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Книги издательства «Macmillan Publishers»
Oliver Twist (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Dickens Charles
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2006
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 72 страницы
Загрузил: romabazhenov, 20 декабря 2009
   A retelling of Dickens' famous novel about the trials and tribulations of the poor young orphan boy, Oliver. Follow his journey from the appalling conditions of a nineteenth-century workhouse to London.
PET (Preliminary English Test) Testbuilder with answer key (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Luque-Mortimer Lucrecia
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 160 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 25 апреля 2009
   Pet Testbuilder has been written and designed to improve students' exam performance and increase their language competence in order to succeed at preliminary English test. The with key edition provides explanations as to why the correct answer is right and the other answers are wrong.
Paragraph Writing Student's Book
Автор: Dorothy E. Zemach
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 108 страниц
Загрузил: roxy_10, 14 февраля 2009
   Writing is a very important part of your university study. You will write assignments that may range from one paragraph to several pages long, and will write answers on tests and exams that may be a few sentences long or a complete essays. During this course, you will have many opportunities to study and discuss examples of English academic writing. Naturally, you will also have many opportunities to discuss your own academic writing and the writing of your classmates. You will learn how important the rader is to the writer, and how to express clearly and directly what you mean to communicate.
Paragraph Writing Teacher's Guide: From Sentence to Paragraph
Автор: Dorothy E. Zemach
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 августа 2009
   Paragraph Writing takes students from sentence formation to paragraph writing through a process approach. This not only develops students’ paragraph writing skills, but also encourages them to become independent and creative writers. The back of the Student’s Book contains peer review forms and a grammar reference section. This book provides students with: •Focus on particular aspects of paragraph writing, such as topics, style and development •Writing support to help them with brainstorming, organizing ideas, writing topic sentences and supporting their ideas •Language support to help them with vocabulary, grammar and punctuation •Guidance on reviewing their own and their classmates’ writing in order to make revisions •Structured, graded writing assignments at the end of each unit. Paragraph Writing includes 12 units and additional materials. Teacher's guide supports the instructor by offering teaching suggestions, a discussion of marking and grading writing, ideas for supplemental activities for each unit, and answers to exercises in the student book.
Pat's Picture
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 19 страниц
Загрузил: alekc11, 22 марта 2008
People Like Us Student's Book
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2002
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 мая 2009
People Like Us: Teacher's Book
Автор: Craven Miles
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2002
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 126 страниц
Загрузил: gagarin-blin, 18 июля 2009
   In People Like Us you'll meet people from different countries all over the world. But remember that your culture is not just your country. It's what you do and how old you are. It's where you live. It's the things you like doing and the things you don't like doing. It's the way you talk and your education. It's about your friends, your family and your own character. This is your cultural identity. People Like Us has three aims: • to help you find out about other cultures. • to help you find out more about your own culture. • to help you enjoy practicing your English. People Like Us, for adult and young adult learners of English, is an integrated skills course exploring cultural values and attitudes. Based on over twenty hours of recorded interviews, People Like Us allows you to sample the lifestyles, attitudes and opinions of eleven real people from around the world. As well as learning about other cultures, you will be invited to reflect on your own culture. In this way, People Like Us will help build your cross-cultural awareness.
People Like Us, Too Student's Book (+ CD-ROM)
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2003
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 мая 2009
   «Пособия «People Like Us» и «People Like Us, Too» знакомят учащихся и студентов с реальными людьми из разных стран мира, в том числе и из России, традициями и национальными ценностями, нормами речевого и неречевого поведения, этикетом — всем тем, что составляет понятие «культура». Задания пособий «People Like Us» и «People Like Us, Too» помогут учащимся и студентам не только усовершенствовать свои знания современного английского языка, но и сформировать представление об особенностях своей собственной национальной культуры в контексте мировых культур. Пособия «People Like Us» и «People Like Us, Too» способствует развитию навыков, необходимых для успешного межкультурного общения, формирования этнической и национальной толерантности. Пособия «People Like Us» и «People Like Us, Too» могут быть использованы в школах и вузах как гуманитарного, так и социально-экономического профиля.»
The Phantom Airman with 2 CD Pack (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Jones A.F.
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 60 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 16 мая 2009
   Труппа оперного театра находится в состоянии ужаса. Всех испугал человек в маске, которого видели за сценой. По этому произведению ставились спектакли и фильмы, мюзикл по этой книге приобрел мировую известность.
Photo Finish (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Sweetnam P.
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2008
   When she has to get her passport photos taken quickly, Lisa never imagines for one moment what the consequences might be of her visit to the photo booth in the deserted bus station, or the mortal danger she is in.
Picture Grammar for Children 3: Topic-based Grammar Practice
Автор: Vale David
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 1998
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 64 страницы
Загрузил: apollon7777777, 10 декабря 2009
   Picture Grammar for Children is a lively and colourful grammar practice series for young learners. It's fun to use and easy to teach and is compatible with any course. Grammar is presented in an original and appealing way through vocabulary-rich topic-based spreads which are followed by a range of grammar practice activities. Key features: • Vocabulary and grammar are introduced side by side in meaningful contexts. • Highly illustrated topic-based units are carefully selected to reflect students' interests. • There is a balance between controlled exercises and those which allow students to use language creatively. • Review units give opportunity for consolidation and further practice. • Students can work through the units systematically or in any chosen order.
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Elementary Level. + 2 AudioCD (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Wilde Oscar
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2006
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 72 страницы
Загрузил: romabazhenov, 20 декабря 2009
   «Dorian Gray must be an interesting young man», said Harry. «I don't want you to meet him», replied Basil quickly. «You don't want me to meet him?» «No». Suddenly Basil's servant came out into the garden. «Mr Dorian Gray is here, sir. He is in the studio», he said. «I will have to meet Dorian now», said Harry, laughing. • Extra grammar and vocabulary exercises. • Notes about the life of Oscar Wilde. • Points for Understanding comprehension questions. • Glossary of difficult vocabulary. • AudioCD / download available for this title.»
Picture Puzzle
Автор: Escott John
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 31 страниц
Загрузил: ooz500, 11 октября 2009
   An adventure thriller. Who is the running girl who pushes a cassette of film into Pete`s hand in the shopping mall? His curiosity piqued, Pete takes the pictures to be developed and the mystery deepens.
The Princess Diaries: Book 1 (+ 2 CDs) (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Meg Cabot
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2008
   Mia Thermopolis lives with her mother in New York City. One day her life changes forever as she discovers that she is the Princess of Genovia. Mia must forget her teenage ways and learn royal etiquette. But Mia doesn't want to be a princess or live in Europe. She wants to be a normal teenage girl. What will happen to Mia when her classmates find out who she really is?
The Princess Diaries: Book 2 (+2 CDs) (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Cabot M.S.
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2006
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
   As if the fact that her mother is marrying her algebra teacher isn't bad enough, Mia then manages to announce the engagement on live television. Mia's grandmother immediately starts making arrangements for a grand state wedding — greatly upsetting Mia's mother. Then Mia's mother and her fiance go missing... To add to her problems, Mia finds herself falling in love with her best friend's brother Michael.
Rebecca: Level Upper. Book with extra Exercises. + 3 CD (+ Audio CD)
Автор: du Maurier Daphne
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 152 страницы
Загрузил: coldlikeice, 16 февраля 2008
   Maxim de Winter never talked about Rebecca, but others talked. Rebecca's death had been in all the newspapers. Everyone thought that she had drowned in the sea near Manderley... • Extra grammar and vocabulary exercises. • Points for Understanding comprehension questions. • Glossary of difficult vocabulary. • Free resources including worksheets, tests and author data sheets at www.macmillanenglish.com/readers. • AudioCD/download available for this title.
Rendezvous With Rama Reader
Автор: Sir Arthur C. Clarke
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 04 июля 2009
   In the year 2131, a fast-moving object is detected entering the solar system. Asteroid 31/439, renamed 'Rama', is set to enter the Earth's orbit within the year. A hastily arranged space flight is organised to intercept it. The scientists on board soon discover that Rama is not a dead lump of rock but a huge hollow cylinder spinning along a planned trajectory. Who or what built Rama and why?
Reward: Elementary. Practice Book (with key edition)
Автор: Diana Pye
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 1997
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 июня 2009
   Reward is a multi-level course designed to take students from their first introduction to English up to a fully proficient use of the language. The cross-cultural contexts of Reward provide stimulating input and encourage discussion, making learning interesting and relevant to today's world. The Practice Book extends work done in class with the Student's Book by providing further practice in grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening and sounds work. With each lesson on a double-page spread, it is easy for the learner to use. An answer key is included for self-checking, and all the listening and sounds work is recorded on a separate cassette. Components: For the student: — Student's Book. This contains 40 Lessons and 8 Progress checks to provide a core syllabus of approximately 70 hours' work. — Practice Book. — Practice Book cassette. This contains all the listening and sounds work provided in the Practice Book. — Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook. Additional exercises for use in class or at home. CD-Rom. For the teacher: — Teacher's Book. Interleaved with the Student's Book, for teacher ease of use in class. — Class cassettes. These two cassettes contain the listening and sounds work in the Student's Book. — Resource Pack. Optional communicative activities which can be used to supplement the core syllabus in the Student's Book. — Business Resource Pack. Optional communicative activities for students of business and professional English. — Video. — Teacher's Resource Pack.
Reward Intermediate Practice Book with key
Автор: Simon Greenall
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 1995
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 июня 2009
   Reward is a multi-level course designed to take students from their first introduction to English up to a fully proficient use of the language. The cross-cultural contexts of Reward provide stimulating input and encourage discussion, making learning interesting and relevant to today's world. The Practice Book extends work done in class with the Student's Book by providing further practice in grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening and sounds. With each lesson on a double-page spread, it is easy for the learner to use. An answ er key is included for self-checking, and all the listening and sounds work is recorded on a separate cassette.
Reward Pre-Intermediate Practice Book with key
Автор: Simon Greenall
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 1994
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 14 июля 2009
   Reward is the highly successful five-level general English course for adults and young adults which is now used and recommended extensively across the world. Choose the Reward series and you will have up to twelve fully-integrated components at each of the five levels. The series, written by Simon Greenall and the highly-experienced Reward author team, is now complete. It provides teachers and students with one of the most comprehensive English language teaching courses available today. Reward takes adult and young adult learners from complete beginner to upper intermediate level. The course is based on a broad and integrated multi-syllabus approach: broad in the sense that it gives obvious systematic focus to grammar and language functions, vocabulary, the four skills and sounds, but also in that it implicitly covers a variety of topics, learner training and socio-cultural competence.
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