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The Glass-Blowers

The Glass-Blowers
Издательство: Little, Brown and Company, 2004
Страниц: 384 страницы

ID книги: 7179319
Загрузил: yury-m,

'Perhaps we shall not see each other again. I will write to you, though, and tell you, as best I can, the story of your family. A glass-blower, remember, breathes life into a vessel, giving it shape and form and sometimes beauty; but he can with that same breath, shatter and destroy it'. Faithful to her word, Sophie Duval reveals to her long-lost nephew the tragic story of a family of master craftsmen in eighteenth-century France. The world of the glass-blowers has its own traditions, it's own language — and its own rules. 'If you marry into glass'. Pierre Labbe warns his daughter, 'you will say goodbye to everything familiar, and enter a closed world'. But crashing into this world comes the violence and terror of the French Revolution against which, the family struggles to survive. The Glass Blowers is a remarkable achievement — an imaginative and exciting reworking of du Maurier's own family history.

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