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Книги Jones Christina
Happy Birthday
Автор: Jones Christina
Издательство: Little, Brown and Company, 2008
Жанр: Little, Brown and Company
Страниц: 336 страниц
Загрузил: phoenix7, 15 июня 2011
   On midsummer's day, Phoebe Bowler star-sign demon should have returned home an ecstatically happy new bride. Instead, she's been jilted at the altar. In need of sympathy, perhaps she could turn to her neighbour, the dishy Rocky Lancaster? But with problems of his own he's turned into Mr Grumpy and wants to be left alone. That is until Essie Rivers arrives on the scene, and then Phoebe and Rocky's paths seem destined to collide with a very big bump. Essie knows far more about astrology, personolgy, numerology any 'ology' you care to mention than Phoebe has ever heard of. But it is the secret magic of 'birthday-ology' that catches Phoebe's eye. Can she really use a birthday to find a perfect match or to set her and Rocky back on the path to happiness? Phoebe thinks so, but that's when things start to go really wrong...
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