Книги Harlan Coben
They were looking for a miracle cure... Sara Lowell and Michael Silverman. The ideal celebrity couple, darlings of the media. She's TV's most popular journalist. He's New York's hottest basketball star. Their lives would soon be shattered by the most deadly illness of modern times. Dr. Harvey Riker. His clinic has found the miracle cure that millions seek. One-by-one his patients are getting well. One-by-one they are targeted by a serial killer more fatal than their disease. Rev. Earnest Sanders. His ultra-conservative Holy Crusade Church saw the disease as God's vengeance on a lustful, sin-ridden generation of the damned. And God's will could not be denied. Lieutenant Bernstein. His true desires make him a perfect choice to track the killer — or a perfect victim. |
Seventeen-year-old Haley McWaid never gave her parents a moment's worry. Until one morning her mother wakes to find that Haley didn't come home the night before. Three months quickly pass without a word, and everyone assumes the worst. Wendy Tynes is a reporter on a mission: to identify and bring down sexual predators via televised sting operations. Her latest target is Dan Mercer, a social worker known as a friend to troubled teens. But his story soon becomes more complicated than Wendy could have imagined. Caught tells the story of a missing girl, the community stunned by her loss, the predator who may have taken her, and the reporter who suddenly realises she can't trust her own instincts about this story — or the motives of the people around her... |
Harlan Cobens bislang beklemmendster Thriller! Der Teenager Spencer Hill ist tot: Selbstmord. Oder doch Mord? Als sein engster Freund Adam Baye verschwindet, befürchten dessen Eltern Mike und Tia das Schlimmste. In der Sorge um ihren Sohn haben sie heimlich ein Spionageprogramm auf Adams Computer installiert, das schon bald eine bedrohliche E-Mail zu Tage fördert. Alarmiert und schockiert macht sich nun Mike selbst auf, um seinen Sohn nach Hause zu holen – koste es, was es wolle. Doch er und seine Frau sind nicht die einzigen, die andere ausspionieren ... Virtuos durchkonstruiert und psychologisch perfekt! |