Express Publishing
ELT: learning material & coursework; Educational: English language: reading & writing skills. |
Teaching Young Learners: Action Songs, Chants and Games. This series provides a wide range of practical, learner-centred activities for teachers and learners of English at primary level. It aims to develop young learners' awareness and use of the target language in a humanistic way, through songs, chants and games. The series consists of: .•Teachers' Resource Book .A teacher-friendly, practical, enjoyable collection of over 100 original action songs, chants and games for professionals interested in teaching children. The book provides step-by-step guidance on the use of action songs, chants and games with children, and on how to integrate them into any EFL primary syllabus. (Photocopiable material included) .•Young Learners' Portfolio 1, 2, 3 .Each activity in the Teachers' Resource Book is followed by an activity in the corresponding Young Learners' Portfolio at levels 1, 2 and 3. These activities are designed for further consolidation practice, encouraging learner creativity and independence as well as providing children with a sense of achievement. The learners will be able to use these activities, once completed, to create their individual Portfolios. .•Video Cassette .The authors discuss the principles involved in teaching songs and games to young learners and demonstrate, in real-life situations, a number of the action songs, chants and games presented in the Teachers' Resource Book. |
Storytime Readers series famous stories and fairy tales, which in a fun way to practice reading. They are divided into three levels of difficulty and is written in such a way that allows teachers to use them as scripts for children's theatre. Join Santa as he prepares to make his magical journey around the world, bringing presents to good children everywhere. |
Who is the Opera Ghost? And who is training the young singer, Christine Daae? Gaston Leroux's chilling tale uncovers the secrets behind the horror which haunts the Paris Opera House. |
Уровень: А1 — А2. Skills Builder — cерия пособий, состоящая из шести книг, создана для равномерного практического развития основных четырех языковых навыков (аудирование, чтение, письмо, разговорная речь). Книга для учителя обеспечивает преподавателя ключами ко всем типам упражнений учебника, содержит скрипты аудио-файлов, разминки для учащихся, перечень полезной информации при подготовке к уроку, список тематической лексики и перечень грамматических структур. |
Skills Builder is a series of six books, in full colour, providing systematic practice of all four major skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking). The series is divided into three levels — Starters, Movers and Flyers — with two books at each level. Skills Builder flyers 2 is the sixth book in the series. It is designed for young learners at primary level and can be used to supplement any primary course. Key Features appropriately balanced practice of all four language skills; meaningful use of language in clear and accessible contexts; text and pictures presented in a clear and attractive way, which takes into account the age and interests of young learners; motivating, learner-centred tasks which offer children opportunities to have fun while practicing; activities designed to familiarise young learners with real-world tasks, such as carrying out instructions, locating, summarising, note-taking, etc. |
Уровень: А1 — А2. Skills Builder — cерия пособий, состоящая из шести книг, создана для равномерного практического развития основных четырех языковых навыков (аудирование, чтение, письмо, разговорная речь). Пособие предназначено школьникам и студентам, изучающим английский язык на начальном уровне, а также осуществляющим подготовку к кембриджским экзаменам (Starters, Movers, Flyers). Вдобавок ко всему оно может быть использовано, как дополнительное к любому курсу. Книга для учителя обеспечивает преподавателя ключами ко всем типам упражнений учебника, содержит скрипты аудио-файлов, разминки для учащихся, перечень полезной информации при подготовке к уроку, список тематической лексики и перечень грамматических структур. |
«Set Sail!» is a course specially designed for teaching English at primary levels, Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Lulu, Larry and their pet chimp, Chuckles. «Set Sail! 4» comprises 5 modules of two units each. Each module develops a theme in an appealing and fascinating way. «Set Sail! 4» follows the principles of the Common European Framework, Level A1. «Set Sail! 4: Pupil's Book» contains realistic dialogues, lively songs and chants, consolidation pages for each module, a cartoon story in episodes and cultural information about the English-speaking countries as well as cross-curricular sections.» |
«Set Sail!» is a course specially designed for teaching English at primary levels. Young learners will be captivated by the adventures of Lulu, Larry and their pet chimp, Chuckles. «Set Sail! 4» comprises 5 modules of two units each. Each module develops a theme in an appealing and fascinating way. «Set Sail! 4» follows the principles of the Common European Framework, Level A1.» |
The Teacher's Book includes: A Suggested Lesson Plan, offering ideas on how to use the reader in combination with the activities in class. Supplementary Activities for Readers that can be used with any title and with minimum preparation on behalf of the teacher. These activities are also optional and aim to further extend students' understanding of literature, develop their critical thinking skills and increase their interest in the story. The Key to the Activities presented in the Reader. Suggested answers for the projects. Two photocopiable versions of a Final Chech that can be used as a means of increasing students' responsibility for their own learning, as they include a self-assessment chart. The game cards for the Board Game that accompanies the Teacher's Book. |
Medical z serii Career Paths to publikacja przeznaczona dla osob sprawujacych lub zamierzajacych sprawowac opieke medyczna pragnacych doskonalic znajomosc jezyka angielskiego w aspekcie zwiazanym z praca zawodowa Career Paths to nowosc na polskim rynku wydawniczym Rewelacyjna seria podrecznikow dla osob pragnacych poznac jezyk angielski lub poglebic jego znajomosc w celu podniesienia swoich kwalifikacji zawodowych Seria ma docelowo liczyc 24 czesci z ktorych kazda poswiecona bedzie innej specjalnosci zawodowej Ksiazki sa nieoceniona pomoca zarowno dla studentow i poczatkujacych adeptow jak i doswiadczonych praktykow danego zawodu Moga byc wykorzystane w technikach szkolach zawodowych uczelniach wyzszych i na specjalistycznych kursach jezykowych Publikacje z serii Career Paths pozwalaja na zintegrowane rozwijanie czterech sprawnosci jezykowych przy jednoczesnym poznawaniu i cwiczeniu slownictwa zwiazanego z dana specjalnoscia zawodowa. |
Blockbuster 2 — вторая ступень курса английского языка для подростков, соответствует ступени Elementary (A2). |
Blockbuster 4 is designed for learners studying English at Intermediate level. The course follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference, Level B1+. |
Blockbuster to nowy kurs jezyka angielskiego dla uczniow szkol gimnazjalnych dostepny na czterech kolejnych stopniach zaawansowania Blockbuster 1 przeznaczony jest dla uczniow rozpoczynajacych nauke jezyka angielskiego a takze dla tych ktorzy mieli dotychczas niewielki kontakt z tym jezykiem Blockbuster 2 przygotowano dla uczniow kontynuujacych nauke jezyka angielskiego na poziomie elementary Blockbuster 3 na poziomie preintermediate a Blockbuster 4 na poziomie intermediate Kazdy blok lekcyjny obejmuje dwie strony w podreczniku co pozwala nauczycielowi latwiej zaplanowac sposob realizacji programu a takze ulatwia prace z podrecznikiem w klasach nie dzielonych na grupy lub majacych nieco mniejsza liczbe godzin jezyka angielskiego Material zawarty w kazdym z podrecznikow i zeszytow cwiczen przeznaczony jest do realizacji w trakcie ok 6080 godzin lekcyjnych. |
Blockbuster is designed for learners studying English at Beginner to Intermediate level. The series follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference and combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. |
ELT: learning material & coursework; Educational: English language: reading & writing skills. |