Книги издательства «HK Books»
Este es el segundo iibro de Juan jose Millas que publicamos en esta coleccion. Sin duda los lectores lo celebraran, como lo han hecho con el primero. La pasion por el absurdo у la fantasia todopoderosa son el material intrinseco de estos mini relates, у el humor у la ironia su instrumento mas eficaz. Como un agudo observador de la realidad-irrealidad, Juan Jose Millas aborda todo tipo de anecdotas domesticas, politicas о culturales, planteando mediante fabulas о textos fantasticos una critica etica que nos ayuda a comprender mejor nuestro mundo interior. |
Mario Benedetti posee una mirada lucida у penetrante sobre la condicion humana, asi como el coraje intelectual para describirla. La vida cotidiana у domestica es el marco en el que los personajes se pierden en el laberinto de su memoria у sus pasiones. Tempestades interiores que los conducen segun el itinerario secreto trazado para ellos por este gran escritor. Su obra, intensa, apasionada у profunda, ha sido traducida a mas de veinte idiomas у ha traspasado las fronteras del mundo del libro, formando parte de peliculas, obras graficas у cancioneros de renombrados cantautores de todo el mundo. |
Suso de Того es un reconocido у prestigioso autor de las letras espafiolas. A lo largo de su extensa trayectoria literaria ha recibido, entre otros, el Premio de la Critica espanola en 1993 у 2000, у el Premio Nacional de Narrativa en 2003. Su interes por la problematica social se evidencia tanto en la vida publics, en la que interviene con mirada critica desde tribunas periodisticas у literarias, como en su obra, en la que la proximidad al ciudadano de a pie conforma narraciones cercanas у naturales. Los dos relatos que incluye Llaman a la puerta son un buen ejempio de una literatura en la que el lector, interpelado de tu a tu, se reconoce у se involucra. |
Una manana fresquita del ano 41, en Toledo, el teniente Santolalla se levanta decidido a enfrentarse con su culpa: hoy ira por fin a visitar a la familia del miliciano a quien mato, casi sin quererlo, en el frente de Aragon, en una vina... Santolalla acude en busca de alivio у al hacerlo seenfrenta con su culpa, pero tambien con la dignidad del vencido; у nos asoma a nosotros, lectores.al tajo por el que se despenaron los espanoles en la Guerra Civil. Francisco Ayala, Premio Cervantes у Premio Principe de Asturias de las Letras, nos regala la realidad de nuestra historia a traves de este memorable relato. |
The city of Barcelona is considered the essence of Modernism, and certainly it is where the movement left the greatest number of its architectural jewels, many of them widely known. There are, however, pertaining to this historical period other less well-known works that are authentic gems, highly evocative and attractive. This book proposes a discovery of this other Modernist treasure — works that shine with a light of their own, encrusted in the estimable legacy of this artistic movement. Gaudi and Modernism in Barcelona is the third volume in a collection dealing with this artistic current that spread throughout Europe in the late 19'th and early 20'th centuries, leaving its indelible mark on all areas of aesthetic manifestation. As with the previous volumes, this work is an indispensable tool for visitors with the curiosity and desire to discover more about this movement that brought a new way of understanding architecture and the arts in general. Over 150 colour photographs produced for this book and maps that pinpoint the locations lead readers out of the centre of Barcelona, guiding them through other areas of the city to seek out buildings that form an inherent part of the legacy of Modernist architecture. Moreover, the book includes two special sections dedicated to stained glass and furnishings. These two chapters are a tribute to the excellence of the artists and craftsmen who complement the great names of Modernist architecture, and who with their work contributed to the diffusion and great splendour of a unique movement in the history of architecture and art. |
5 sorprendentes relatos donde se despliegan universos míticos, mágicos y casi oníricos. El autor nos traslada a escenarios en los que se desarrollan historias cautivadoras y atemporales, llenas de fantasía y lucidez. |
Arguably America's best-known architect, Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) is famed for his sleek, rational designs of houses and buildings nestled in natural surroundings. Across the United States, Wright's works embody the precept of Organic Architecture, that a project must be constructed in response to the site's landscape, with respect for the client's needs, and with awareness of local materials. Throughout her career, painter Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986) created breathtaking works of intimacy, simplicity, and precision, inspired by observations both of the urban environment of New York City and the stark landscapes of the American Southwest. Both Wright and O'Keeffe applied a respect and understanding of nature to their work. Studied together, these creators' works bring new insight into how the organic influences the artistic. |
A careful selection of projects of bars and cafes in Paris, New York, Buenos Aires, Madrid, etc, which embody the idea of the new coffeehouses. Photos specially taken for the edition, with plans and other graphical elements that facilitate its reading. From the same collection: The best of Bars and restaurants, The best of lofts, the best of American houses. |
The work of the brilliant architect with locations maps. |