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Easy Readers
Конкретное доказательство
Автор: Rankin Ian
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 64 страницы
Загрузил: apollon7777777, 10 октября 2011
   «Concrete Evidence»: A skeleton is found in the concrete cellar floor of an old Edinburgh house. Whose skeleton is it? Was there a murder? Why? And who was the murderer? Is there any connection with the building company which laid the concrete floor thirty years before? Rebus has his suspicions, but before he can positively identify the dead man and his murderer, he needs «concrete evidence». «The Gentlemen's Club»: Seventeen-year-old Suzanne McKenzie was good at school, had rich parents and no boyfriend problems. So why should she kill herself? She was found naked in the bath with her wrists cut, even though — or perhaps because — she knew that her father would be the first to come into the bathroom that morning. The truths which Rebus discovers do not reflect well on the inner circle of Edinburgh society.»
Корабль в огне: Bucher mit 1200 Wortern. Учебное пособие
Автор: Lenz Siegfried
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 88 страниц
Загрузил: ylied, 18 марта 2011
   Das Feuerschiff liegt fest verankert in der Ostsee, um anderen Schiffen in Seenot zu helfen. Diesmal ist es die letzte Wache des Schiffes. Als die Mannschaft ein in Not geratenes Boot rettet, zeit es sich, dass die drei Manner lang gesuchte Verbrecher und bewaffnet sind. Um an Land zu kommen, stellen sie harte Bedingungen an den Kapitan, die dieser jedoch abzuweisen versucht. Wahrend der Kapitan eine friedliche Losung mit den Verbrechern zu finden sucht, beginnt die Besatzung des Feuerschiffes den Befehlen des Kapitans entgegenzu-arbeiten und eigenhandig uber die Anordnungen des Kapitans hinweg die Verbrecher zu Liberwinden. Es gelingt ihnen, die Manner zu entwaffnen, doch der Kapitan wird selbst schwer verletzt.
Три новеллы (на французском языке)
Автор: Золя Эмиль
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 92 страницы
Загрузил: open, 10 сентября 2013
   Les TROIS NOUVELLES sont: 1. «Nais Micoulin», 2. «La mort d'Olivier Becaille», 3. «Madame Sourdis». 1. La belle Nais Micoulin est l'amante du fils gate d'une famille fortunee. Comme son pere brutal tente de tuer l'amant, Nais rompt avec le jeune homme et elle epouse un bossu. Mais l'ancien amant l'a deja oubliee et cherche le plaisir ailleurs. 2. Un medecin constate la mort d'un homme frappe de paralysie. Enterre vif, celui-ci reussit a sortir du tombeau. Rentre chez lui, il voit qu'un autre a pris sa place aupres de sa femme. II s'en va, seul et desillusionne. 3. Une femme laide, mais fortunee reussit a epouser un jeune peintre populaire. A lui l'argent, a elle la gloire du mari. Apres le mariage l'homme ne travaille plus et sa femme va peindre les tableaux.
Мотылек (на французском языке)
Автор: Шарьер А.
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 110 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 16 апреля 2012
   Cette edition de PAPILLON ne contient que trois cahiers sur treize: «Le chemin de la pourriture», «En route pour le bagne» et «Premiere cavale, suite». Dans le premier cahier, le prisonnier Papillon, condamne au bagne malgre son innocence, part pour la Guyane. II n'a qu'un seul but: s'evader pour se venger. Dans le deuxieme cahier, Papillon est en route pour le bagne dans un grand convoi. II decide d'aller a l'hopital pour faciliter son evasion. Dans le troisieme, l'evasion a deja eu lieu. Papillon est accueilli par une tribu d'Indiens pecheurs de perles. La meilleure plongeuse, Lali, devient sa femme, ainsi que la soeur de celle-ci, Zorai'ma. On est heureux tous les trois, mais Papillon n'oublie pas le but de son evasion: se venger! Un beau jour il part, malgre l'amour qu'il a trouve chez les Indiens. Edition abregee et simplifiee.
Призрак Бельфегор (на французском языке)
Автор: Бернеде А.
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 52 страницы
Загрузил: kalaysolay, 14 марта 2011
   - II у a un fantome au Louvre! C'est I'etrange bruit qui circule dans Paris, le 17 mai 1925. Jacques Bellegarde, reporter аи Petit Parisien et le celebre detective Chantecoq vont collaborer pour percer le mystere ...
Комиссар ведет расследование (на немецком языке)
Автор: Райнекер Г.
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 86 страниц
Загрузил: sattva, 10 декабря 2010
   Dieses Bandchen enthalt drei Kriminalkurzgeschichten. In jeder dieser Geschichten wird der Kommissar vor die schwierige Aufgabe gestellt, einen geheimnisvollen Mord aufzuklaren. Ihm geht es dabei ntcht um die atemberaubende Jagd nach dem Morder, sondern er interessiert sich vielmehr fur das Motiv, das einen Menschen zu dieser Untat bewegt. Mit Hilfe seiner Assistenten und vielen grundlichen Verhoren und Untersuchungen gelingt es ihm in jedem Fall, schlieBlich die Morder unter vielen anderen Verdachtigten zu finden und der Tat zu uberfuhren. In »Die Anhalterin« wird ein junges Madchen auf den Schienen tot aufgefunden. In »Morder im Fahrstuhl« wird ein Direktor ermordet, und »Die Schrecklichen« ist die Geschichte eines toten Betrunkenen.
Рассказы (на немецком языке)
Автор: Бель Г.
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 февраля 2010
   Die hier gesammelten Erzahlungen handeln von dem Verhaltnis der Reichen zu den Armen und der Gerechtigkeit im Leben der Menschen. Der Leser soil selbst zu einem Resultat kommen und sich iiber das Ende der Geschichte Gedanken machen. »Der Lacher« verdient sich seinen Lebensunterhalt durch sein Lachen. In »Die Waage der Baleks« entdeckt ein Junge die Ungerechtigkeit der Reichen gegenuber den Armen. »Mein Onkel Fred« ist die Geschichte eines Heimkehrers, der durch den schwarzen Markt reich wird. »Wie in schlechten Romanen« erzahlt von einem Geschaftsmann, der ein sehr gutes Geschaft macht. Und schlieBlich ist «Daniel der Gerechte« der Ruckblick eines Mannes, der sich iiber die Gerechtigkeit auf der Welt Gedanken macht.
Книга джунглей (на английском языке)
Автор: Киплинг Джозеф Редьярд
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 05 июня 2010
   When he wrote THE JUNGLE BOOKS in 1894, Kipling probably did not know that he was creating one of the most popular characters in fiction. The stories of Mowgli, the 'man-cub' and his adventures with Bagheera the Panther, Baloo the Bear and Shere Khan the Tiger have captured the imagination of generations ever since. This volume contains a selection of the Mowgli stories together with the animal stories 'Rikki-tikki-tavi' and 'The Undertaker'. Kipling's stories combine adventure, humour and romance and reveal the author's political and philosophical concerns beneath his simple writing style.
Бойня №5 (на английском языке)
Автор: Воннегут Курт
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 134 страницы
Загрузил: bokorkloss, 28 июля 2009
   Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time, a time-traveler. He has seen his birth and death many times. He has seen the biggest massacre in European history, the fire-bombing of Dresden. He has been kidnapped by a flying saucer from the planet Tralfamadore. He has been taken prisoner by the Germans, packed into a boxcar for nine days and sent to an extermination camp for Russian prisoners of war, and from there to Dresden, the open city that would never be bombed. There are hardly any characters in this story, and practically no dramatic confrontations because most of the people in it are so sick and so much the listless playthings of powerful forces. The story is told with black humour and a deep compassion; a lesson about our world that we should never forget.
Айвенго (на английском языке)
Автор: Скотт Вальтер
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 05 июня 2010
   This story is set in medieval England, in a time when King Richard is imprisoned abroad and Norman noblemen are surpressing the Saxons. Ivanhoe, the Disinherited Knight, returns to England from the Holy Land to win his love, the beautiful Lady Rowena, and fight for justice for the Saxon people. He is helped by an old Jew, Isaac of York, and his daughter, Rebecca, but the evil Norman knight, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, stands in his way. They will have to face each other at the tournement at Ashby, and the odds seem to be against Ivanhoe and his friends. But who is the mysterious Black Knight who joins Ivanhoe in his struggle against the Normans? IVANHOE is an exciting tale of high action and adventure which draws on the well-known legends about the Middle Ages.
Странная история Доктора Джекилла и мистера Хайда (на английском языке)
Автор: Стивенсон Роберт Льюис
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 76 страниц
Загрузил: fella, 24 июля 2009
   Passing through the streets of London late at night with hurried footsteps, Edward Hyde, a man of evil, follows up his private pleasures, ready to attack and murder anyone who hinders him. Henry Jekyll, a man who is rich, successful and clever, sitting at home with his friends, loved and respected by all, holds a dark secret: the knowledge of who Edward Hyde really is. Which of these two men will live to tell the truth?
Жемчужина (на английском языке)
Автор: Стейнбек Джон Эрнст
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 90 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 25 июня 2010
   Coyotito, the baby boy, is to be the future for his parents, the young couple Kino and Juana, pearl fishers on the Gulf of California. The boy is to go to school and learn to read, so that he will know what is in the books. That will give knowledge and freedom to him and, through him, to his parents. All that is needed is money to pay for the school. Money will come when they sell the great pearl they have found. Then they will even be able to buy some new clothes, and to get married in church. That is their well-laid plan. Steinbeck tells you what becomes of it.
Убийство по объявлению (на английском языке)
Автор: Сэйерс Л.Д.
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2007
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 112 страниц
Загрузил: dimon0, 05 июня 2010
   Detective story: Lord Peter Wimsey gets a job in a publicity agency under an assumed name in order to inquire into the mysterious circumstances of a young man's death. His inquiries soon suggest that the man's death is connected with a large-scale crime syndicate.
The Canterville Ghost: dramatized version
Автор: Уайльд Оскар
Издательство: Easy Readers, 2008
Жанр: Easy Readers
Страниц: 76 страниц
Загрузил: fella, 24 июля 2010
   «The Canterville Ghost» is one of Oscar Wilde's best-loved stories. The amusing confrontation between the British and American ways of upper-class life in the past is interwoven with the tale of how the pure love of Virginia, a young American girl, helps Sir Simon, The Canterville Ghost, to find peace at last. This little play in simple English is intended to provide a lively alternative to the narrative version of the story. Several characters have been added to give as many pupils as possible a chance to read a part or indeed play a role in a school performance.»
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