Главная > Dorling Kindersley > Книга «Flight: 100 Years of Aviation»
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Flight: 100 Years of Aviation

Flight: 100 Years of Aviation
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley, 2010
Страниц: 452 страницы

ID книги: 8287848
Загрузил: ozikus,

This title contains 100 years of airborne innovation and adventure for aviation fans — in a new compact edition. From the Wright brothers' first powered flight, to Concorde's final voyage and the tragic crash of the Columbia, take a sky-high journey through the history of aviation. Charting the trailblazers, jet test pilots and constant progress at the cutting-edge of technology, every aspect of flight is explored. Recalling memorable events — record-breaking flights, aerial warfare and terrorist hijackings — this is the story of how man's dream to fly became a reality and central to modern history. It is endorsed by the Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum and the Imperial War Museum, Duxford.

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