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Книги издательства «Macmillan Publishers»
Survival English: International Communication for Professional People. Practice book
Автор: Viney
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2003
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 56 страниц
Загрузил: bodrov, 02 сентября 2009
   A Pre-Intermediate English course for professional adults who need English for work and travel. Each one-page lesson depicts an authentic situation that learners might encounter in real-life: introducing people at work, ordering a meal, checking into a hotel/airport etc. Key features: Unique signposting with topic icons provides teachers with a practical short-cut to communicative competence and enable them to design a syllabus that suits their student's needs One-page-per-lesson format gives students a real sense of achievement Includes AudioCD in the Student's Book with selected listening allows students to listen to recordings at home to prepare for or follow-up a lesson Bilingual Wordlists for selected languages on macmillanenglish.com/survival allow easy access to a ready-made customizable resource Communication activities provide realistic pair-work situations to practice in the safety of a classroom Cultural files add value to learning the language by expanding the topic with a cultural context. Student Book Covers seven key topic areas; Business, Socializing, Communications, Travel, Hotels, Money and Food and Drink Practice Book Updated material to match the Student Book with additional topic-based activities for early finishers. Teacher's Guide New photocopiable mid-course and end-course tests with answer keys.
Way Ahead 1: A Foundation Course in English. Practice Book
Автор: Hocking Liz
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 марта 2008
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign language. The course is reading based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language and make learning fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, and the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The extensively rewritten Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests.
Way Ahead 1: A Foundation Course in English. Workbook
Автор: Bowen Mary
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 120 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 11 августа 2009
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign language. The course is reading based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language and make learning fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, and the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The extensively rewritten Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests. The new Story Audio Cassettes offer recorded versions of the Readers and the Reading for Pleasure pages from the Pupil's Books.
New Way Ahead 2: Grammar Practice Book
Автор: Hocking Liz
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 марта 2008
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign language. The course is reading based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language and make learning fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, and the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The extensively rewritten Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests.
New Way Ahead 2 Pupil's Book
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 04 июля 2009
   Way Ahead — шестиуровневый курс английского языка для детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста. Основу курса составляют разнообразные задания, направленные на формирование языковых навыков и речевых умений учащихся. Содержание упражнений и типы заданий составлены с учетом интересов ребенка, его возрастных (физических и психологических) особенностей. Материал учебника позволяет учителю научить учащихся понимать иноязычную речь на слух, говорить читать и писать на английском языке, а также приобщить детей к новому социальному опыту с использованием иностранного языка.
Way Ahead 2: Teacher's Book
Автор: Bowen Mary
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 мая 2008
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign language. The course is reading based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centered activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualize the language and make learning fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, and the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The completely new Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests. The new Story Audio Cassettes offer recorded versions of the Reading for Pleasure pages from the Pupil's Books.
Way Ahead 2: A Foundation Course in English. Workbook
Автор: Bowen Mary
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 128 страниц
Загрузил: liego55, 20 сентября 2010
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign language. The course is reading based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language and make learning fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, and the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The extensively rewritten Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests. The new Story Audio Cassettes offer recorded versions of the Readers and the Reading for Pleasure pages from the Pupil's Books.
New Way Ahead 3 Grammar Practice Book
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 марта 2008
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign language. The course is reading based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language and make learning fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, and the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The extensively rewritten Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests.
New Way Ahead 3 Pupil's Book
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 04 июля 2009
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign language. The course is reading based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language and make learning fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, and the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The extensively rewritten Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests.
New Way Ahead 3: Teacher's Book
Автор: Bowen Mary
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 04 июля 2009
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign languages. The course is reading based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language and make learning fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, and the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The extensively rewritten Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests. The new Story Audio Cassettes offer recorded versions of the Readers and the Reading for Pleasure pages from the Pupil's Books. Visit the Way Ahead website for more information about the course, extra lesson ideas and free downloadable worksheets.
New Way Ahead 3 Workbook
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2004
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 128 страниц
Загрузил: liego55, 20 сентября 2010
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six-level course for primary school children who are learning English as a first foreign language. The course is reading based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child-centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language and make learning fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, and the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The extensively rewritten Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests.
New Way Ahead 4 Grammar Practice Book
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 мая 2009
   Way Ahead получил высокую оценку Федерального Экспертного Совета МО РФ и допущен к использованию в школах (классах) с углубленным изучением английского языка в качестве учебного пособия (Письмо Министерства образования РФ № 13-58-2130/17 от 03.07.02, Вестник Образования России №4/2003, с. 72, 74). Way Ahead имеет целый ряд достоинств: сбалансированное обучение всем видам речевой деятельности, обучение грамматике на визуальной основе по образцу, отработка не только отдельных звуков, но и ритма и интонации иноязычной речи, учет принципа посильности и доступности при формировании языковых навы& ков и развитии всех видов речевой деятельности. Достоинством УМК является его многокомплектность и профессионально-методическая оснащенность.
New Way Ahead 4 Pupil's Book
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 04 июля 2009
   Way Ahead получил высокую оценку Федерального Экспертного Совета МО РФ и допущен к использованию в школах (классах) с углубленным изучением английского языка в качестве учебного пособия (Письмо Министерства образования РФ № 13-58-2130/17 от 03.07.02, Вестник Образования России №4/2003, с. 72, 74). Way Ahead имеет целый ряд достоинств: сбалансированное обучение всем видам речевой деятельности, обучение грамматике на визуальной основе по образцу, отработка не только отдельных звуков, но и ритма и интонации иноязычной речи, учет принципа посильности и доступности при формировании языковых навы& ков и развитии всех видов речевой деятельности. Достоинством УМК является его многокомплектность и профессионально-методическая оснащенность.
New Way Ahead 4 Workbook
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 04 июля 2009
   Way Ahead получил высокую оценку Федерального Экспертного Совета МО РФ и допущен к использованию в школах (классах) с углубленным изучением английского языка в качестве учебного пособия (Письмо Министерства образования РФ № 13-58-2130/17 от 03.07.02, Вестник Образования России №4/2003, с. 72, 74). Way Ahead имеет целый ряд достоинств: сбалансированное обучение всем видам речевой деятельности, обучение грамматике на визуальной основе по образцу, отработка не только отдельных звуков, но и ритма и интонации иноязычной речи, учет принципа посильности и доступности при формировании языковых навы& ков и развитии всех видов речевой деятельности. Достоинством УМК является его многокомплектность и профессионально-методическая оснащенность.
Way Ahead 5: Workbook
Автор: Bowen Mary
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 04 июля 2009
   Way Ahead is an imaginative, six level course for primary school children who are learning English as a foreign language. The course is reading- based, with a strong communicative flavour. The structures and functions of English are taught through a variety of inviting, child- centred activities, which have been carefully graded and are suitable for classes in a variety of cultural backgrounds. At the lower levels, the books introduce a cast of interesting characters who contextualise the language and make it fun. At the upper levels, new language is presented through a series of motivating and informative topics, as the course develops the skills the children need to pursue their studies to a higher level. This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The completely new Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests. The new Story Audio Cassettes offer recorded versions of the Reading for Pleasure Pages from the Pupil's Books.
Way Ahead 6: Pupil's Book
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 120 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 11 августа 2008
   This popular six-level course has now been revised to make it even more accesible and appealing to young learners of English.
Way Ahead 6: Workbook
Автор: Bowen Mary
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 120 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 11 августа 2008
   This new edition of Way Ahead has been redesigned and updated to attract a new generation of learners. The completely new Practice Books include more exercises, additional handwriting work and more challenging practice tests. The new Story Audio Cassettes offer recorded versions of the Reading for Pleasure pages from the Pupil's Books.
New Year's Eve: Level 4
Автор: Palin Cheryl
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2006
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 24 страницы
Загрузил: alibaba65, 28 мая 2010
   This is a 6 level series of readers for children learning English, bringing together a variety of enjoyable fiction and non-fiction titles. The series provides reinforcement of the basic structures and vocabulary contained in most major primary courses.
Newspaper Boy
Автор: Escott J.
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Страниц: 31 страниц
Загрузил: ooz500, 11 октября 2009
   Two adventure stories about a newspaper delivery boy who wants to be a detective. Recommended for younger readers. Alarm!- Toby foils the attempt by a gang of thieves to break into an electronics factory. The Cutting- Toby is convinced that the new occupant of 17 Ash Avenue is an escaped bank robber.
Officially Dead Exercises with 2 CD Pack (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Prescott R.
Издательство: Macmillan Publishers, 2005
Жанр: Macmillan Publishers
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2008
   Colin Fenton and his wife run a busy computer software company but only Colin knows that the business is in serious trouble — to the tune of £10,000. When a chance meeting in a pub leads him to an offer that will, he thinks, quickly and easily solve all his problems, he accepts. But he loses the gamble and subsequently his identity, leaving his wife to try to prove whether or not he is officially dead.
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