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О чем не говорят конспирологи
ELI Publishing
A Concise History of the United States
Автор: Brodey Kenneth
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2007
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 05 июня 2010
   Condensed histories of Britain and of the United States, which detail the main events and profile the main figures who have shaped the course of the nations‘ development. The books are illustrated and also contain historical documents. The text is clearly and attractively presented and each chapter is followed by a series of exercises.
Focus on Business Tourism (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Monika Kopetzky
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2003
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 64 страницы
Загрузил: apollon7777777, 10 декабря 2009
   This is a series of books giving training in key communication skills in the tourism field. Carefully guided activities help students to develop appropriacy, fluency and confidence in different work situations (such as booking transport and accommodation, planning tripsand holidays for both pleasure and business…). The clarity and flexibility of the books allow students to use the material independently, in different sequences and with different intensities, according to their actual specific needs and interests. Each unit is divided into modules, designed to offer practice in basic skills: systematic in-depth analysis/ revision of grammar, reorganization and development of specific vocabulary, structural and functional revision.
Scoop Book (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Schonbeck Carl
Издательство: ELI Publishing
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 192 страницы
Загрузил: zorkuzz, 15 сентября 2009
   SCOOP: TRACKS IN THE ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD is a B1-B1+ level book for students who have some experience with the English language and need to put what they know into practice while also being taught new material. The book is divided into eight “lines” in the style of the London Underground and presents learning English in terms of a voyage with the various articles presented as “stops” where students can get off. The book deals both with relatively traditional subjects and more complex issues in our current world in a manner easily accessible to young adult learners with numerous photos, images and other material taken from the real world of English (the Internet, newspapers, advertising, etc.). Each line focusses on a different subject (Institutions, History, Science, etc.) and contains a number of activities designed to stimulate classroom discussion, group activity and the shared experience of learning. At the conclusion of each line there is a page referred to as “Backtracking” that serves as an overall review of the line. The material in these lines is CLIL in that it deals with the various subjects students are already studying in their own language. Each line contains practise exams perfectly suitable to the students' level. Additionally, each line contains audio listening exercises performed by professional mother tongue speakers with accents taken from many of the world's English-speaking countries. All of the texts contain comprehension checks and grammar relative to what is contained in the text. SCOOP also serves as excellent preparation material for the certification exams. Students are asked to grade their own progress.
Mein Erstes Deutsches Bildwortbuch Im Urlaub
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2002
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 16 страниц
Загрузил: smert, 19 апреля 2009
Mein Erstes Deutsches Bildwortbuch In Der Stadt
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2002
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 16 страниц
Загрузил: smert, 19 апреля 2009
Treffpunkt Unterkunfte (+ Audio CD)
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2005
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 79 страниц
Загрузил: prestoav, 28 июня 2008
   TREFFPUNKT TOURISMUS bietet die Möglichkeit sprachliche Fertig — keiten in verschiedenen Situationen im Bereich Tourismus zu entwickeln und zu vertiefen. Ausgewählte Texte und Textsorten werden angeboten und mit Hilfe verschiedenster Techniken bearbeitet. Eine CD ergänzt diesen Band.
Dictionnaire illustre francais (+ CD-ROM)
Автор: Pigini Letizia
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2007
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 апреля 2012
   Simple, maniable, efficace, ludique, le Dictionnaire du français illustré ELI est un outil didactique indispensable pour apprendre sans peine le vocabulaire essentiel de la langue française. 1500 mots illustrés environ, 43 planches en couleur classées par thèmes, Index alphabétique des mots, Scènes de la vie quotidienne, sujets d'actualité, curiosités, CD-ROM.
Dictionnaire illustre francais Junior
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2004
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 79 страниц
Загрузил: prestoav, 28 июня 2009
History of Britain
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2012
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 06 мая 2016
   Condensed history of Britain, which detail the main events and profile the main figures who have shaped the course of the nations’ development. The book is illustrated and also contain historical documents. The text is clearly and attractively presented and each chapter is followed by a series of exercises.
Excalibur Book (+ DVD)
Издательство: ELI Publishing
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
   Well-known, well-loved stories… dramatized in English. With these books children will learn basic English structures, vocabulary and correct pronunciation in a way that is fun. Each book supplements the play with creative language activities, enjoyable games and songs.
Focus on Accomodation Book (+ CD-ROM)
Издательство: ELI Publishing
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
   This is a series of books giving training in key communication skills in the tourism field. Carefully guided activities help students to develop appropriacy, fluency and confidence in different work situations (such as booking transport and accommodation, planning tripsand holidays for both pleasure and business…). The clarity and flexibility of the books allow students to use the material independently, in different sequences and with different intensities, according to their actual specific needs and interests. Each unit is divided into modules, designed to offer practice in basic skills: systematic in-depth analysis/ revision of grammar, reorganization and development of specific vocabulary, structural and functional revision.
Focus on Catering Book (+ CD-ROM)
Издательство: ELI Publishing
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 64 страницы
Загрузил: apollon7777777, 10 декабря 2009
   This is a series of books giving training in key communication skills in the tourism field. Carefully guided activities help students to develop appropriacy, fluency and confidence in different work situations (such as booking transport and accommodation, planning tripsand holidays for both pleasure and business…). The clarity and flexibility of the books allow students to use the material independently, in different sequences and with different intensities, according to their actual specific needs and interests. Each unit is divided into modules, designed to offer practice in basic skills: systematic in-depth analysis/ revision of grammar, reorganization and development of specific vocabulary, structural and functional revision.
Globetrotter Book (+ CD-ROM)
Издательство: ELI Publishing
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
   GLOBETROTTER provides a tour around the English-speaking world. It is much more than just a textbook: it covers the fundamental aspects of British and American civilization, while the activities range from comprehension tests to grammar exercises, guided summaries to dialogues and so on. At the end of the textbook, civilization supplementary exercisesare also provided. The textbook comes with an audio cassette, too.
Landeskunde Kultur Freizeit Book (+ CD-ROM)
Издательство: ELI Publishing
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
   TREFFPUNKT LANDESKUNDE ist eine Einfuhrung in Kultur, Lebensstil und Gesellschaft der deutschsprachigen Lander. Jede Einheit stellt am Anfang junge Menschen in unterschiedlichen Lebenssituationen vor. Verschiedene Textsorten bieten Informationen zu Sachthemen oder aktuelle Berichte aus Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. Das Hor- und Lese verstandnis kann durch Fragen und Ubungen erfasst werden. Eine Horkassette/CD mit praktischen Beispielen erganzt diesen Band.
Mon Premier Dictionnaire A l‘ecole
Издательство: ELI Publishing
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
   Se'rie de 4 dictionnaires mono the'matiques pour de'butants et niveau e'le'mentaire.Jouer avec les premiers mots de la langue e'tudie'e afin de les me'moriser de fac, on efficace et de les re'employer dans des contextes communicatifs.Chaque volume pre'sente un the`me en pre'sentant 8 mots illustre's ayant comme protagonistes deux sympathiques enfants. Les dictionnaires illustre's sont a` comple'ter a` l’aide d’autocollants ou` figurent des images ou des mots. Chacun pre'sente en outre unepetite activite' d’observation ou de coloriage.
Mon Premier Dictionnaire La Ville
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2012
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 16 страниц
Загрузил: smert, 19 марта 2016
   Se'rie de 4 dictionnaires mono the'matiques pour de'butants et niveau e'le'mentaire.Jouer avec les premiers mots de la langue e'tudie'e afin de les me'moriser de fac, on efficace et de les re'employer dans des contextes communicatifs.Chaque volume pre'sente un the`me en pre'sentant 8 mots illustre's ayant comme protagonistes deux sympathiques enfants. Les dictionnaires illustre's sont a` comple'ter a` l’aide d’autocollants ou` figurent des images ou des mots. Chacun pre'sente en outre unepetite activite' d’observation ou de coloriage.
Mon Premier Dictionnaire Vacances
Издательство: ELI Publishing, 2002
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 16 страниц
Загрузил: smert, 19 апреля 2009
   Se'rie de 4 dictionnaires mono the'matiques pour de'butants et niveau e'le'mentaire.Jouer avec les premiers mots de la langue e'tudie'e afin de les me'moriser de fac, on efficace et de les re'employer dans des contextes communicatifs.Chaque volume pre'sente un the`me en pre'sentant 8 mots illustre's ayant comme protagonistes deux sympathiques enfants. Les dictionnaires illustre's sont a` comple'ter a` l’aide d’autocollants ou` figurent des images ou des mots. Chacun pre'sente en outre unepetite activite' d’observation ou de coloriage.
Treffpunkt Tourismus Book
Издательство: ELI Publishing
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
   TREFFPUNKT TOURISMUS bietet die Moglichkeit sprachliche Fertigkeiten in verschiedenen Situationen im Bereich Tourismus zu entwickeln und zu vertiefen.Ausgewahlte Texte und Textsorten werden angeboten und mit Hilfe verschiedensterTechniken bearbeitet. Eine CD erganzt diesen Band.Diese Lehrwerke richten sich an Schuler der Hotelfach und Touristikfachschulen. Es sind eine sorgfaltige Sammlung von didaktisiertem Material zu den haufigsten Themenbereichen mit historischen Ubersichten, auserwahlten Texten, Dialogen, abwechslungsreichen Ubungen, Rollenspielen und Projektarbei-ten. Dazu werden auch Web-Sites gezeigt, damit neues Material gefunden werden kann. Die begleitende CD hilft den Studenten ihrHorverstehen zu verbessern. Hier bringen Muttersprachler Beispiele zu kulturellen Aktivitaten.
Deutsche Auszeichnungen
Автор: Behr Volker
Издательство: Paul Pietsch Verlage, 2014
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Страниц: 128 страниц
Загрузил: liego55, 21 июля 2016
   Jeder der drei Teilstreitkräfte der Wehrmacht besaß eine eigene Reihe von Kampfabzeichen, mit welchen die Kommandanten erfolgreiche Einsätze von Offizieren, Unteroffizieren und Mannschaften würdigen konnten. Die Tätigkeitsabzeichen hingegen dienten dem Nachweis erworbener militärischer Fachausbildung. Volker A. Behr setzt in diesem zweiten Band zum Thema »Deutsche Auszeichnungen« die Dokumentation über die Orden und Ehrenzeichen der Wehrmacht fort. Diesmal widmet er sich ausführlich den Kampf- und Tätigkeitsabzeichen von Heer und Kriegsmarine in den Jahren zwischen 1937 und 1945.
Eli Diccionario Illustrado Espanol Junior
Издательство: ELI Publishing
Жанр: ELI Publishing
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
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