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Книги издательства «Oxford University Press»
Автор: Wilson Penelope
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2005
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 144 страницы
Загрузил: alex033ru, 20 декабря 2008
   Hieroglyphs were far more than a language. They were an omnipresent and all-powerful force in communicating the messages of ancient Egyptian culture for over three thousand years; used as monumental art, as a means of identifying Egyptianness, and for rarefied communication with the gods. In this exciting new study, Penelope Wilson explores the cultural significance of the script with an emphasis on previously neglected areas such as cryptography, the continuing decipherment into modern times, and examines the powerful fascination hieroglyphs still hold for us today.
Автор: Fineman Stephen
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 160 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 26 декабря 2015
   The image of a job captures our imagination from an early age, usually prompted by the question What do you want to be when you grow up? Work — paid, unpaid, voluntary, or obligatory — is woven into the fabric of all human societies. For many of us, it becomes part of our identity. For others it is a tedious necessity. Living is problematic without paid work, and for many it is catastrophic. Steve Fineman tells the fascinating story of work — how we strive for security, reward, and often, meaning. Looking at how we classify work; the cultural and social factors that influence the way we work; the ethics of certain types of work; and the factors that will affect the future of work, from globalization to technology, this Very Short Introduction considers work as a concept and as a practical experience, drawing upon ideas from psychology, sociology, management, and social history.
Автор: Heskett John
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2005
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 168 страниц
Загрузил: pdsolid, 06 мая 2009
   John Heskett wants to transform the way we think about design by showing how integral it is to our daily lives, from the spoon we use to eat our breakfast cereal, and the car we drive to work in, to the medical equipment used to save lives. Design combines 'need' and 'desire' in the form of a practical object that can also reflect the user's identity and aspirations through its form and decoration. This concise guide to contemporary design goes beyond style and taste to look at how different cultures and individuals personalize objects. Heskett also reveals how simple objects, such as a toothpick, can have their design modified to suit the specific cultural behaviour in different countries. There are also fascinating insights into how major companies such as Nokia, Ford, and Sony approach design. Finally, the author gives us an exciting vision of what design can offer us in the future, showing in particular how it can humanize new technology.
Dada and Surrealism
Автор: Hopkins David
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2004
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 208 страниц
Загрузил: anatoly_24, 17 октября 2008
   The avant-garde movements of Dada and Surrealism continue to have a huge influence on cultural practice, especially in contemporary art, with its obsession with sexuality, fetishism, and shock tactics. In this new treatment of the subject, Hopkins focuses on the many debates surrounding these movements: the Marquis de Sade's Surrealist deification, issues of quality (How good is Dali?), the idea of the readymade, attitudes towards the city, the impact of Freud, attitudes to women, fetishism, and primitivism. The international nature of these movements is examined, covering the cities of Zurich, New York, Berlin, Cologne, Barcelona, Paris, London, and recenlty discovered examples in Eastern Europe. Hopkins explores the huge range of media employed by both Dada and Surrealism (collage, painting, found objects, performance art, photography, film), whilst at the same time establishing the aesthetic differences between the movements. He also examines the Dadaist obsession with the body-as-mechanism in relation to the Surrealists' return to the fetishized/eroticized body.
Finnegans Wake
Автор: Joyce James
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 720 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 10 декабря 2015
   And low, stole o'er the stillness the heartbeats of sleep In Chapelizod, a suburb of Dublin, an innkeeper and his family are sleeping. Around them and their dreams there swirls a vortex of world history, of ambition and failure, desire and transgression, pride and shame, rivalry and conflict, gossip and mystery. This is a book that reinvents the novel and plays fantastic games with the language to tell the story of one man's fall and resurrection; in the intimate drama of Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker and his wife Anna Livia, the character of Ireland itself takes form. Joyce called time and the river and the mountains the real heroes of his book, and its organic structure and extraordinary musicality embody his vision. It is both an outrageous epic and a wildly inventive comedy that rewards its readers with never-ending layers of meaning. In the introduction to this newly set edition, which faithfully maintains the original page layout, Finn Fordham guides the reader through the novel's complexity, and suggests a range of ways into the book.
The Bostonians
Автор: James Henry
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2009
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 512 страниц
Загрузил: nniikk, 17 августа 2012
   The plot of this novel revolves around the feminist movement in Boston in the 1870s. F.R. Leavis called it one of the two most brilliant novels in the language. The novel's many allusions to the historical and social background of Boston society are explained in the editorial material.
Physics Study Guide 2014 edition: Oxford IB Diploma Programme
Автор: Kirk Tim
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2014
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 208 страниц
Загрузил: anatoly_24, 18 июля 2016
   This comprehensive Study Guide reinforces all the key concepts for the 2014 syllabus, ensuring students develop a clear understanding of all the crucial topics at SL and HL. Breaking concepts down into manageable sections and with diagrams and illustrations to cement understanding, exam preparation material is integrated to build student confidence and assessment potential. · Fully comprehensive and matched to the new 2014 syllabus. · Concise and focused approach simplifies complex ideas, building truly confident understanding. · Clear and explanatory style uses plenty of visuals to make each concept accessible, easing comprehension. · Build a strong foundation of assessment skills, strengthening potential with integrated exam questions. · Develop assessment confidence, drawing on thorough assessment support and advice. About the Series: Written by IB examiners, Oxford IB Study Guides effectively reinforce key topics in a concise, user-friendly format, cementing understanding. Aligned with current syllabuses these indispensable books effectively prepare learners for assessment with revision support, past paper questions, and exam strategies.
The Masterpiece
Автор: Zola Emile
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 1999
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 458 страниц
Загрузил: neznaykaweb, 16 февраля 2009
   The Masterpiece is the most autobiographical of the twenty novels in Zola's Rougon-Macquart series. Set in the 1860s and 1870s, it provides a unique insight into his career as a writer and his relationship with Cezanne, a friend since their schooldays in Aix-en-Provence. It also presents a well-documented account of the turbulent Bohemian world in which the Impressionists came to prominence despite the conservatism of the Academy and the ridicule of the general public.
All About Language
Автор: Barry J. Blake
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2008
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 344 страницы
Загрузил: alex1984, 14 июля 2010
   In clear, congenial style Barry Blake explains how language works. He describes the make-up of words and how they're built from sounds and signs and put together in phrases and sentences. He examines the dynamics of conversation and the relations between the sound and meaning. He shows how languages help their users connect to each other and to the world, how they vary around the world, why they never stop changing, and that no two people speak a language in the same way. He looks at how language is acquired by infant children, how it relates to thought, and its operations in the brain. He investigates current trends and issues such as the levelling of linguistic class differences and the rise of new secret or in-group languages such as argot and teenspeak. He describes the history of writing from its origins to digital diffusion, and ends by looking at how language might have originated and then evolved among our distant hominid and primate ancestors. Language is crucial to every aspect of our lives whether we're thinking, talking, or dreaming. Barry Blake reveals the wonders that lie beneath the surface of everyday communication, enriching his exposition with a unique blend of anecdote and humour. His engaging guide is for everyone curious about language or who needs to know more about it.
Always on: Language in an Online and Mobile World
Автор: Naomi S. Baron
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2008
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 304 страницы
Загрузил: stalker1965, 16 февраля 2011
   «In Always On, Naomi S. Baron reveals that online and mobile technologies — including instant messaging, cell phones, multitasking, Facebooks, blogs, and wikis — are profoundly influencing how we read and write, speak and listen, but not in the ways we might suppose. Baron draws on a decade of research to provide an eye-opening look at language in an online and mobile world. She reveals for instance that email, IM, and text messaging have had surprisingly little impact on student writing. Electronic media has magnified the laid-back «whatever» attitude toward formal writing that young people everywhere have embraced, but it is not a cause of it. A more troubling trend, according to Baron, is the myriad ways in which we block incoming IMs, camouflage ourselves on Facebook, and use ring tones or caller ID to screen incoming calls on our mobile phones. Our ability to decide who to talk to, she argues, is likely to be among the most lasting influences that information technology has upon the ways we communicate with one another. Moreover, as more and more people are «always on» one technology or another — whether communicating, working, or just surfing the web or playing games — we have to ask what kind of people do we become, as individuals and as family members or friends, if the relationships we form must increasingly compete for our attention with digital media? Our 300-year-old written culture is on the verge of redefinition, Baron notes. It's up to us to determine how and when we use language technologies, and to weigh the personal and social benefits — and costs — of being always on. This engaging and lucidly-crafted book gives us the tools for taking on these challenges.»
The Arts of the Prima Donna in the Long Nineteenth Century
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 416 страниц
Загрузил: delovar, 08 марта 2016
   «Female characters assumed increasing prominence in the narratives of nineteenth — and early twentieth-century opera. And for contemporary audiences, many of these characters — and the celebrated women who played them — still define opera at its finest and most searingly affective, even if storylines leave them swooning and faded by the end of the drama. The presence and representation of women in opera has been addressed in a range of recent studies that offer valuable insights into the operatic stage as cultural space, focusing a critical lens at the text and the position and signification of female characters. Moving that lens onto the historical, The Arts of the Prima Donna in the Long Nineteenth Century sheds light on the singers who created and inhabited these roles, the flesh-and-blood women who embodied these fabled «doomed women» onstage before an audience. Editors Rachel Cowgill and Hilary Poriss lead a cast of renowned contributors in an impressive display of current approaches to the lives, careers, and performances of female opera singers. Essential theoretical perspectives reflect several broad themes woven through the volume-cultures of celebrity surrounding the female singer; the emergence of the quasi-mythical figure of the diva; explorations of the intricate and sundry arts associated with the prima donna, and with her representation in other media; and the diversity and complexity of contemporary responses to her. The prima donna influenced compositional practices, determined musical and dramatic interpretation, and affected management decisions about the running of the opera house, content of the season, and employment of other artists — a clear demonstration that her position as «first woman» extended well beyond the boards of the operatic stage itself. The Arts of the Prima Donna in the Long Nineteenth Century is an important addition to the collections of students and researchers in opera studies, nineteenth-century music, performance and gender/sexuality studies, and cultural studies, as well as to the shelves of opera singers and enthusiasts.»
Bad Language: Are Some Words Better Than Others?
Автор: Edwin L. Battistella
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2007
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 256 страниц
Загрузил: lawyer_78rus, 25 июня 2010
   Is today's language at an all-time low? Edwin Battistella argues that it is wrong to think of slang, regional dialects and nonstandard grammar as simply breaking the rules of good English. Reexamining debates over relativism in language, Battistella argues that we should view language as made up of alternative forms of regularity and orderliness, which require informed engagement with usage.
Being for: Evaluating the Semantic Program of Expressivism
Автор: Schroeder Mark
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2008
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 224 страницы
Загрузил: allkonekt, 10 декабря 2011
   Expressivism — the sophisticated contemporary incarnation of the noncognitivist research program of Ayer, Stevenson, and Hare — is no longer the province of metaethicists alone. Its comprehensive view about the nature of both normative language and normative thought has also recently been applied to many topics elsewhere in philosophy — including logic, probability, mental and linguistic content, knowledge, epistemic modals, belief, the a priori, and even quantifiers. Yet the semantic commitments of expressivism are still poorly understood and have not been very far developed. As argued within, expressivists have not yet even managed to solve the 'negation problem' — to explain why atomic normative sentences are inconsistent with their negations. As a result, it is far from clear that expressivism even could be true, let alone whether it is. Being For seeks to evaluate the semantic commitments of expressivism, by showing how an expressivist semantics would work, what it can do, and what kind of assumptions would be required, in order for it to do it. Building on a highly general understanding of the basic ideas of expressivism, it argues that expressivists can solve the negation problem — but only in one kind of way. It shows how this insight paves the way for an explanatorily powerful, constructive expressivist semantics, which solves many of what have been taken to be the deepest problems for expressivism. But it also argues that no account with these advantages can be generalized to deal with constructions like tense, modals, or binary quantifiers. Expressivism, the book argues, is coherent and interesting, but false.
Client Science: Advice for Lawyers on Counseling Clients Through Bad News and Other Legal Realities
Автор: Marjorie Corman Aaron
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2012
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 288 страниц
Загрузил: vitalysev, 14 июля 2014
   For most lawyers, effective client counseling is neither intuitive nor easy. Lawyers tend to avoid or delay communicating bad news out of a fear of client backlash, or because they feel torn between the obligation to clearly inform clients about weaknesses in legal positions and fear of damaging the client relationship. There is a perception that honest advice from a lawyer can make a client doubt the allegiance and zeal brought to a particular legal matter. Client Science helps lawyers to effectively communicate with their clients, particularly when delivering bad news or other legal realities. Author, Marjorie Corman Aaron, explains the applicable social sciences and translates insights from these fields into plain language to help improve a lawyer's ordering, timing, phrasing, and type of explanation, as well as style adjustments for the lawyer's voice, gesture, and body position. Ultimately, she demonstrates how the proverbial well-informed client--meaning a client who fully understands and appreciates the lawyer's information and advice — can also be a satisfied client who trusts the lawyer's competence and loyalty.
England Under the Norman and Angevin Kings 1075-1225
Автор: Bartlett Robert
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2002
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 800 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 28 июня 2009
   This lively and far-reaching account of the politics, religion, and culture of England in the century and a half after the Norman Conquest provides a vivid picture of everyday existence, and increases our understanding of all aspects of medieval society. This was a period in which the ruling dynasty and military aristocracy were deeply enmeshed with the politics and culture of France. Professor Bartlett describes their conflicts, and their preoccupations — the sense of honour, the role of violence, and the glitter of tournament, heraldry, and Arthurian romance. He explores the mechanics of government; assesses the role of the Church at a time of radical developments in religious life and organization; and investigates the peasant economy, the foundation of this society, and the growing urban and commercial activity. There are colourful details of the everyday life of ordinary men and women, with their views on the past, on sexuality, on animals, on death, the undead, and the occult. The result is a fascinating and comprehensive portrayal of a period which begins with conquest and ends in assimilation.
Exploring Leadership: Individual, Organizational, and Societal Perspectives
Автор: Bolden Richard
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2011
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 232 страницы
Загрузил: valentina632, 13 декабря 2014
   Are leaders born or made? Does each society get the leaders it deserves? How-and why-is leadership 'rhetoric' different from leadership in reality? l l Leadership is one of the most talked about yet least understood concepts in current business and society. This book explores how theoretical models and views of leadership have evolved over time; how leadership can be investigated from individual, organizational, and societal perspectives; and perennial dilemmas and emerging approaches in Leadership Studies. Positioning its discussion within a multidisciplinary framework that touches on management, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, history, literature, and politics, this book examines and critiques the common assumptions that inform the ways in which leaders and leadership are recognized, rewarded, and developed. It provides a valuable and thought-provoking overview for students and academics interested in leadership and management, practising leaders, leadership development consultants, and policy makers.
For Peace and Money: French and British Finance in the Service of Tsars and Commissars
Автор: Siegel Jennifer
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2015
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 328 страниц
Загрузил: wizavi, 15 декабря 2018
   From the late imperial period until 1922, the British and French made private and government loans to Russia, making it the foremost international debtor country in pre-World War I Europe. To finance the modernization of industry, the construction of public works projects, the building of railroads, and the development of the military-industrial complex, Russia's ministers of finance, municipal leaders, and nascent manufacturing class turned, time and time again, to foreign capital. From the forging of the Franco-Russian alliance onwards, Russia's needs were met, first and foremost, by France and Great Britain, its allies, and diplomatic partners in the developing Triple Entente. Russia's continued access to those ready lenders ensured that the empire of the Tsars would not be tempted away from its alliance and entente partners. This web of financial and political interdependence affected both foreign policy and domestic society in all three countries. The Russian state was so heavily indebted to its western creditors, rendering those western economies almost prisoners to this debt, that the debtor nation in many ways had the upper hand; the Russian government at times was actually able to dictate policy to its French and British counterparts. Those nations' investing classes-which, in France in particular, spanned not only the upper classes but the middle, rentier class, as well-had such a vast proportion of their savings wrapped up in Russian bonds that any default would have been catastrophic for their own economies. That default came not long after the Bolshevik Revolution brought to power a government who felt no responsibility, whatsoever, for the debts accrued by the tsars for the purpose of oppressing Russia's workers and peasants. The ensuing effect on allied morale, the Anglo-French relationship, and, ultimately, on international relations in the twentieth century, was grim and far-reaching. Jennifer Siegel narrates a classic tale of money and power in the modern era-an age of economic interconnectivity and great power interdependency-involving such figures as Lord Revelstoke, chairman of Baring Brothers, the British and French Rothschild cousins, and Sergei Witte, Russia's authoritative finance minister during much of this age of expansion. For Peace and Money highlights the importance of foreign capital in policymaking on the origins and conduct of World War I.
Insular Books: Vernacular Manuscript Miscellanies in Late Medieval Britain
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2015
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 330 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 16 марта 2019
   Insular Books discusses literary texts written in Anglo-French, Middle English, Older Scots, and Middle Welsh. The particular focus of the collection is one type of manuscript: the miscellany — essentially a multi-text manuscript whose contents are of a varied nature, often accumulated over time and added by different users.
Relationship Marketing
Автор: Godson Mark
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2009
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 374 страницы
Загрузил: sel84, 17 августа 2012
   Relationship Marketing has been written in a highly accessible way to ensure clear understanding and ignite the reader's interest. The author presents a critical overview of the subject to enable students to engage with issues, and discuss and debate points raised in the text. A wealth of case studies are included throughout allowing students to see how the theory may be transferred through to practice for example BMW Mini, Guiness and Metro. The text begins by looking at how and why relationship marketing originated, before exploring issues surrounding customer relationships. Consideration is given to topics such as customer satisfaction, retaining customers, customer loyalty, and customer relationship management. Part three discusses different types of relationships, such as e-relationships and supplier relationships, as well as considering both internal and external relationships. The text concludes with a section on the implications, both for organisations and for the future.
Macroeconomics: Institutions, Instability, and the Financial System
Автор: Carlin Wendy
Издательство: Oxford University Press, 2014
Жанр: Oxford University Press
Страниц: 680 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 22 апреля 2019
   This authoritative new textbook integrates the modern monetary framework, based on the 3-equation model of the demand side, the supply side and the policy maker, with a model of the financial system. As a result, the authors comprehensively address the limitations of the mainstream macroeconomic model exposed by the financial crisis and the Eurozone crisis. The book guides the reader through the three principal steps required to integrate the financial system within the macroeconomic model. Firstly, the authors examine how the margin of the lending rate over the policy rate is set in the commercial banking sector, how money is created in a modern banking system and how the central bank can take account of the working of the banking system in order to achieve its desired policy outcome. Secondly, the authors explore the characteristics of the financial system that result in vulnerability to a financial crisis, with implications for fiscal balance. The economy depends on the continuity of core banking services and governments cannot afford to let them fail. This means that important banks do not bear the full cost of their lending decisions. As a result, they may have an incentive to take on excessive risk. Thirdly, a simple model is developed of the behaviour of highly-leveraged financial institutions as the basis for a leverage or financial cycle in the economy. In addition, the book extends the 3-equation model to the open economy and uses a simple 2-bloc version of the 3-equation model to introduce global imbalances. The case of a common currency area is handled within the core model — both at the Eurozone level and at the level of member countries. Every chapter emphasises how the different actors in the economy behave and interact: what are they trying to achieve and what limits their ability to put their intentions into practice? This is extended to the modelling of growth, where the role of innovation rents in the Schumpeterian model is highlighted. It is essential that students understand previous periods of growth, stability and crisis in preparing for future shocks. With this in mind, the book enables the reader to interpret long run historical data and to compare institutional detail in different eras and across the world. Consequently, this text not only develops the critical thinking skills required for academic success, but ensures the reader can analyse data, trends, and policy debates with the confidence necessary for a career in economics or finance. As a result, it is essential reading for all those interested in learning more about the current macroeconomic system and the role played by financial institutions. Online Resource Centre: For students: Conduct a range of exercises with the closed and open economy versions of the model using the Excel-based macroeconomic simulator. Develop your understanding with additional technical material available in the accompanying web appendices. For registered lecturers: Access the solutions to end of chapter questions from the book.
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