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Oxford University Press
Oxford Dictionary of Islam
Автор: John L. Esposito
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2004
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 384 страницы
Загрузил: yury-m, 28 мая 2008
   - An easy-to-use, information-packed, authoritative reference on the modern Islamic world — Designed for general readers with little or no knowledge of this burgeoning and increasingly important world religion — Esposito is the bestselling and expert author of What Everyone needs to Know about Islam, and Unholy War — This superb Oxford Dictionary provides more than 2,000 vividly written and up-to-date entries — Part of the market-leading Oxford Paperback Reference series The Dictionary focuses primarily on the 19th and 20th centuries, stressing topics of most interest to Westerners. What emerges is a highly informative look at the religious, political, and social spheres of the modern Islamic world. Naturally, readers will find many entries on topics of intense current interest, such as terrorism and the Taliban, Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, the PLO and HAMAS. But the coverage goes well beyond recent headlines. There are biographical profiles, ranging from Naguib Mahfouz (the Nobel Prize winner from Egypt) to Malcolm X, including political leaders, influential thinkers, poets, scientists, and writers. Other entries cover major political movements, militant groups, and religious sects as well as terms from Islamic law, culture, and religion, key historical events, and important landmarks (such as Mecca and Medina). A series of entries looks at Islam in individual nations, such as Afghanistan, the West Bank and Gaza, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the United States, and there are discussions of Islamic views on such issues as abortion, birth control, the Internet, the Rushdie Affair, and the theory of evolution. Whether we are listening to the evening news, or reading a book on current events, references to Muslims and the Islamic world appear at every turn. The Oxford Dictionary of Islam offers a wealth of information for anyone curious about this burgeoning and increasingly important world religion.
Oxford Dictionary of World History
Автор: Wright Edmund
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2006
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 720 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 02 сентября 2012
   - Fully revised and updated history dictionary, containing over 4,000 clear and concise entries — Biographies of key figures in world history, from Alexander the Great to George W. Bush, Elizabeth I to Nelson Mandela — International coverage, with detailed entries for every country in the world — Subject entries on religious and political movements, international organizations, and key battles and places — 25 detailed maps covering events and topics such as the Black Death, the Normandy Campaign, and the African slave trade New to this edition — Revised edition: fully updated to take into account border changes, major changes in regions (e.g. former Yugoslavia), and the addition of recent major events (e.g. the 2004 Tsunami) — Key biographies extended and updated (e.g. Tony Blair ), with others added (e.g. Vladimir Putin, Benedict XVI ) This wide-ranging dictionary contains a wealth of information on all aspects of history, from prehistory right up to the present day. Over 4,000 clear, concise entries include biographies of key figures in world history, seperate entries for every country in the world (summarising key historical events), and subject entries on religious and political movements, international organizations, and key battles and places. This new edition of the dictionary has been thoroughly updated to cover recent changes in world affairs. It includes new biographies for recent key figures (e.g. Vladimir Putin, Benedict XVI ), updated biographies for other major figures (e.g. Tony Blair ), and the addition of recent major events and their after-effects (including the Orange Revolution and the 2004 tsunami). The book also contains twenty-five detailed maps linked to key historical events and topics. These include the African slave trade, the Black Death, and the Normandy campaign. Encyclopedic in scope, this ambitious dictionary provides an excellent overview of world history both for students and the general reader.
Little Oxford English Dictionary
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2006
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 848 страниц
Загрузил: marina_abcd, 21 июня 2009
   - A major new edition of this robust, portable dictionary, based on the authority of the Oxford English Corpus — Up-to-date coverage of 90,000 words, phrases, and definitions — Definitions are given in a clear, simple style, and are easier to understand than ever before — Spelling tips: hundreds of notes on spelling and grammar to help you get it right — NEW: Factfinder centre section gives easy access to information on topics such as countries and capitals, kings and queens, and weights and measures — Ideal for school, home, and the office This is a major new edition of the Little Oxford English Dictionary, offering the most accurate and up-to-date coverage of essential, everyday vocabulary. Based on evidence from the Oxford English Corpus, a unique databank with hundreds of millions of words of English, it provides a fresh selection of 90,000 words, phrases, and definitions. Definitions are given in a clear, simple style, avoiding technical language, and are easier to understand than ever before, and there are hundreds of notes on spelling and grammar to help you get it right. A brand-new Factfinder centre section gives easy access to information on topics such as countries and their capitals, kings and queens, and weights and measures, as well as help with spelling and punctuation. A new, clear design makes the Little Oxford English Dictionary easy to use, and ideal for use at school, at home, and in the office.
Oxford Dictionary of Rhyming Slang
Автор: Ayto John
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2003
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 336 страниц
Загрузил: phoenix7, 12 сентября 2009
   - Highly readable. Lively and informed collection of rhyming slang — Arranged in 27 topics, including clothing, food and drink, sex, animals, and illness, to provide a coherent picture of the development and range of rhyming slang as applied to all areas of life — Charts the 150 year history of rhyming slang from its origins in 19th century cockney rhyming slang to modern popney rhyming slang — Full of exquisite detail and hundreds of illustrative examples complete with informed commentary — Written by a highly regarded linguistic, author of the popular Oxford Dictionary of Slang and Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang A lively, authoritative, and up-to-date look at the world of rhyming slang, from its origins in London's 19th-century underworld to the buzzwords of 21st-century popney. Arranged by topic, including Crime , Food and Drink , Illness , Money , Sex , and Sport , this highly readable collection is at once an informative source to the story behind some of our most lively expressions and a browser's delight.
Chatterbox 2 (Activity Book)
Автор: Strange Derek
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2010
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 62 страницы
Загрузил: wondermind, 24 июля 2012
   Stimulating activities within a graded syllabus. • It follows a carefully graded syllabus which allows for recycling of language. • A complete comic-strip adventure story runs through each book, featuring ace detective Captain Shadow. This provides a memorable context for new language and maintains motivation. • It involves children in a variety of other fun activities, such as songs, rhymes, games, and puzzles, which are all used to practise language in an enjoyable way. • It gives children a thorough grounding in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Chatterbox 2 (Pupil`s Book)
Автор: Strange Derek
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2010
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 62 страницы
Загрузил: wondermind, 24 июля 2012
   Stimulating activities within a graded syllabus. • It follows a carefully graded syllabus which allows for recycling of language. • A complete comic-strip adventure story runs through each book, featuring ace detective Captain Shadow. This provides a memorable context for new language and maintains motivation. • It involves children in a variety of other fun activities, such as songs, rhymes, games, and puzzles, which are all used to practise language in an enjoyable way. • It gives children a thorough grounding in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Chatterbox 3 (Pupil`s Book)
Автор: Holderness J.A.
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 62 страницы
Загрузил: wondermind, 24 июля 2013
   Stimulating activities within a graded syllabus. — It follows a carefully graded syllabus which allows for recycling of language. — A complete comic-strip adventure story runs through each book, featuring ace detective Captain Shadow. This provides a memorable context for new language and maintains motivation. — It involves children in a variety of other fun activities, such as songs, rhymes, games, and puzzles, which are all used to practise language in an enjoyable way. — It gives children a thorough grounding in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Chatterbox 4 (Pupil`s Book)
Автор: Holderness J.A.
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2007
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 62 страницы
Загрузил: wondermind, 24 июля 2009
   Stimulating activities within a graded syllabus. • It follows a carefully graded syllabus which allows for recycling of language. • A complete comic-strip adventure story runs through each book, featuring ace detective Captain Shadow. This provides a memorable context for new language and maintains motivation. • It involves children in a variety of other fun activities, such as songs, rhymes, games, and puzzles, which are all used to practise language in an enjoyable way. • It gives children a thorough grounding in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Headway New Advanced (Workbook with key)
Автор: Soars Liz
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 апреля 2016
   The long-awaited, totally new edition of the Advanced level, providing a real challenge and stimulus for Advanced learners. — Building on the original Headway Advanced grammar syllabus, challenging language work really stretches advanced learners. — Rich, thought-provoking texts and topics actively engage students and stimulate discussion. — A focus on features of spoken language extends and develops learners' language awareness. — In-depth study of lexis, with a focus on synonyms, collocation, and idiom, improves learners' command. — Streamlined units encourage a real sense of progress through the course. — Listening material from a range of sources, including broadcast material, commissioned interviews with famous people, and vox pops, exposes students to a variety of language. — A range of reading texts of different genres – newspaper articles, magazine extracts, literature – cater for various interests within a group.
Headway New Advanced (Students` Book)
Автор: Soars Liz
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2010
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 160 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 26 февраля 2013
   The long-awaited, totally new edition of the Advanced level, providing a real challenge and stimulus for Advanced learners. — Building on the original Headway Advanced grammar syllabus, challenging language work really stretches advanced learners. — Rich, thought-provoking texts and topics actively engage students and stimulate discussion. — A focus on features of spoken language extends and develops learners' language awareness. — In-depth study of lexis, with a focus on synonyms, collocation, and idiom, improves learners' command. — Streamlined units encourage a real sense of progress through the course. — Listening material from a range of sources, including broadcast material, commissioned interviews with famous people, and vox pops, exposes students to a variety of language. — A range of reading texts of different genres – newspaper articles, magazine extracts, literature – cater for various interests within a group
Headway New Elementary (Students` Book)
Автор: Soars Liz
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2007
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 144 страницы
Загрузил: alex033ru, 20 декабря 2010
   New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An authoritative integrated syllabus, motivating topics, and clearly focused tasks combine with a real understanding of what works in the classroom. It all makes for effective teaching and effective learning. Tried and tested all over the world, it`s probably the most popular course ever written!
Headway New Elementary (Workbook with key)
Автор: Soars Liz
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2007
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 апреля 2012
   - New Headway Elementary keeps to the successful framework of the original edition, but has been transformed by fresh new material throughout, a more accessible feel, and a completely new design. — The majority of the reading and listening texts have been replaced with vibrant new material on up-to-date topics with a more global outlook than before. — There is now a higher proportion of speaking activities, maintaining the balance between communicative and more traditional approaches. — The units are shorter, simpler, and clearer for students. The activities and instructions have been adapted and trimmed, but the book retains the same emphasis on thorough practice, ranging from very controlled to freer tasks. — The vocabulary syllabus is more tightly controlled than before to make it more manageable for beginners. — A new 'Starter' section at the beginning of each unit features a warm-up activity, often personalized, to lead into the topic and grammar of the unit. — New 'Grammar Spots' provide a mixture of explanation and self-check tasks for the grammar presented in the unit. The Grammar Summaries and Language Reviews are now at the back of the Student's Book for reference. — The 'Everyday English' sections at the end of each unit continue to provide key functional, situational, and survival work, but are now even more lively and conversational. — A new, separate Teacher's Resource Book is available with photocopiable games and activities to supplement the main course material.
Headway New Intermediate (Student`s Book)
Автор: Soars Liz
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2006
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 160 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 26 марта 2010
   - Fascinating, authentic material that will capture students' imaginations. — The 'Test your grammar' section at the beginning of every unit challenges students' knowledge of the language. — Grammar questions involve students in language analysis, which is practised through a wide range of exercises. — The 'Grammar Reference' at the back of the Student's Book gives clear, detailed rules of form and use. — All four skills are developed systematically and integrated through related tasks. — There are a wide range of manageable listening exercises. — A well-defined vocabulary syllabus covers systems as well as lexical sets. — Pronunciation practice is integrated at appropriate points throughout the units. — The 'Postcript' section looks at everyday idiomatic English and the grammar of spoken English.
New Headway: Pre-Intermediate: English Course. Student's Book
Автор: Soars Liz
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2000
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 143 страницы
Загрузил: drinker, 15 июня 2009
   - New Headway Pre-Intermediate extends and revises many of the structures covered at Elementary level. This new edition keeps to the successful framework of the original, but has been transformed by fresh material throughout, a more accessible feel, and a completely new design. — The majority of the reading and listening texts have been replaced with vibrant new material on up-to-date topics with a more global outlook than before. — There is now a higher proportion of speaking activities, maintaining the balance between communicative and more traditional approaches. — At this level, related areas of grammar are explored and then practised in discriminatory exercises. All of the main tenses are included, and their uses are compared and contrasted where appropriate. — Integrated skills work continues to be an important feature, with skills work becoming more challenging. As at Elementary level, an emphasis on thorough practice is retained, ranging from the very controlled to freer tasks. — The vocabulary syllabus continues to be developed through a variety of approaches to lexical input and integrated pronunciation work. — A new 'Starter' section at the beginning of each unit has a warm-up activity, often personalized, to lead into the topic and grammar of the unit. — A new, separate Teacher's Resource Book is available with photocopiable games and activities to supplement the main course material.
New Headway English Cours: Pre-Intrmediate. Workbook with key
Автор: Soars Liz
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2000
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 июня 2009
   - New Headway Pre-Intermediate extends and revises many of the structures covered at Elementary level. This new edition keeps to the successful framework of the original, but has been transformed by fresh material throughout, a more accessible feel, and a completely new design. — The majority of the reading and listening texts have been replaced with vibrant new material on up-to-date topics with a more global outlook than before. — There is now a higher proportion of speaking activities, maintaining the balance between communicative and more traditional approaches. — At this level, related areas of grammar are explored and then practised in discriminatory exercises. All of the main tenses are included, and their uses are compared and contrasted where appropriate. — Integrated skills work continues to be an important feature, with skills work becoming more challenging. As at Elementary level, an emphasis on thorough practice is retained, ranging from the very controlled to freer tasks. — The vocabulary syllabus continues to be developed through a variety of approaches to lexical input and integrated pronunciation work. — A new 'Starter' section at the beginning of each unit has a warm-up activity, often personalized, to lead into the topic and grammar of the unit. — A new, separate Teacher's Resource Book is available with photocopiable games and activities to supplement the main course material.
Headway New Upper-Intermediate (Workbook with key)
Автор: Soars Liz
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2008
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 104 страницы
Загрузил: lycemer, 25 мая 2012
   A new edition with a revised syllabus and completely new material. — The listening and reading texts are drawn from a range of authentic sources. — An in-depth treatment of grammar enables students to work out grammatical rules and helps them achieve greater accuracy through a better understanding of how language works. — There is a thorough skills syllabus, with all four skills systematically developed and integrated through related tasks. — There is extensive work on vocabulary, with particular emphasis on the most frequently used verbs, phrasal verbs, idioms, and compounds. — Integrated pronunciation practice is provided throughout. — 'Postcript' sections provide an opportunity to practise everyday English in situations (such as airports and hotels), or survival areas (such as telephones and directions). There is a particular focus on the grammar of spoken English. — The topics — including homelessness, pre-nuptial agreements, and the effects of tourism — have all been chosen to appeal to adults and young adults.
Hotline New Elementary (Student`s Book)
Автор: Hutchinson Tom
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2010
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 05 июня 2013
   A four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so popular. — The unique loopback structure ensures constant revision and a realistic pace to the syllabus. A new photocopiable end-of-unit test for each unit consolidates the revision process. The grammar-based syllabus presents new structures using a problem-solving approach. This encourages students to think about how the language works and creates the basis for a deeper understanding of the structures. A new, comprehensive 'Grammar reference' section provides reinforcement. — It encourages students to develop learning strategies and take more control of their own learning. A new 'Learning to learn' feature begins each unit, sharpening the focus on learner development. — An engaging photostory about a group of British teenagers (Victoria Road) presents modern English in a lively and motivating way that invites cross-cultural comparisons. — Reading and listening topics have a balance of cross-curricular themes and teenage interest. — From Elementary level, guided writing sections are introduced to develop writing skills. — There is greater emphasis on pronunciation work, with expanded pronunciation activities and reading texts recorded on cassette to give useful pronunciation models. — Project work provides opportunities for students to practise all four skills and to apply English to their own personal worlds in motivating, creative ways. New 'Project workshops' provide more support for projects. — It is designed to be equally effective in mixed-ability classes with many activities, including interaction and project work, which allow students to work at their own pace and gain a satisfying sense of achievement. — It can be started at beginner level with New Hotline Starter or at false-beginner level with New Hotline Elementary where students have already studied some English and have a basic vocabulary.
Hotline New Intermediate (Student`s Book)
Автор: Hutchinson Tom
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2009
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 126 страниц
Загрузил: gagarin-blin, 18 мая 2013
   A four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so popular. — The unique loopback structure ensures constant revision and a realistic pace to the syllabus. A new photocopiable end-of-unit test for each unit consolidates the revision process. The grammar-based syllabus presents new structures using a problem-solving approach. This encourages students to think about how the language works and creates the basis for a deeper understanding of the structures. A new, comprehensive 'Grammar reference' section provides reinforcement. — It encourages students to develop learning strategies and take more control of their own learning. A new 'Learning to learn' feature begins each unit, sharpening the focus on learner development. — An engaging photostory about a group of British teenagers (Victoria Road) presents modern English in a lively and motivating way that invites cross-cultural comparisons. — Reading and listening topics have a balance of cross-curricular themes and teenage interest. — From Elementary level, guided writing sections are introduced to develop writing skills. — There is greater emphasis on pronunciation work, with expanded pronunciation activities and reading texts recorded on cassette to give useful pronunciation models. — Project work provides opportunities for students to practise all four skills and to apply English to their own personal worlds in motivating, creative ways. New 'Project workshops' provide more support for projects. — It is designed to be equally effective in mixed-ability classes with many activities, including interaction and project work, which allow students to work at their own pace and gain a satisfying sense of achievement. — It can be started at beginner level with New Hotline Starter or at false-beginner level with New Hotline Elementary where students have already studied some English and have a basic vocabulary.
Hotline New Intermediate (Workbook)
Автор: Hutchinson Tom
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2009
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 апреля 2014
   A four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so popular. — The unique loopback structure ensures constant revision and a realistic pace to the syllabus. A new photocopiable end-of-unit test for each unit consolidates the revision process. The grammar-based syllabus presents new structures using a problem-solving approach. This encourages students to think about how the language works and creates the basis for a deeper understanding of the structures. A new, comprehensive 'Grammar reference' section provides reinforcement. — It encourages students to develop learning strategies and take more control of their own learning. A new 'Learning to learn' feature begins each unit, sharpening the focus on learner development. — An engaging photostory about a group of British teenagers (Victoria Road) presents modern English in a lively and motivating way that invites cross-cultural comparisons. — Reading and listening topics have a balance of cross-curricular themes and teenage interest. — From Elementary level, guided writing sections are introduced to develop writing skills. — There is greater emphasis on pronunciation work, with expanded pronunciation activities and reading texts recorded on cassette to give useful pronunciation models. — Project work provides opportunities for students to practise all four skills and to apply English to their own personal worlds in motivating, creative ways. New 'Project workshops' provide more support for projects. — It is designed to be equally effective in mixed-ability classes with many activities, including interaction and project work, which allow students to work at their own pace and gain a satisfying sense of achievement. — It can be started at beginner level with New Hotline Starter or at false-beginner level with New Hotline Elementary where students have already studied some English and have a basic vocabulary.
Hotline New Pre-Intermediate (Student`s Book)
Автор: Hutchinson Tom
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 1998
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 120 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 10 сентября 2009
   A four-level teenage course combining exciting new material with all the features that made the original Hotline so popular. — The unique loopback structure ensures constant revision and a realistic pace to the syllabus. A new photocopiable end-of-unit test for each unit consolidates the revision process. The grammar-based syllabus presents new structures using a problem-solving approach. This encourages students to think about how the language works and creates the basis for a deeper understanding of the structures. A new, comprehensive 'Grammar reference' section provides reinforcement. — It encourages students to develop learning strategies and take more control of their own learning. A new 'Learning to learn' feature begins each unit, sharpening the focus on learner development. — An engaging photostory about a group of British teenagers (Victoria Road) presents modern English in a lively and motivating way that invites cross-cultural comparisons. — Reading and listening topics have a balance of cross-curricular themes and teenage interest. — From Elementary level, guided writing sections are introduced to develop writing skills. — There is greater emphasis on pronunciation work, with expanded pronunciation activities and reading texts recorded on cassette to give useful pronunciation models. — Project work provides opportunities for students to practise all four skills and to apply English to their own personal worlds in motivating, creative ways. New 'Project workshops' provide more support for projects. — It is designed to be equally effective in mixed-ability classes with many activities, including interaction and project work, which allow students to work at their own pace and gain a satisfying sense of achievement. — It can be started at beginner level with New Hotline Starter or at false-beginner level with New Hotline Elementary where students have already studied some English and have a basic vocabulary.
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