Главная > Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
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Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Il Ladro Di Scarpe
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2015
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2018
La Rossa
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2015
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2018
Le Citta Impossibili
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2015
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2018
Amore e Cappuccino
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2015
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Страниц: 64 страницы
Загрузил: apollon7777777, 10 сентября 2021
Attestato ADA (A1-C2): Textbook Binding
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2000
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Страниц: 176 страниц
Загрузил: kubinec12, 11 июля 2009
   Un sillabo completo ed esauriente per la programmazione dei corsi, la definizione dei livelli di competenza e dei contenuti dell'offerta didattica, secondo le linee guida indicate dalla Società Dante Alighieri, il più importante e prestigioso Ente di promozione della lingua italiana nel mondo. È un testo di riferimento flessibile e facilmente adattabile ai bisogni dei destinatari di ogni tipo di corso e ai diversi contesti di insegnamento. Non si rivolge pertanto solo agli insegnanti della Società Dante Alighieri, ma si configura come uno strumento di lavoro indispensabile per tutti i docenti di italiano L2/LS.
Nuovo Espresso 3 (+ DVD)
Автор: Ziglio L.
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2015
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Страниц: 240 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 23 октября 2019
   Учебник является главным компонентом курса и включает в себя уроки для работы в классе и домашние упражнения, видеокурс, грамматику, тесты, ключи к видеокурсу и упражнениям. Вложенный в учебник мультимедийный DVD содержит все аудиофайлы к урокам и упражнениям, эпизоды видеокурса и видеограмматики. Те же аудиофайлы также доступны на отдельно поставляемом Аудио CD.
Nuovo Espresso 3 + eserciziario
Автор: Ziglio L.
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2009
   NUOVO Espresso 3 è il terzo volume del corso e si rivolge a studenti intermedi. ... in parallelo l'andamento delle corrispondenti lezioni del libro dello studente ISBN-13: 978-8861823389
Il congiuntivo
Автор: Mancini
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2015
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Загрузил: admin, 7 декабря 2018
Ambaraba 3: Corso di lingva italiana per la scuola primaria
Автор: Casati Fabio
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2008
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Страниц: 80 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 14 февраля 2011
   Ambaraba is a course of Italian for primary school children (6-10 years old). The course has been experimented for years by the Pedagogical Institute of Bolzano and can be used both abroad with foreign children or in Italy with mono or multi language speaking classes. The methodological and didactic approach characterize Ambaraba as having: — the richness and variety of language inputs that delineate a learning itinerary for the children who are continuously exposed to authentic language; — the great attention given to oral skills and in particular listening comprehension skills — thanks to the countless audio materials and the original songs composed and performed by professional musicians; — the accent given to the interactive aspect of learning and to cooperative learning, with the systematic offer of production or comprehension activities to be performed in pairs of groups; — the attention to the children’s physical and multisensorial involvement, through Total Physical Response techniques; — the use of clear, vivacious and immediate drawings that continuously interact with the text and stimulate imagination while reinforcing vocabulary use and comprehension. Ambaraba 3 is for third grade children and includes: — a student books. — the exercises books. — a teacher’s guide. — 2 AudioCD, one with all the original songs and one for oral comprehension.
Espresso 2: Libro dello studente ed esercizi
Автор: Bali Maria
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2010
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Страниц: 244 страницы
Загрузил: botsko, 27 августа 2013
   Espresso is a three-volume course book for beginner (1), intermediate (2) and advanced (3) students.
Espresso 2: Edizione aggiornata (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Bali Maria
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2011
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Страниц: 256 страниц
Загрузил: lawyer_78rus, 27 апреля 2016
   Espresso 2 is for intermediate students and includes teaching material for approximately 90 hours of class (plus homework exercises). This new updated edition is structured as follows: — 10 didactic units (student's book). — 10 chapters of exercises (workbook). — 4 units (Facciamo il punto) of educational review games, cultural insight (Caffe culturale) and self-evaluation (Bilancio). — 1 section of supplementary materials (Qualcosa in piu). — a systematic grammar section. — a glossary. • a comparison chart between abilities corresponding to A2 reference level as set by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and contents of Espresso 2. • exercise keys. AudioCD includes: — conversations based on naturally spoken language. — exercises on inflexion and pronunciation.
Espresso 1: Esercizi supplementari. Livello A1
Автор: Ziglio Luciana
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2004
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 мая 2008
   The text consists of 10 lessons, and it is designed for users of Espresso 1. The activities are, in fact set out, to run alongside the corresponding course book units. The purpose of the test is to consolidate structures and vocabulary learnt in the corresponding lessons of Espresso 1 and to allow the student to assess the progress made. Various types of exercises are presented, including completion exercises, exercises to promote grammatical reflection, transformation, application of communicative functions, question and answer activities, crosswords, filling in tables etc. The exercises are designed for individual work and the solutions provided in the appendix give students the opportunity to check their answers.
Espresso 2: Esercizi supplementari. Livello A1 e A2
Автор: Ziglio Luciana
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2007
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Страниц: 115 страниц
Загрузил: grigoriy, 15 июня 2010
   The text consists of 10 lessons, and it is designed for users of Espresso 2. The activities are, in fact set out, to run alongside the corresponding course book units. The purpose of the test is to consolidate structures and vocabulary learnt in the corresponding lessons of Espresso 2 and to allow the student to assess the progress made. Various types of exercises are presented, including completion exercises, exercises to promote grammatical reflection, transformation, application of communicative functions, question and answer activities, crosswords, filling in tables etc. The exercises are designed for individual work and the solutions provided in the appendix give students the opportunity to check their answers.
Espresso 3: Esercizi supplementari. Livello B1
Автор: Ziglio Luciana
Издательство: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy), 2007
Жанр: Alma Edizioni (Alma Italy)
Страниц: 96 страниц
Загрузил: katrina_28, 15 апреля 2012
   Questo libro, composto di 10 lezioni, è pensato per gli utenti di Espresso 3. La scansione delle attività, infatti, segue di pari passo l’andamento delle corrispondenti unità del manuale. Funzione di queste pagine è quella di consolidare strutture e lessico appresi nel corso della corrispondente lezione di Espresso 3 e di permettere allo studente di valutare i progressi fatti. La tipologia degli esercizi è varia. Presenta, infatti, attività di completamento, di abbinamento, di riflessione grammaticale, di trasformazione, di applicazione delle funzioni comunicative, attività con domanda-risposta, parole incrociate, compilazione di tabelle, ecc. Gli esercizi sono pensati per un lavoro individuale e le soluzioni riportate in appendice offrono all’allievo l’opportunità di verificare l’esattezza delle sue risposte.
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