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Cambridge University Press
Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1998
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 318 страниц
Загрузил: mustafaka, 14 июля 2009
   This volume examines theoretical foundations, empirical research, and pedagogical implementations of focus on form. Traditional language teaching can result in limited fluency, whereas communicative approaches tend to produce fluency with less accuracy. This book presents a potential solution to this dilemma. The paperback edition respects students' internal linguistic syllabus by drawing their attention to problematic linguistic features during communicative activities, thus providing an alternative to methodologies that treat accuracy and fluency separately. This volume examines theoretical foundations, empirical research, and a range of possible pedagogical implementations.
Immersion Education: International Perspectives
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1997
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 332 страницы
Загрузил: prodvigator, 15 июля 2009
   The wide range of languages and purposes now served by immersion worldwide is illustrated by case studies of thirteen programs. Immersion, a relatively new approach to bilingual education, originated in Canada. It uses the target language as a medium of instruction in order to achieve additive bilingualism — a high level of second language proficiency. The wide range of languages and purposes now served by immersion worldwide is illustrated by case studies of thirteen programs presented and discussed in this paperback edition. The introductory chapter defines immersion education theory and practice and shows how this approach differs from other forms of bilingual education.
Linguistic Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1989
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 308 страниц
Загрузил: kolbaska, 03 августа 2009
   The author shows how similarities and differences between languages can influence grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation acquisition. The paperback edition is a collection of original essays that approaches second language acquisition from a linguistic rather than a sociological, psychological, or purely pedagogical perspective. A wide range of viewpoints and approaches is represented. However, all authors agree on the fundamental importance of linguistic theory in the study of second language acquisition. Few works have explored in depth how a second language is acquired and what the second language learner must do mentally to achieve proficiency in another language. The essays in this book provide an incisive analysis of these questions. For greater accessibility, the chapters are arranged topically from those covering the broad area of theories of acquisition to those focusing specifically on syntax, semantics, pragmatics, lexicon, and phonology in another language.
Network-based Language Teaching: Concepts and Practice
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2000
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 256 страниц
Загрузил: lawyer_78rus, 22 сентября 2009
   This text provides a critical collection of recent research in on-line communication for second language learning. The paperback edition provides a critical collection of recent research in on-line communication for second language learning, including uses of e-mail, real-time writing, and the Web. Chapters analyze the theories underlying computer-assisted learning, explore the contexts that affect network-based teaching, and examine the linguistic nature of computer-mediated interaction in both textual and multimedia environments. This book will be of vital importance to language teachers and researchers, as well as to readers with a general interest in linguistics, computer-mediated communication, and education.
Researching and Applying Metaphor
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1999
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 312 страниц
Загрузил: eugene-kovalenko, 23 августа 2009
   Research into metaphor has become one of the fastest-growing and important areas of language research over the past twenty years, and metaphor is now recognized as central to language and language use. The implications of these findings are only just beginning to be felt in applied linguistics and this is designed to convey the excitement of metaphor study to a wider applied linguistic audience of researchers, trainers, programme developers and postgraduate students. The authors of the 12 papers are all internationally active researchers, contributing from their various backgrounds to this lively collection. Researching and Applying Metaphor presents a series of case studies plus an innovative initial section which discusses key aspects of researching metaphor in use. It demonstrates how metaphor can be, and needs to be, researched using multiple methods of investigation.
Second Language Classrooms: Research on Teaching and Learning
Автор: Chaudron Craig
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1988
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 240 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 19 февраля 2009
   This important new book provides a critical overview of recent classroom-centered research and its implications for the teaching and learning of languages. Chaudron synthesizes and evaluates crucial research about the way student and teacher behaviours affect language learning and discusses research methods. Second Language Classrooms will be of vital interest to researchers, language teachers, and curriculum specialists, as well as readers with a general interest in education, linguistics, sociology, or psychology.
The Second Language Curriculum
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1989
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 340 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 18 марта 2009
   Issues of language curriculum development underlie all stages in the planning and implementation of language teaching programmes. This authoritative collection of papers argues for these isses to be made explicit. The stages which the book deals with are: curriculum planning, specification of ends and means, programme implementation, and classroom implementation. Evaluation is also of crucial relevance at each stage. The 'curriculum' is taken to mean all the factors which contribute to the teaching and learning situation, and the emphasis of the book is on the interdependence of these factors. The contributors are leading practitioners and researchers with experience in various parts of the world. They identify the problems faced and the directions to be followed in relating current theory with practice in curriculum development. This collection will be of key interest to teachers, teacher-trainers, course directors and designers, and all others concerned with designing and implementing language programmes.
Once Upon a Time: Using Stories in the Language Classroom
Автор: Morgan John
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 1983
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 132 страницы
Загрузил: igotoparadize, 23 октября 2009
   Stories can provide a highly motivating, engaging and realistic source of genuine language interaction in the classroom. They are 'living language' in which the teacher (or student storyteller) becomes the source of language, and the listeners are actively involved in understanding. The authors argue from experience that almost everyone can tell stories convincingly, especially given an outline to work from. A very wide range of these outlines, from many cultures and sources, are provided. These can be used by the teacher as a resource for a variety of activities for students from beginner to advanced levels, including listening comprehension, grammar practice, oral production and fluency practice, but above all for exposure to real spoken language.
Past Paper Pack for Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools: Exam Papers and Teachers' Booklet (+ Audio CD)
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2011
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 284 страницы
Загрузил: vadimda, 9 февраля 2014
   Everything you need to give your students practice for Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools, also known as Preliminary English Test (PET) for Schools. This Past Paper Pack provides everything you need to give your students practice for the Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools exam. It contains ten reusable copies of the past paper, photocopiable answer sheets for candidates, Audio CD recordings for the Listening paper, and a comprehensive Teacher's Booklet. The Teacher's Booklet includes answer keys, mark schemes and sample answers for the Writing paper, tapescripts for the Listening paper, as well as the assessment criteria and a copy of the Cambridge ESOL Common Scale for the Speaking paper. Speaking Test materials also include candidate visuals and interlocutor scripts.
Cambridge Primary English Stage 3: Activity Book
Автор: Budgell Gill
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2014
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 118 страниц
Загрузил: pablojah, 28 марта 2018
   Cambridge Primary English is a flexible, endorsed course written specifically to support Cambridge International Examinations' curriculum framework (Stages 1-6). This write-in Activity Book includes the following features. Activities which support, enrich and reinforce the core teaching in the Learner's Book, using the same themes and texts to enhance comprehension. Activities which are designed to build, practise and consolidate the reading and writing skills of all learners. Further activities and games targeting specific grammar and language points, extra writing and spelling activities.
Cambridge Primary English Stage 3: Learner's Book
Автор: Budgell Gill
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2014
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 144 страницы
Загрузил: alex033ru, 22 сентября 2020
   Cambridge Primary English is a flexible, endorsed course written specifically to support Cambridge International Examinations' curriculum framework (Stages 1-6). The resources are aimed at first language English learners, encouraging them to actively explore, use and apply their core listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through individual, pair and group work. Engaging activities provide opportunities for differentiated learning and promote creativity and critical thinking. Lively international fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts are the basis for teaching reading and writing skills, including comprehension, grammar, punctuation, phonics, spelling and handwriting. Learners also practise their spoken English to build vocabulary and confidence through class and group discussion. Each stage contains three core components (Learner's Book, Activity Book, and Teacher's Resource Book with accompanying CD-ROM) which are fully integrated and offer a complete solution to teaching Cambridge Primary English. Also available are Phonics Workbooks A and B, providing an essential foundation in phonics skills.
Writing Simple Poems: Pattern Poetry for Language Acquisition
Автор: Vicki L. Holmes
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2001
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 166 страниц
Загрузил: sunhere, 16 марта 2009
   This resource book shows how to use poetry writing as a medium to teach and reinforce structure, parts of speech and punctuation, as well as other grammar and writing conventions. The paperback edition is a resource book that shows teachers how to use poetry writing as a medium to teach and reinforce structure, vocabulary, parts of speech, and punctuation, as well as other grammar and writing conventions. Appropriate for any age or fluency level, the book can be used by ESL, foreign language, or bilingual teachers as an adjunct to their writing program. The book contains 25 easy-to-follow, self-contained lessons, each with poetry models and sample poems written by students of various ages and linguistic backgrounds. The simple patterns in this book will encourage students to express their own ideas creatively and accurately.
Cool English 1: Pupil's Book
Автор: Puchta Herbert
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2005
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 февраля 2008
   Cool English is a 6-level contemporary version of Join In. Spelling and handwriting introduced at level 1. Characters and comic stories balance real and imaginary world. A clear, systematic structure combined with vivid illustrations which stimulate the senses for better recall. It adapts to the emotional and intellectual growth of the child and the characters also grow with the child. Includes action stories based on Total Physical Response (TRP). A variety of activities which stimulate the different forms of intelligence, especially musical and linguistic.
Cool English 2: Pupil's Book
Автор: Puchta Herbert
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2005
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 февраля 2008
   Cool English is a 6-level contemporary version of Join In. Spelling and handwriting introduced at this level. Characters and comic stories balance real and imaginary world. A clear, systematic structure combined with vivid illustrations which stimulate the senses for better recall. It adapts to the emotional and intellectual growth of the child and the characters also grow with the child. Includes action stories based on Total Physical Response (TRP). A variety of activities which stimulate the different forms of intelligence, especially musical and linguistic.
Cool English 3: Activity Book
Автор: Gerngross Guenter
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2005
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 февраля 2008
   Cool English is a 6-level contemporary version of Join In. The Activity Book contains a large variety of entertaining activities which facilitate the practice and reinforcement of the language in different situations and contexts. It also includes colourful stickers containing the principal vocabulary of the unit, as well as a variety of activities which stimulate the different forms of intelligence, especially musical and linguistic.
Cool English 3: Pupil's Book
Автор: Puchta Herbert
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2005
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 64 страницы
Загрузил: apollon7777777, 10 октября 2009
   Cool English is a 6-level contemporary version of Join In. Characters and comic stories balance real and imaginary world. A clear, systematic structure combined with vivid illustrations which stimulate the senses for better recall. It adapts to the emotional and intellectual growth of the child and the characters also grow with the child. Includes action stories based on Total Physical Response (TRP). A variety of activities which stimulate the different forms of intelligence, especially musical and linguistic. Use of phonetics throughout.
Cool English 4: Activity Book
Автор: Puchta Herbert
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2005
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 февраля 2008
   Cool English is a 6-level contemporary version of Join In. The Activity Book contains a large variety of entertaining activities which facilitate the practice and reinforcement of the language in different situations and contexts. It also includes colourful stickers containing the principal vocabulary of the unit, as well as a variety of activities which stimulate the different forms of intelligence, especially musical and linguistic.
Cool English 5: Activity Book
Автор: Puchta Herbert
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2005
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 февраля 2008
   Cool English is a 6-level contemporary version of Join In. The Activity Book contains a large variety of entertaining activities which facilitate the practice and reinforcement of the language in different situations and contexts. It also includes a variety of activities which stimulate the different forms of intelligence, especially musical and linguistic.
Cool English 5: Pupil's Book
Автор: Puchta Herbert
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2005
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 64 страницы
Загрузил: apollon7777777, 10 октября 2009
   Cool English is a 6-level contemporary version of Join In. A clear structure combined with vivid illustrations which stimulate the senses for better recall. It adapts to the emotional and intellectual growth of the child and the characters also grow with the child. A variety of activities which stimulate the different forms of intelligence, especially musical and linguistic. Cultural themes which introduce some customs of English-speaking countries. The pupils learn to respect cultural differences. Use of phonetics throughout.
Cool English 6: Activity Book
Автор: Puchta Herbert
Издательство: Cambridge University Press, 2005
Жанр: Cambridge University Press
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 февраля 2008
   Cool English is a 6-level contemporary version of Join In. The Activity Book contains a large variety of entertaining activities which facilitate the practice and reinforcement of the language in different situations and contexts. It also includes a variety of activities which stimulate the different forms of intelligence, especially musical and linguistic.
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