Главная > Little, Brown and Company > Книга «Complicity»
О чем не говорят конспирологи


Издательство: Little, Brown and Company, 2013
Страниц: 320 страниц

ID книги: 6164769
Загрузил: admin,

COMPLICITY n. 1. the fact of being an accomplice, esp. in a criminal act. A few spliffs, a spot of mild S&M, phone through the copy for tomorrow's front page, catch up with the latest from your mystery source — could be big, could be very big — in fact, just a regular day at the office for free-wheeling, substance-abusing. Cameron Colley, a fully paid-up Gonzo hack on an Edinburgh newspaper. The source is pretty thin, but Cameron senses a scoop and checks out a series of bizarre deaths from a few years ago — only to find that the police are checking out a series of bizarre deaths that are happening right now. And Cameron just might know more about it than he'd care to admit... Involvement; connection; liability — Complicity is a stunting exploration of the morality of greed, corruption and violence, venturing fearlessly into the darker recesses of human purpose.

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