisional nature of all representations. Saler provides an overview of how imaginary worlds went from being feared by the Victorians to being inhabited by the Edwardians, and discusses in detail the creation and reception of the worlds of A.C. Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, and J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, among many others. The social practices of imaginary worlds will continue to play an important role in a future increasingly influenced by concepts of virtual reality and the rapid growth of gaming communities. Saler's book contributes the historical back-story of those deeply engaging imaginary universes, highlighting their vital lessons for how we can remain enchanted but not deluded in an age that privileges the imagination as much as reason.
Reflections on How We Live
Автор: Baier Annette
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 288 страниц
Загрузил: vitalysev, 14 июля 2014
   The pioneering moral philosopher Annette Baier presents a series of new and recent essays in ethics, broadly conceived to include both engagements with other philosophers and personal meditations on life. Baier's unique voice and insight illuminate a wide range of topics. In the public sphere, she enquires into patriotism, what we owe future people, and what toleration we should have for killing. In the private sphere, she discusses honesty, self-knowledge, hope, sympathy, and self-trust, and offers personal reflections on faces, friendship, and alienating affection.
Causation: A User's Guide
Автор: Paul L.A.
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2013
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 304 страницы
Загрузил: stalker1965, 02 сентября 2019
   Causation is at once familiar and mysterious. Many believe that the causal relation is not directly observable, but that we nevertheless can somehow detect its presence in the world. Common sense seems to have a firm grip on causation, and much work in the natural and social sciences relies on the idea. Yet neither common sense nor extensive philosophical debate has led us to anything like agreement on the correct analysis of the concept of causation, or an account of the metaphysical nature of the causal relation. Contemporary debates are driven by opposing motivations, conflicting intuitions, and unarticulated methodological assumptions. Causation: A User's Guide cuts a clear path through this confusing but vital landscape. L. A. Paul and Ned Hall guide the reader through the most important philosophical treatments of causation, negotiating the terrain by taking a set of examples as landmarks. Special attention is given to counterfactual and related analyses of causation. Using a methodological principle based on the close examination of potential counterexamples, they clarify the central themes of the debate about causation, and cover questions about causation involving omissions or absences, preemption and other species of redundant causation, and the possibility that causation is not transitive. Along the way, Paul and Hall examine several contemporary proposals for analyzing the nature of causation and assess their merits and overall methodological cogency. The book is designed to be of value both to trained specialists and those coming to the problem of causation for the first time. It provides the reader with a broad and sophisticated view of the metaphysics of the causal relation.
China's Remarkable Economic Growth
Автор: Knight John
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 368 страниц
Загрузил: lubacha, 11 июля 2014
   How has the Chinese economy managed to grow at such a remarkable rate — no less than ten per cent per annum — for over three decades? This well-integrated book combines economic theory, empirical estimation, and institutional analysis to address one of the most important questions facing contemporary economists. A common thread that runs throughout the book is the underlying political economy: why China became a developmental state, and how it has maintained itself as a developmental state. The book examines the causal processes at work in the evolution of China's institutions and policies. It estimates cross-country and cross-province growth equations to shed light on the proximate, and some of the underlying, determinants of the growth rate. It explores important consequences of China's growth, posing a series of key questions, such as: is the economy running out of unskilled labour; why and how has inequality risen; has economic growth raised happiness; what are the social costs of the overriding priority accorded to growth objectives; can China continue to grow rapidly, or will the maturing economy, or the macroeconomic imbalances, or financial crisis, or social instability, bring it to an end? Based mainly on original research, this book will be of interest to growth economists, development economists, transition economists, China specialists, policy-makers, and indeed all those who are intrigued by the Chinese growth phenomenon.
The Christian Century and the Rise of Mainline Protestantism
Автор: Elesha J. Coffman
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2013
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 288 страниц
Загрузил: vitalysev, 14 июля 2015
   Since the 1972 publication of Dean M. Kelley's Why Conservative Churches Are Growing — which, as one reviewer pointed out, was really a book about why the liberal churches have stopped growing — discussion of the Protestant mainline has focused on the tradition's decline. The Christian Century and the Rise of Mainline Protestantism tells a different story, using the lens of the influential periodical The Christian Century to examine the rise of the mainline to a position of cultural prominence in the first half of the twentieth century. Elesha J. Coffman argues that liberal Protestants used cultural capital and persuasive rhetoric to make a strong case for their own status as shepherds of the American soul, but their influence on American culture was ultimately more a social construct than a demographic reality. The tradition's leaders were so identified because they espoused forward-looking ideas and affiliated with leading institutions, not because they actually had many followers. Consequently, the tradition's decline resulted less from a theological sea change than from a shift in the roster of religious spokespersons after World War II, coupled with growing doubt about the legitimacy of any kind of cultural establishment. In short, the mainline was never mainstream, and its alliance with genteel philosophy rather than popular culture led to both its early successes and its eventual crises.
Core Maths for the Biosciences
Автор: Martin B. Reed
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 608 страниц
Загрузил: cool10den, 03 августа 2014
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 448 страниц
Загрузил: vtormai, 23 августа 2014
   Cytopathology provides a broad-ranging overview of the microscopic study of normal and abnormal cells, which embraces the latest imaging and visualization methods to study the structure of cells. The full colour presentation features over 400 figures. Written with the needs of the biomedical scientist centre-stage, it provides a firm grounding in normal cell structure, and the abnormal features that are indicative of different clinical conditions. It also explains how screening programmes can be used to detect changes early, giving an invaluable opportunity for treatment regimes to be implemented in a timely way. Crucially, it demonstrates throughout how an understanding of cellular physiology underpins the key investigations carried out by a biomedical scientist to forge a clear link between science and practice. The series is developed in partnership with and endorsed by the Institute of Biomedical Science.
The Opacity of Mind: An Integrative Theory of Self-Knowledge
Автор: Carruthers Peter
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 456 страниц
Загрузил: alexandrus1, 17 сентября 2017
   It is widely believed that people have privileged and authoritative access to their own thoughts, and many theories have been proposed to explain this supposed fact. The Opacity of Mind challenges the consensus view and subjects the theories in question to critical scrutiny, while showing that they are not protected against the findings of cognitive science by belonging to a separate explanatory space. The book argues that our access to our own thoughts is almost always interpretive, grounded in perceptual awareness of our own circumstances and behavior, together with our own sensory imagery (including inner speech). In fact our access to our own thoughts is no different in principle from our access to the thoughts of other people, utilizing the conceptual and inferential resources of the same 'mindreading' faculty, and relying on many of the same sources of evidence. Peter Carruthers proposes and defends the Interpretive Sensory-Access (ISA) theory of self-knowledge. This is supported through comprehensive examination of many different types of evidence from across cognitive science, integrating a diverse set of findings into a single well-articulated theory. One outcome is that there are hardly any kinds of conscious thought. Another is that there is no such thing as conscious agency. Written with Carruthers' usual clarity and directness, this book will be essential reading for philosophers interested in self-knowledge, consciousness, and related areas of philosophy. It will also be of vital interest to cognitive scientists, since it casts the existing data in a new theoretical light. Moreover, the ISA theory makes many new predictions while also suggesting constraints and controls that should be placed on future experimental investigations of self-knowledge.
An Introduction to Auction Theory
Автор: Flavio M. Menezes
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2008
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 200 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 23 августа 2011
   The practical importance of auction theory is widely recognized. Indeed, economists have been recognized for their contribution to the design of several auction-like mechanisms, such as the U. S. Federal Communications Commission spectrum auctions, the 3G auctions in Europe and beyond, and the auction markets for electricity markets around the world. Moreover, auction theory is now seen as an important component of an economist's training. For example, some of the more celebrated results from the single-object auction theory are now usually taught in advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate courses on the economics of information. The techniques and insights gained from the study of auction theory provide a useful starting point for those who want to venture into the economics of information, mechanism design, and regulatory economics. This book provides a step-by-step, self-contained treatment of the theory of auctions. The aim is to provide an introductory textbook that will allow students and readers with a calculus background to work through all the basic results. Coverage includes: the basic independent-private-model; the effects of introducing correlation in valuations on equilibrium behaviour and the seller's expected revenue; mechanism design; and the theory of multi-object auctions. The paperback edition of the text includes a new chapter which acts as a guide to current developments in auction theory.
Introduction to Environmental Economics
Автор: Hanley Nick
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2013
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 324 страницы
Загрузил: artemon1986, 25 июня 2016
   An understanding of economics is vital to any understanding of why environmental problems occur and what best to do about them. This book provides an introduction to the subject of environmental economics without assuming any in-depth prior knowledge of economics. Part one explains the fundamental economic concepts. Part two uses these concepts in understanding and developing policy responses to some of the major environmental issues of our time. Examples are drawn from all over the world and include such vital issues as climate change, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. An Introduction to Environmental Economics examines both a wide range of environmental case studies and also assesses a variety of economic theories and their approach to environmental issues. Clearly written, global in approach, and theoretically broad-minded, this text is an ideal introduction both to the study of environmental economics and to the question of how economics can provide tools for improving our environment.
Living with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Guide to Maximizing Brain Health and Reducing Risk of Dementia
Автор: Nicole D. Anderson
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 384 страницы
Загрузил: yury-m, 15 сентября 2018
   One in ten adults over 65 has some form of mild cognitive impairment or MCI-thinking problems that go beyond those associated with normal aging, but that fall short of the serious impairments experienced by people with Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias. This is the first book written specifically for individuals with MCI, for their loved ones, and for the health care professionals who treat them. Written by three clinicians and researchers who have devoted their careers to MCI patients, this book provides up-to-date and reliable information on the nature of this disorder, how it may affect people, and what can be done about it. The authors explain how MCI is diagnosed and treated and they offer advice on how to improve cognitive health through diet and exercise, through social engagement, and through the use of practical, effective memory strategies. Throughout, case studies illustrate the real-life issues facing people living with MCI. The book includes Questions to Ask Your Doctor, recommended readings and links to relevant websites, and worksheets to guide readers through healthy lifestyle changes.
The Evolution of EU Law
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 984 страницы
Загрузил: dstar, 21 июня 2014
   The European Union has undergone major changes in the last decade, including Treaty reform, and a significant expansion of activity in foreign and security policy, and justice and home affairs. In the first edition of this influential textbook, a team of leading lawyers and political scientists reflected upon the important developments in their chosen area over the time since the EC was formed. This new edition continues this analysis ten years on. Taking into account the social and political background, and without losing sight of the changes that came before, in each chapter the contributors analyze the principle themes and assess the legal and political forces that have shaped its development. Each author addresses a specific topic, event, or theme, from the European Court of Justice to Treaty reform; the enlargement of the EU to administrative law; the effect of EU law on culture to climate change. Together the chapters tell the story of the rapid development of EU law — its past, present, and future.
Industrial Organization in Context
Автор: Martin Stephen
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2010
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 1024 страницы
Загрузил: bumbaroma, 08 марта 2014
   This eagerly anticipated text from one of the worlds' leading academics in this field takes a truly international approach to this fascinating subject, providing a balanced approach to both EU competition policy and US antitrust. The structure of the text allows flexibility for the teacher, so that they can teach from either a US, European approach or incorporate both. The text also includes contemporary topics not found in other texts of this kind such as Contestable Markets and Experimental Economics. To help instructors teach from this text, an Instructors Manual, PowerPoint Slides, and a Multiple-Choice Test bank are available to instructors from the supporting Online Resource Centre.
Success in English Literature
Автор: Croft Steven
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2000
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 160 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 25 мая 2009
   This student text complements the revised edition of Literature, Criticism, & Style by focusing on the skills of analysis and close reading which are necessary for work with unseen texts. To reflect the new emphasis on topic areas or perspectives, the material is organized thematically. Mini-anthologies of prose, poetry, drama and non-fiction, including some written pre-1770, are accompanied by a range of structured tasks and activities, together with hints and tips for succeeding in unseen work. A selection of the examination-type questions are followed by sample student answers and examiners' comments.
A Practical Approach to Family Law: Ninth Edition
Автор: Rt Hon Lady Justice Black
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 656 страниц
Загрузил: trundle, 26 марта 2016
   A Practical Approach to Family Law provides a clear picture of the law and practice relating to family proceedings in family proceedings courts, county courts, and the High Court. Its breadth of coverage and accessible style has made it an essential resource for students and practitioners alike. The ninth edition has been completely updated to take full account of recent developments, including the many significant changes brought about by the Family Procedure Rules 2010. The book also covers The Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007; changes to the Children Act, including enforcement of orders and risk assessment; new Practice Directions on domestic violence, media in court and McKenzie friends guidance; changes to ancillary relief since Miller and McFarlane; new material on pre-nuptial agreements; the replacement of the Child Support Agency; and changes to Legal Aid. Very much a practical guide, the book makes extensive use of examples and key documents to assist the busy practitioner and student. With additional advice on library, information, and professional development resources, A Practical Approach to Family Law provides real assistance in dealing with this dynamic area of law. The A Practical Approach series is the perfect partner for practice work. Each title focuses on one field of the law and provides a comprehensive overview of the subject together with clear, practical advice and tips on issues likely to arise in practice. The books are also an excellent resource for those new to the law, where the expert overview and clear layout promotes clarity and ease of understanding.
Brierly's Law of Nations: Seventh Edition
Автор: Clapham Andrew
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 576 страниц
Загрузил: nergon, 14 марта 2016
   This concise book is an introduction to the role of international law in international relations. Written for lawyers and non-lawyers alike, the book first appeared in 1928 and attracted a wide readership. This new edition builds on Brierly's scholarship and his idea that law must serve a social purpose. Previous editions of The Law of Nations have been the standard introduction to international law for decades, and are widely popular in many different countries due to the simplicity and brevity of the prose style. Providing a comprehensive overview of international law, this new version of the classic book retains the original qualities and is again essential reading for all those interested in learning what role the law plays in international affairs. The reader will find chapters on traditional and contemporary topics such as: the basis of international obligation, the role of the UN and the International Criminal Court, the emergence of new states, the acquisition of territory, the principles covering national jurisdiction and immunities, the law of treaties, the different ways of settling international disputes, and the rules on resort to force and the prohibition of aggression.
Business Research Methods: Third Edition
Автор: Bryman Alan
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 808 страниц
Загрузил: vasiliy2000, 27 апреля 2016
   Designed as an introduction to doing business research, this book acts as a comprehensive guide for students embarking on their research projects. The authors, together with real students and supervisors, draw on their own experiences so that readers can take note of their tips for success and avoid making their mistakes. Developed specifically with business and management students in mind, this book explores the issues which business research entails, as well as providing students with practical advice on doing research. A new feature has been added to this edition that sees supervisors of research projects from various universities give guidance on how to decide on a project and see it through to a successful conclusion, avoiding common pitfalls. Other changes include the expansion of the discussion of ethics, an increased emphasis on practical content such as planning a project and writing it up, and a substantially updated chapter on internet research methods.
Does Aging Stop?
Автор: Laurence D. Mueller
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 224 страницы
Загрузил: allkonekt, 11 октября 2015
   Does Aging Stop? reveals the most paradoxical finding of recent aging research: the cessation of demographic aging. The authors show that aging stops at the level of the individual organism, and explain why evolution allows this. The implications of this counter-intuitive conclusion are profound, and aging research now needs to accept three uncomfortable truths. First, aging is not a cumulative physiological process. Second, the fundamental theory that is required to explain, manipulate, and probe the phenomena of aging comes from evolutionary biology. Third, strong-inference experimental strategies for aging must be founded in evolutionary research, not cell or molecular biology. The result of fifteen years of research bringing together new applications of evolutionary theory, new models for demography, and massive experimentation, Does Aging Stop? advances an entirely new foundation for the scientific study of aging.
Economics: 13th Edition
Автор: Lipsey Richard
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2015
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 752 страницы
Загрузил: hitpro, 10 декабря 2018
   Fully updated, but maintaining its rigorous approach, the thirteenth edition of Economics guides students through the core principles of micro and macroeconomics, building firm foundations of understanding. Clear explanations ensure that students master each key concept before practical illustrations show how these ideas are applied in reality. Each topic is made easy to grasp through the use of plain and accessible language, without unnecessary over-simplifying. Varied learning features support and stretch students, allowing them to monitor their progress and test themselves with a range of question styles. Written to engage students with real world issues and current questions in economics, this book provides up-to-date coverage of the financial crisis and its many subsequent implications, which are vital to understanding the current economic climate. Case studies allow students to understand how economics works in practice, and to think critically for themselves. Economics challenges students to achieve their full potential as they engage with its in-depth analysis and applied material. It leaves students confident and competent, with a thorough knowledge of economics.
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