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A and C Black
How to Sound Really Clever: 600 Words You Need to Know
Автор: Hubert Van Den Bergh
Издательство: A&C Black, 2013
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 224 страницы
Загрузил: allkonekt, 12 сентября 2019
   How to Sound Really Clever explains and illustrates over 600 words that can outfox us, such as 'condign', 'Zelig-like' and 'agitprop'. This is the sequel to the successful How to Sound Clever (2010) which taught you 600 words you really ought to know but haven't had the time to look up in the dictionary. Each entry features an etymological description as well as useful example phrases so that readers can quickly see the correct context for each word. Anecdotes and witty illustrations appear throughout to make this an entertaining book that will help readers to boost their vocabulary.
Let's do Spelling: For Ages 9-10
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum and part of the successful Andrew Brodie Basics series, the Let's Do Spelling workbooks provide all the practice children need to build their confidence and boost their ability to spell words correctly. Ideal for parents keen to support their children at home with additional spelling practice or for tutors working with children in preparation for school tests and entrance exams. With 35 practice tests and 7 progress tests, each book includes over 400 words to learn accompanied by useful spelling tips and extra advice from Comma the cat. Further challenges, stretching children's ability to apply spelling rules, take the form of Brodie's Brain Boosters. And because we know that motivation and encouragement are key to a child's success, each book includes over 100 full colour reward stickers!
Let's do Spelling: For Ages 7-8
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum and part of the successful Andrew Brodie Basics series, the Let's Do Spelling workbooks provide all the practice children need to build their confidence and boost their ability to spell words correctly. Ideal for parents keen to support their children at home with additional spelling practice or for tutors working with children in preparation for school tests and entrance exams. With 35 practice tests and 7 progress tests, each book includes over 400 words to learn accompanied by useful spelling tips and extra advice from Comma the cat. Further challenges, stretching children's ability to apply spelling rules, take the form of Brodie's Brain Boosters. And because we know that motivation and encouragement are key to a child's success, each book includes over 100 full colour reward stickers!
Let's do Spelling: For Ages 8-9
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum and part of the successful Andrew Brodie Basics series, the Let's Do Spelling workbooks provide all the practice children need to build their confidence and boost their ability to spell words correctly. Ideal for parents keen to support their children at home with additional spelling practice or for tutors working with children in preparation for school tests and entrance exams. With 35 practice tests and 7 progress tests, each book includes over 400 words to learn accompanied by useful spelling tips and extra advice from Comma the cat. Further challenges, stretching children's ability to apply spelling rules, take the form of Brodie's Brain Boosters. And because we know that motivation and encouragement are key to a child's success, each book includes over 100 full colour reward stickers!
Let's do Spelling: For Ages 6-7
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum and part of the successful Andrew Brodie Basics series, the Let's Do Spelling workbooks provide all the practice children need to build their confidence and boost their ability to spell words correctly. Ideal for parents keen to support their children at home with additional spelling practice or for tutors working with children in preparation for school tests and entrance exams. With 35 practice tests and 7 progress tests, each book includes over 400 words to learn accompanied by useful spelling tips and extra advice from Comma the cat. Further challenges, stretching children's ability to apply spelling rules, take the form of Brodie's Brain Boosters. And because we know that motivation and encouragement are key to a child's success, each book includes over 100 full colour reward stickers!
Let's do Spelling: For Ages 10-11
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum and part of the successful Andrew Brodie Basics series, the Let's Do Spelling workbooks provide all the practice children need to build their confidence and boost their ability to spell words correctly. Ideal for parents keen to support their children at home with additional spelling practice or for tutors working with children in preparation for school tests and entrance exams. With 35 practice tests and 7 progress tests, each book includes over 400 words to learn accompanied by useful spelling tips and extra advice from Comma the cat. Further challenges, stretching children's ability to apply spelling rules, take the form of Brodie's Brain Boosters. And because we know that motivation and encouragement are key to a child's success, each book includes over 100 full colour reward stickers!
Let's do Spelling: For Ages 5-6
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   Matched to the demands of the National Curriculum and part of the successful Andrew Brodie Basics series, the Let's Do Spelling workbooks provide all the practice children need to build their confidence and boost their ability to spell words correctly. Ideal for parents keen to support their children at home with additional spelling practice or for tutors working with children in preparation for school tests and entrance exams. With 35 practice tests and 7 progress tests, each book includes over 400 words to learn accompanied by useful spelling tips and extra advice from Comma the cat. Further challenges, stretching children's ability to apply spelling rules, take the form of Brodie's Brain Boosters. And because we know that motivation and encouragement are key to a child's success, each book includes over 100 full colour reward stickers!
Last Word: Tales from the Tip of the Mother Tongue
Автор: Macintyre Ben
Издательство: A&C Black, 2010
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 320 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 19 марта 2014
   «Do you know your geek-speak from your geek-chic? Ever wanted to put Humpty Dumpty together again? Can you distinguish Spanglish from Chinglish? We adapt words from other languages, from slang, from developments in science, literature and art. Learn the advantages of having your own signature word; why the lifts in the House of Commons have posh accents; and, discover the discreet art of the loophemism. Witty and utterly delightful, «The Last Word» will tease, tickle and tantalise those who enjoy all things lexical.»
King Arthur's Tale
Автор: Ganeri Anita
Издательство: A&C Black, 2011
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 24 страницы
Загрузил: alibaba65, 28 мая 2015
   Recounted by one of the knights of the round-table, find out all about the brave battles of the greatest knight of all time, King Arthur! This book includes lots of general information about what it really means to serve as a knight. White Wolves Non-fiction is a guided reading scheme which takes a high-interest approach to core geography, history and science topics. It has been created to appeal to children and reflect the range of texts in the real world, from guidebooks to cookbooks. Covering a wide range of topics at different reading levels, these books are ideal for classroom and topic libraries, and for teaching non-fiction literacy skills in a curriculum context.
Knight Survival Guide
Автор: Claybourne Anna
Издательство: A&C Black, 2011
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 24 страницы
Загрузил: alibaba65, 28 мая 2015
   If you're going to make it as a knight, you need to know as much about etiquette and wage collecting as you do about how to survive a grisly tournament. This book of tips and helpful advice shows you how. White Wolves Non-fiction is a guided reading scheme which takes a high-interest approach to core geography, history and science topics. It has been created to appeal to children and reflect the range of texts in the real world, from guidebooks to cookbooks. Covering a wide range of topics at different reading levels, these books are ideal for classroom and topic libraries, and for teaching non-fiction literacy skills in a curriculum context.
The Man of Mode
Автор: Sir George Etherege
Издательство: A&C Black, 2007
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 224 страницы
Загрузил: allkonekt, 10 декабря 2010
   Verbal brilliance, urbane sophistication and sexual conquest are themeasures of success for the fashionable set who watched themselvesbeing represented on the Restoration stage. Yet idealisation andsatire, as this edition of Etherege's masterpiece shows, are flip sidesof the same coin, and the play betrays deep anxieties about ridiculeand social failure. Any London beau would emulate Dorimant, theunconscionable rake who loves 'em and leaves 'em, but he would alsosecretly fear that he in fact resembled Sir Fopling Flutter, the modelof all Restoration fops, in his vanity and affectation. The women fareno better, being offered for identification Dorimant's discardedmistress Loveit, scheming for revenge, or the beautiful but hard-headedHarriet, who dares Dorimant to woo her in the country, for 'I know allbeyond Hyde Park is a desert to you and that no gallantry can draw youfarther'.
Mental Maths Tests for Ages 10-11: Timed Mental Maths Tests for Year 6 (+ Audio CD)
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2004
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 августа 2009
   Designed to help teachers to prepare for National Tests at the end of Key Stage 2, the book contains ten complete mental maths practice tests, complete with answers. Accompanying the book is an audio CD containing all six tests. The recording features questions with specific times allowed for pupils to answer them, just as the pupils will have when they take the real test.
Pocket Business German Dictionary
Издательство: A&C Black, 2001
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 232 страницы
Загрузил: valentina632, 12 мая 2009
   This bilingual, pocket-sized glossary is designed for the travelling businessman. Over 5000 essential business terms in German and English are included, making the guide useful when translating letters, contracts or terms. This glossary is part of a series which covers the main European languages. The entries cover all aspects of daily business usage (office practice, buying and selling, banking, insurance, personal and corporate finance, the stock exchange, warehousing and distribution, and business travel). Differences between British and American usage are highlighted. A supplement section covers financial documents, numbers and measurements, using the phone, writing business letters, and foreign currencies.
Pocket Business Spanish Dictionary
Издательство: A&C Black, 2003
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 208 страниц
Загрузил: anatoly_24, 16 декабря 2009
   In addition, the dictionary includes sample business letters and business e-mails in both English and Spanish showing the correct ways to address and end a business letter or e-mail, and when to use forms such as 'Yours faithfully' and 'Yours sincerely'. It is the ideal affordable companion both for students of Spanish and business travellers in Spain and Latin America.
The Usual Suspects and Other Cliches: Names and Shames More Than 1,500 Familiar Words and Phrases
Автор: Kirkpatrick Betty
Издательство: A&C Black, 2005
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 240 страниц
Загрузил: admin, 22 апреля 2010
   Brings together more than 1,500 of the most commonly used English cliches, outlining the meaning of each expression, its origins and the reason for its creation. Cliches have never been flavour of the month with school teachers, editors or literary connoisseurs, and are potential banana skins for journalists and students. For most of us, preventing these old-hat expressions from punctuating our everyday conversations and writing is more easily said than done. In this new edition of the popular Dictionary of Cliches Betty Kirkpatrick once again spills the beans on the most commonly used cliches. It is up to the reader to decide whether the use of cliche is flogging a dead horse, or exploiting a valuable means of cutting a long story short.
Let's Do Handwriting: For Ages 5-6
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   The new National Curriculum emphasises the importance of composition but also transcription i.e. spelling and fluent, legible and, eventually, speedy handwriting. Our exciting new Let's Do Handwriting titles provide all the help that children need to write fluently and legibly. Through guided practice in letter structure and the correct formation of joins, the children are encouraged to develop a clear, attractive style to use with fluency and speed in their everyday writing. The extensive handwritten practice of a wide range of words also helps to broaden vocabulary and spelling skills. As with every title in the Andrew Brodie Basics range, parents can ensure that their children's efforts are well rewarded. Each book features regular progress checks as well as a wide variety of attractive reward stickers. To help the children along, Marjorie the Meercat gives lots of useful tips!
Let's Do Handwriting: For Ages 6-7
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   The new National Curriculum emphasises the importance of composition but also transcription i.e. spelling and fluent, legible and, eventually, speedy handwriting. Our exciting new 'Let's Do Handwriting' titles provide all the help that children need to write fluently and legibly. Through guided practice in letter structure and the correct formation of joins, the children are encouraged to develop a clear, attractive style to use with fluency and speed in their everyday writing. The extensive handwritten practice of a wide range of words also helps to broaden vocabulary and spelling skills. As with every title in the Andrew Brodie Basics range, parents can ensure that their children's efforts are well rewarded. Each book features regular progress checks as well as a wide variety of attractive reward stickers. To help the children along, Marjorie the Meercat gives lots of useful tips!
Let's Do Handwriting: For Ages 7-8
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   The new National Curriculum emphasises the importance of composition but also transcription i.e. spelling and fluent, legible and, eventually, speedy handwriting. Our exciting new Let's Do Handwriting titles provide all the help that children need to write fluently and legibly. Through guided practice in letter structure and the correct formation of joins, the children are encouraged to develop a clear, attractive style to use with fluency and speed in their everyday writing. The extensive handwritten practice of a wide range of words also helps to broaden vocabulary and spelling skills. As with every title in the Andrew Brodie Basics range, parents can ensure that their children's efforts are well rewarded. Each book features regular progress checks as well as a wide variety of attractive reward stickers. To help the children along, Marjorie the Meercat gives lots of useful tips!
Let's Do Handwriting: For Ages 8-9
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   The six books in the series are all matched to the target age groups. Each book features a step-by-step approach to the correct formation of letters and words, and joining techniques are introduced to the children at appropriate stages.
Let's Do Handwriting: For Ages 9-10
Автор: Brodie Andrew
Издательство: A&C Black, 2014
Жанр: A and C Black
Страниц: 48 страниц
Загрузил: hitrets, 24 июля 2016
   The six books in the series are all matched to the target age groups. Each book features a step-by-step approach to the correct formation of letters and words, and joining techniques are introduced to the children at appropriate stages.
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